5 Things About Me


Melissa (the most fab LOLO editor of all) and I have recently been extra inspired by people's stories - who they are, what they have been through, and what they are currently up to. Vulnerability is a beautiful thing, and we came to a mutual conclusion: we want our posts to be heartfelt and engaging, and we are super pumped to make a little blog shift and dive a little deeper into our thoughts! Let us know what you think of the direction we are headed + Insta, Snap, Tweet, or FB us on what you want to hear more of!Today on this lovely Thursday, we are changing things up a bit. Before I start sharing my heart with you guys, I wanted to share 5 things about me that you may not know!I AM A TWIN.I have a fraternal twin sister who has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I cherished the years growing up because we always had a built in partner-in-crime. Yes, we finish each others sentences. Yes, we know what we are thinking without speaking. And fun fact: our husbands had to re-teach us how to tell stories because we always had each other to fill in the missing pieces. #oopsies #otherhalfIMG_8468I AM A HEALTH NUT.I felt like I was constantly bloated in college, so I decided to slowly eliminate foods to discover what was causing it. From that point on, I can read about the benefits of foods or anything health related all day long. I make a breakfast smoothie every morning filled with the purest form of spirulina, chlorella, chia seeds, cacao nibs, colostrum, and the list goes on! It has changed our lives, and being mineral-sufficient eliminates the desires for salty snacks and sweets! Jase and I also have a tower garden in our back yard, and it is so fun to pick organic veggies and fresh herbs for dinner or a fresh mint tea. Not to mention, organic food from home has the richest flavor. #obsessedIMG_0177MY DREAM IS TO HAVE A MINI FARMYes, you read that correctly. Ever since I was little, I have been a lover of any animal, and when they are mini, my love for them only increases! I am pretty sure this dream is possible, right?IMG_2804WATER BRINGS ME LIFEI grew up going to the lake almost every weekend in Texas, which has created in me a sense of home when I am near h2o. Boat rides, body surfing and water-skiing are my favorite water activities + I feel like all the worries in the world dissipate when I am sitting by a lake or hearing the ocean waves. Another bonus: those relaxing places always create the most special times with friends and family. Oh, and yes, alkaline water brings me life too.1INTERIORS INSPIRE MEIn the last few years, I have gained such a love for interiors. It started developing when my friend Anna and I worked with her mom to decorate our apartment. She is an interior designer and taught me so much! My parents recently renovated part of their home, so it was so enjoyable to hear about every detail in the process. Jason and I started with a blank decor slate with our house in Cali. It has been such a long yet sweet process, and we are still in progress! There is something about a home that reflects those in it and creates such a communal place for those invited in. It is so important for your home to be your sanctuary, your place of rest, and your spot to develop deeper friendship and create special memories.




fall fashion series: leather