Better Than a Golden Ticket: the Yummiest Chocolate Bars

Yep, I dare to say nothing is better than good quality chocolate. Whether it's infused into a coffee mug with fresh whipped cream scooped on top and then finished off with more magical dust (aka cocoa powder) or packaged into a carefully wrapped bar of goodness, this superfood sometimes turned sweet is a food worth highlighting. I have to admit that I have been inspired, yes inspired, by my latest chocolate bar buys, and I can't help but share them with you!

My newest love nugget, Divine chocolate.  

I thought this was just the most delicious treat I have yet to test-taste from the Whole Foods shelf, but after some Googling, I realized that in each bite I was playing a part in a more equitable trading partnership. Divine is the only Fairtrade chocolate company which is 45% owned by the farmers. What does this mean? Farmers are guaranteed to receive a better deal for their cocoa, receive additional income to invest in their community, and company ownership gives farmers a share of Divine’s profits and a stronger voice in the cocoa industry. As if that wasn't impressive enough, you can actually meet the farmers. Cool. Go buy your bar today. My personal favorite: Mint Dark Chocolate.

Dagoba Organic Chocolate.

The mission began in 2001, when founder Frederick Schilling dedicated his energy to the purpose of concocting exquisite chocolate to benefit the people and the planet. On a vigorous search for the finest organic ingredients, Frederick searched through rainforests for the most exceptional cacao, all the while becoming inspired by the heart and soul of cacao as well as its rich history and the farmers who grow it.His adventurous palate and great support from family and friends led to rapid company growth. In fact, his creations became the first organic chocolate bars poured and wrapped by hand. Read more about their commitment to conserving rainforests and supporting urban greening programs here. When you are at the checkout counter, I recommend the Eclipse Bar (for those of you extreme dark chocolate lovers).


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