clean living// postpartum must haves


AS YOU KNOW, i am very passionate about using only clean products as much as possible. clean, meaning completely free of toxic ingredients like additives, preservatives, chemicals, manufactured fragrances, and the list goes on. the benefits of using non-toxic ingredients can’t be numbered, but if you’re interested in understanding more or pursuing a lifestyle of clean living, i outline a step-by-step guide for how to transition to non-toxic living and the incredible benefits that come from making the switch in my programs THE CLEAN SWEEP.

volume one focuses on FOOD and transforming your relationship with yourself, what you eat, and how it affects your lifestyle. volume two focuses on the PRODUCTS you use and how they affect your health, such as the disruption they cause to the way your body functions; from hormone regulation to mood balance, and the wellbeing of your organs. to learn more about the programs, you can explore here

since the birth of little ryver, so many of you have been so sweet to check in and ask about how the POSTPARTUM JOURNEY has been going. i wanted to share my list of postpartum must-have products–from necessary tools for feeding, to different non-toxic products that have helped me heal. i’m listing a few of my favorites below!


lifestyle// idaho home inspo


thoughts// the birth story