

 I have always said that there are negatives and positives to social media, and these last 48 hours have proven that to be true. I believe in female empowerment and gender equality, but it is heartbreaking that a network that is employed by 80% women (that truly cares about its employees) is being deemed as sexist when that is simply not true. There is a difference between not being paid what you deserve and unfair pay because of gender inequality. I fully understand and am burdened for her feeling of not being paid the amount she felt she was worth, but that is in the hands of the agent and proper negotiating over the years. No company will offer you more than you ask for. Not to mention, that is a different issue than gender inequality and the right battle must be expressed. At one time my husband had a female co-host on E! News who made three times his salary and another female co-host was paid more than him as well, and they had the same role, one where Jason had more responsibility. My point in this is, the company proves to VALUE women. Simple as that. Take a look at the Kardashians, Joan Rivers, and the list goes on and on. Women are paid accordingly on this network, and the difference in his salary versus theirs did not affect Jason whatsoever because he knows there are always more components to consider when determining one’s salary.On that note, and also important to mention, in a New York Times article from yesterday, an E! spokeswoman confirmed quote “Ms. Sadler’s and Mr. Kennedy’s roles were not comparable.” Since Jason was named the permanent anchor of E! News over two years ago, he has had various co-hosts that rotate throughout the week. A permanent co-host has never been named since the last one left six months ago. Jason is the host of E! News; Catt is a correspondent who does E! News twice a week and was given daytime focus.As you all know, there are two sides to every story. I am posting this to tell the other side, which everyone deserves to know before jumping to conclusions about a place he has called home for the last twelve years. If he ever heard that gender inequality was occurring at his workplace, he would take action. Instead, it’s the contrary, and the numerous phone calls we have had these past two days from both current and former female employees at E! only support what he has seen in his time there. These women have assured us that they never felt gender inequality was at play at any time.Jason is the most tender-hearted and respectful person and it’s so sad to see him unfairly publicly shamed by social media, especially when he is legally bound to speak truth and defend himself. His name has been dragged through the mud regarding nothing he did, except be a great friend and colleague to those who work alongside him. It absolutely breaks my heart to watch, and it is devastating and frustrating to see how this all played out. I will always stand on truth, and I cannot stand by and be silent when the foundation of a story that affects my family is not based on that. I do, though, want to thank Catt for defending and supporting Jase even though this narrative brought insurmountable amounts of hate towards him on social media. I wish her all the best in what’s ahead.To conclude, I am so proud of and inspired by my husband for constantly being prayerful, surrounding himself with wisdom, being calm and patient during hard times, and being the definition of a class act even in unfortunate circumstances.Love you forever, Jase, and am honored to be by your side.


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