Treasuring Downtime

Downtime is such an important part of healthy living and personal well-being. I can say with complete confidence that whenever I feel burnt out, too tired, and on edge, it is almost always because I am not resting enough. Finding and treasuring downtime can be hard when life gets busy, but these days I am making it a priority to not only find it, but to truly treasure it. My soul is so much happier after a good dose of rest, and because of that I am able to be my best and give my best to the people in my life. When I am well-rested, I am more gentle, kind, and loving; I don't take myself too seriously, I don't stress over the little things, and I can think more clearly. I am able to let go and let God when I come from a place of rest and relaxation, compared to a place of fatigue and worry. How do you like to enjoy and treasure downtime? For me, it is definitely a mug of herbal tea in the evening (this tea is my favorite), comfy clothes, worship music, and reading the Bible or a devotional. Doing this in the evening before bed is key for a sweet night of sleep and leads to a fresh, thankful, happy morning the next day. xx melissaclothing and images c/o ragdoll LA 


The Nespresso Life


Spring Style Mood