

wearing: romper (c/o) + sunnies 

Today we are sharing 8 little things to do for a joyful heart. If you are in need of a little mood boost, try incorporating one, a few, or all of these habits in your lifestyle. They aren't big changes either, just little things that can make a big difference.1. Keep a gratitude journalDedicate a journal as your gratitude journal and start a numbered list of every little thing that you are grateful for starting with #1.  It can be anything from being thankful for a productive day, to date nights with your significant other, to having 20 minutes to read a book- nothing is too small or too big for the list! Doing this will turn your daily focus toward everything you have to be grateful for, and away from the small frustrations that can creep into your mind.  2. Pray for others throughout the dayGetting in the habit of constantly praying for others, both strangers and loved ones, will do wonders for your own heart. Saying a quick prayer for your friend, someone at work, or someone you noticed at the coffee shop is extremely simple, yet so powerful. You never know how badly someone needs your prayer! 3. Count your blessings before bedInstead of counting sheep to fall asleep, try counting your blessings. It’s a beautiful way to unwind and put a stop to the never ending to-do list that might be cycling through your mind. 4. Plan a phone date Setting aside time to catch up with a dear friend or someone in your family is so fun and helps sustain the relationship. Healthy relationships are so good and necessary for the soul, but they do take some time and effort. Of course an in-person date is the best, but sometimes that isn't always possible due to location and/or busy schedules. Show someone your love by reaching out and scheduling a time to catch up via phone or face time. And let's be real, nothing is better than being at home in comfy clothes, on the couch, and on the phone with your bestie. Add a glass of wine to that and we have a serious party happening! 5. Read something positiveA good read is another go-to source of joy. Reading something positive is good for your brain and also makes your heart happy! I am currently reading All In by Mark Batterson before bed and love it. We are also big fans of books by Shauna Niequist, as well as titles from Judah Smith and Lysa Terkeurst. If you are a fiction lover, Me Before You is so good- there is also a sequel called After You, which is next on my to-read list.  Darling Magazine is also a wonderful choice for reading material- the articles in the magazine are always so authentic, deep, and encouraging. If you aren’t a subscriber already, we really recommend it!  6. Cook your favorite meal If you truly despise cooking, this might not be for you, but this is definitely a joyful pastime for us. There is this peace that overcomes me when I am in the kitchen, listening to music, and creating something tasty. It is truly therapeutic! If I am feeling overwhelmed or slightly cranky, I know that I need to get my butt in the kitchen. To make it even better, cook for someone (or a crowd!) that you love and the joy will be multiplied.  7. Establish a daily ritual or twoKnowing what brings you joy and making it a priority each day is a great habit for your mind, body, and soul. It can be anything from going on a morning run, attending that evening yoga class, or making time to sit down and just enjoy that cup of coffee.  8. Listen to inspiring musicIn a funk? Turn up the tunes and get ready to be inspired. Music has a way of flooding the heart and mind with good vibes. I almost always have Pandora or Spotify playing in the background when I am doing chores, cooking, entertaining, reading, and working.image: jana williams


Wake-Up Drink
