Standing With Confidence: Part 2


We started the confidence chat last week and today we are continuing the conversation with standing with confidence, part 2! In part 1, I discussed inner confidence and how it is connected to how you feel physically. Spiritual confidence is another facet of confidence that is so key in how we feel about ourselves emotionally, mentally, and personally. I have recently been really drawn to Psalm 40: 1-3 and want to share it with you today-

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me

and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,

out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground

and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing,

a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see what he has done and be amazed.

They will put their trust in the Lord. (NLT)

Every time I read this, I become overwhelmed in the most incredible way by the confidence in Him and a thankfulness that it is not all in my hands or on my shoulders. What a blessing that is! As a believer, we have the most amazing gift from the Lord and that is the ability and joy to depend on Him for everything. When it comes to confidence, I have found that my inner-confidence is very dependent to my trust and faith level. If I am in worry-mode, my inner confidence will hit rock bottom. However, when I actively acknowledge the fact that the Lord is 100% in control, holding my hand, and guiding me through the journey of life, then I am able to to enjoy the peaceful place of truly depending on Him for everything, including my confidence. All we have to do is cry out for His help, wait patiently, and surrender to Him.I love every word from the verses above, but the lines that describe God setting our feet on solid ground and steadying us as we walk along, are currently really grabbing my heart. Picture that in your head and you will see a loving God, right by our side, giving us stability and guidance at every turn. Knowing and believing that truth will completely obliterate low self-confidence! There is just no way that we can feel anything but confidence in our Lord, which will bring us peace, rest, and joy. Through Him, we have everything we need to face any situation, get over any hurdle, and climb any mountain. xo Melissa

images by Felicia Lasala

denim // sweatshirt


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