Table for One


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and asked for a table for one? If not, we are here today to encourage you to do so and talk through the initial discomfort that ultimately brings so much confidence, growth, and joy! Last month in NYC, I had lunch for one at the cutest restaurant, Friend of a Farmer, and enjoyed it so much. I walked into the restaurant excited to do something independently, but also a tad apprehensive. It was so worth it though, because I left the restaurant feeling empowered, strong, and happy.  Below are a few tips/thoughts on the dining alone experience that we hope inspire you! -M

Getting over the fear

For many, it is the fear of what people will think that causes us to hesitate from going to a restaurant or cafe alone. However, I have good news! More than likely other diners don't even notice you, and if they do, they are more than likely totally focused on themselves, the people they are with, and the amazing food they are enjoying. In the very slim chance that they do notice you and have a thought about you- it is a positive one, not a bad one! They are probably admiring you for being confident enough to be there by yourself and enjoy it. Also, who knows, you might be inspiring them to dine alone soon, too!

Smile and enjoy yourself

Even if you feel nervous about the whole thing, act confident and soon your confident body language will translate to confident thoughts. Before you know it, you will truly feel confident about dining alone, instead of feeling nervous. As always, don't take yourself too seriously :) Not taking ourselves too seriously frees us to walk life confidently and joyfully, without worry or self-doubt. Smile and enjoy yourself! Having a light, carefree, and joyful demeanor will not only make you feel happy, but it will also give and attract positivity. So keep smiling, order your favorite meal, and enjoy.

Make the time yours

Having time to yourself is something to treasure, so make the most of your time while out alone. Bring a book or tablet if you want, or simply sit, relax, and reflect. Since you are alone, you can certainly be on your iPhone if you wish; text those that you haven't had the time to get back to, answer emails, or scroll through Pinterest for inspiration. The time is yours, so make it what you wish! Being able to take the time to notice details about the restaurant, people watch, and just take in your surroundings is a special experience that is only possible when dining alone.

We hope we have inspired you to go to a restaurant or cafe and ask for a table for one! It is such an opportunity for growth and a great way to get to know yourself even better. If you have additional tips or stories about dining alone, we would love to hear them in the comments section below. xo

images by felicia lasala  


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