Making Time For The Girls


Making time for the girls in our life is so important, but sometimes finding the time is hard. It's a reality that most of us face due to busy schedules. Things like work, precious family time, and other obligations such as that yoga class, the errands you need to run, or the honest desire to be a homebody are all real reasons to pass on plans. However, we know that we always feel so good after an evening with our best girlfriend. There is a fine balance between making plans and passing on plans and below are some tips to navigate through the planning. Lo's outfit details are at the bottom! xo

*Listen to your body - sometimes we go through seasons that are quite exhausting. Be aware of these seasons, and don't make as many plans during this time when your body needs rest. This will allow yourself a week or two to "recharge" and be your best self when you feel up to plans.

*Choose wisely - this might sound harsh, but it's really out of love. As we mature, we realize the girlfriends that are truly meant for us. These are the ones that we connect with on a deep, personal, and authentic level. Make time for these girls and really dedicate your time to nourishing these friendships.

*Stick to it - do your best to stick to plans once you have them. Take time to think through the planning and make sure you are committing to something that works before you say yes.

*Quality time - quality time is more important than length of time. An hour coffee date with your bestie on a Saturday morning can be the sweetest, even though it's short. Don't feel pressured to carve out hours on a weekend for girlfriend time if realistically it doesn't work.

*Be honest - following up on the above point, be honest and upfront with your girlfriend before making plans. Talk it out with her so you both know how much time the two of you have to hang out.

*Show the love - one of the sweetest things you can do after spending time with a girlfriend is to follow up with her. Send a text to just say thank you and express how good that hangout time was for your soul- it will mean so much to her!


dress | sunnies (c/o) | bag | boots (and here)

images by felicia lasala


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