paris day 5: macaroons and sonia rykiel.

bonjour paris! i woke up to a beautiful morning and walked to the metro (the system is lovable here), and missed my first show because a sprint back to the apartment up six flights of stairs to get my camera set me back a minutes. oops. change of plans: i took a walk around the tuileries to soak in a bit of the culture. i am in awe of everything that surrounds me here; it is beyond gorgeous. i really enjoyed the martin grant show that proceeded, and i took a breather at the dries van noten store to meet linds after a french waiter was getting feisty and tried to charge me a crazy amount for something i didn't ask for. gotta love it.lindsay and i went to the cutest macaroon bakery i have ever seen in my life. it looked like it was straight out of a movie, and the pastries were unbelievably delicious--we got dark chocolate, caramel, and coffee. from there we walked through the heart of st. germain, passed the oldest chapel in paris, and went to the most amazing department store. we hit up the dior exhibit (unreal.), thumbed through some french magazines (neato.), and explored a grocery store that was fifty times cooler than whole foods or trader joes (i can't believe i am saying this right now), but this place was indescribable with rows separated into different cuisines, organic everything you can imagine, and the thickest hot chocolate known to man. they even have a section for planning a picnic. i had to catch my breath a few times.we taxied over to collette (karl lagerfeld's favorite store), and we ate at the water bar in the basement. i had a very french meal: grilled cheese with a fried egg on top. it was so yummy (aka miam miam). sonia rykiel awaited our arrival, a show that i have been thrilled about all day! i have yet to experience such a FUN presentation of a collection. resembling a broadway set, bold colors animated the models, where they failed to disappear through the exit door and instead partied on the runway while the girls kept walking out. karlie kloss was workin it! now for our pizza dinner party and late night crepes!!! yipee!!


paris day 6: lux gardens and grand life.


paris day 4: the drama of dior did not dominate.