Q&A With Jase On Love, Life, and Marriage


Happy Friday, Friends! We are so pumped to share a Q&A with Jase on love, life, and marriage! I could not be more grateful to be married to a man that is full of the sweetest wisdom and such a refreshing perspective on everything from career decisions to building new friendships to what it takes to balance life! He has helped me tremendously to relax when I get overwhelmed or am overthinking something (hello womanhood!) and enjoy life to the fullest capacity! Melissa and I were chatting about Q&A ideas for the blog and we were so excited when the idea of interviewing Jason came to our minds. As we worked on questions, a clear theme became evident: love, life, & marriage. No matter if you are single, married, or engaged, Jase's words will speak to you and hopefully fill you up with so much love, hope, and wisdom! Scroll down to read and thanks, babe, for doing this! xoWhat was the hardest adjustment after you got married?I would say in the beginning, I was just really worried about what it was going to be like living with somebody else and combining schedules and how that was going to work out. I was concerned if I was still going to be able to hang out with my buddies. Is she going to want to hang out with me all the time? Am I going to want to hang out with her all the time? After doing the dance for a little bit, you just get into a routine, and it’s the greatest routine because you get to spend time with your best friend every day. What have you learned most about yourself the last three years?That it’s important to have someone to do life with. It’s such a refreshing thing and a blessing to have someone in your life that you can talk about work with, your struggles, family...whatever it is. It is absolutely pertinent to have someone in your life that you are open with and knows everything about you.What do you look forward to most in life?Vacations with my wife...getaways. It could be a place an hour and a half away where you don’t have to get on a plane to even do it but just getting refreshed and escaping the craziness that life can bring sometimes is what I look forward to most.What would you say is the key to a healthy marriage?Communication and honesty or honesty and communication...easy as that!What do you love most about Lo? (insert several heart eye emojis here!) I think she is the most sweet and caring person I have ever encountered in my life, and I love the joy she has. I love that she is so encouraging to me, and when I get worked up over the small things, even though I may not like it every time, she’s really good at bringing me back down and reminding me that it’s going to be okay. On a different note, one of my favorite things about her is she tells stories that she thinks are really funny and it’s really not, and it always makes us laugh really hard. She’s also the best travel partner! And last but not least, I love her little arm to death.How has marriage strengthened your & Lo's love and what do you love most about being married?A lot of people say, oh I am so glad I married my best friend, but in reality, it takes a long time to become best friends with someone truly - to know everything about you and feel complete comfortable being 100% transparent. I have just enjoyed that she actually is my best friend now, and she actually knows me and gets me and knows what makes me tick. Any advice for singles with the desire of marriage on their hearts?Don’t start doing things that you normally wouldn’t do to get a guy. Just truly be yourself. Be a woman and let the guy pursue. Don’t change who you are. Trust that God will bring the right person to you in His timing.




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