Standing With Confidence


Standing with confidence is such a powerful tool. Being confident in yourself opens doors to possibilities, encourages a state of inner peace, and allows you to be who you are meant to be. My aunt recently bought me this incredible book and the timing could not have been more wonderful. I have been thinking about confidence a lot lately and this book provides great tips on how to stand confidently, think confidently, and live confidently in every aspect of your life.Over lunch the other day, I was telling my aunt how I have recently been feeling a sense of being physically grounded; it is a hard sensation to describe, but basically a sort of heaviness on the ground, not a burdened heaviness, but a sense of being firmly planted on the ground in a strong, stable way.Later that day, she bought me I Want To Be Confident by Harriet Griffey, and as I started to flip through the book I came across this passage in the Physical Confidence chapter: "Stay Grounded. Feel the contact with the ground (or floor) and be aware of how solid, stable, secure, and reliable if feels. Connect with that and this will, in turn, make you feel more secure, stable and confident, up through your body."- Page 55. I was blown away by the timing of reading these words, since it definitely confirmed what I had been feeling! Connecting with the ground in this confident way, will make your body and mind feel confident in its ability to handle whatever might come your way.I believe that it works the other way around as well; as you begin to feel a strengthening of your inner confidence, your physical stance will reflect that strength. Self-confidence is a journey and it naturally has ups and downs, depending on the seasons of your personal life, but the goal is to have an unwavering sense of confidence that cannot be shaken. I am on the self-confidence journey as we speak, and I would love to walk with you if developing inner confidence is something that you are working on, too.Next week we will be discussing spiritual confidence in Part 2 of Standing With Confidence. Until then, we would love to hear your thoughts on confidence in the comment section below. xo melissa


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