plated review

If you've never heard of Plated, be warned: you will absolutely want to try it out after you read this post.plated-reviewsSince being married, I have somewhat struggled in the "dinner-making" department. When I was single, I was totally okay with eggs or cereal for dinner, basically every night. Unfortunately a bowl of cereal might not fill up Michael like it fills me up. So, finding recipes that are filling yet healthy, that don't take a million years has been a struggle for me!This is why I think Plated is a total lifesaver. In case you've never heard of it, "Plated delivers everything you need to create chef-designed recipes, making it simpler and more fun to cook at home" (from their website). You go online, select the meal you want, and they deliver fresh ingredients to your door along with the recipe card. plated-reviewsEvery meal we tried took 40 minutes or less to make, was super healthy, and SO yummy. It was also really fun cooking with Michael! It saves you so much time not only with grocery shopping, but also from scrolling through Pinterest for hours to find a recipe both you and your man will like.So I definitely encourage you to click this link and try it out! (By clicking that link, you will get 2 free plates with the purchase of 4 plates!) Let me know what you think!


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Welcome Tessa!