Isaiah David by Hannah Burton


You know those moments when you meet someone and you immediately click and feel like you have known that person for a lifetime? Enter Hannah Burton. She has a true heart of gold for Jesus and for other people, is full of adventure, and intentionally lives out her vision like I have never seen before in the most fearless of ways. What a special time we had photo-snapping on Mulholland in the middle of the beautiful LA canyons - her internal confidence and the nature of her heart made me feel more comfortable in my skin than I ever had before + it was a deep, magical experience I will never forget. What a gem she is, and not to mention, loads of fun!Today is such a special day on LSK. Meet our dear friend, amazing photographer, and beautiful soul, Hannah Burton. Hannah is the creative heart and brilliant mind behind Isaiah David, a collection of scripture-inspired photographs.  The collection consists of eleven bespoke, limited edition art prints that all have bespoke concepts based on Psalm 23.  The images are beyond powerful and Hannah's inspiration for the collection is heartfelt and deeply meaningful. Learn more about Isaiah David and get to know Hannah by reading our q&a with her below. Enjoy! xoHey Han! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Such as, what do you love most in life and where did you grow up?I love my friends and family. I am blessed with incredible leadership and am thankful for the gifts I have been given to steward. I love what I do and am so passionate about making Jesus famous through photography.I have been fortunate enough to grow up in the countryside of England and the city of London; I loved having the best of both worlds. It has helped me appreciate both environments and has influenced my work greatly!Tell us how you and Lo met!I reached out to Lo when I was in LA last year and had the privilege of working with her. I was challenged and inspired by her courage, her work ethic, her bravery, and her contagious joy. What do you love most about being a photographer?I LOVE what I get to do. I love that everyone I photograph has become a friend, and I love that every shoot is unique. I love that I get to show people the way God sees them, that I get to concept and research and create with no limitation. I love that I am able to travel the world, too! When you think about your favorite photography memory, what comes to mind?There are a few:The most humbling memory was a trip to Uganda, where I was able to capture beautiful stories of restoration.  It impacted me so much personally, and I left changed and challenged.The most inspiring memory creatively was with Isaiah David; it has been so rewarding as I get to study the Word so intimately.The most bizarre memories range from shooting with Katy Perry, throwing paint on a man, shooting with tigers, and holding a bond girls bra.Did you always want to be a photographer/ how did you discover your love for photography?I wanted to be an interior designer from the age of 14, and I studied it and really did not enjoy it.  I fell into photography and fell in love. I trained with amazing people and was blessed to learn from the best. I loved being around people, and I loved getting to know new people. I don’t believe you can be a photographer without having a relationship with your subject, expecting great results. You need to have fun and build trust in order to really show a true reflection of who they are. Tell us about the inspiration behind Isaiah David. What is the mission of the photography project?For some time, I had struggled to understand the Bible for myself. For many years, my prayer was to know God’s word deeper and more intimately. I struggled to understand Him for myself.  One day I remember reading about Gethsemane and was able to see visually in my mind what that could look like. As a visual person, I struggled to comprehend the Word of God just as text. I have always admired the adaption of the word as visuals so people like me could see it better. I wondered if others had struggled too. I wondered if I could create Scriptures as visual mandates - creating reminders of the faithfulness of God's Word. I also thought that this could be an amazing talking point. Knowing that specific Scriptures have carried you enables easy conversation to others that don't know Jesus. What inspired the philanthropic component of Isaiah David?I have been inspired by Lo, her courage and bravery, and her tenacity to help others. I love that through her story, she is able to help walk others through their own story. Something that we take for granted every day is the use of our limbs. I love that she is helping restore dignity and ignite faith in others. I can't imagine walking through what Lo and these women have walked through, so I knew I had to support in any and every way I can! I am behind LSKF 100%.The photographs are incredible and beyond beautiful. What was the creative process like when creating the photographs?I have LOVED this creative process. I get to read, study and dissect the Word and within that, grow deeper with God. I pray and ask God for direction in what He want me to create. I want the images to speak power and gentleness to people; I want the photographs to have a timeless simplicity. Once I feel like I had a strong concept to each picture of Scripture, I bounce each of them off of a few strong theologians and pastors.I would then start to bring a team together briefing elements of the shoot. This collection was shot over a year in NY and LA with different teams. My heart for this is to build a creative community, to inspire others and work together to build the Kingdom creatively.It has been a labor of love. The next collection is going to be shot in London, and it will be easier now considering there is a structure to the process.The scripture verses for each photograph are so powerful. How did you decide on the verses to include?I wanted to start with Scriptures that were well known whether someone is Christian or not. I want to give the viewer the option to appreciate either the image first or the Scripture first because it is so well known.The alignment of the Scriptures has also been very prophetic for me personally, and I am so pumped to see how God uses the images to reveal things to others.What is your hope when it comes to the impact that Isaiah David photographs have on individuals that purchase them?My prayer is that questions are asked, hearts are softened, salvations are made, conversations happen, faith is strengthened, and that people will know the faithfulness of God through His word and are visually reminded of that through these images.  I am so passionate about Isaiah David. I have vision to see exhibitions, books, testimonies, more donations to LSKF, visual bibles, and the formation of a creative community. I hope to inspire others to create and communicate the Word in a new way.  



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