We Find Rest In Him


You guys probably know by now our love for the devotional by Paul Tripp-  New Morning Mercies. We could go on and on about what an incredibly well-written, spiritually sound, and filled-with-hope resource it is, but for now we will just stick to raving about one entry in particular! If you love devotionals or are looking for one, this is the one to get, no questions asked.If you have the book already, February 18th's entry spoke to me so much. It is about about the idea that we are always trying to figure out our lives. Whether it is going through the past, dealing with the right now, or worrying about the future, there is always something about our lives on our mind. Tripp's writing style and truth-filled thoughts are so incredible and mind-opening, that there is no way I am doing the topic justice right now, so definitely get a copy for yourself and be blown away! In the meantime though I had to share, because it caused me to have one of those "Wow, Yes, Amen." moments.He goes on to explain that of course it is okay to try to understand our circumstances, but the issue comes when we think or expect that we will find rest and peace through doing that. His point is...not going to happen. There is just no way! Life will continue to be unexpected and surprising no matter what. So sure, we might figure something out and that might temporarily give us rest, but not longterm. Tripp confirms the truth that true rest is only found through Him, in Him, and by His grace alone! Tripp says it perfectly here: "Rest is only ever found in trusting the One who has everything figured out for your good and His glory." Amen to that!What a blessing, a gift, and a relief that He has it figured out for us and we can access perfect, peaceful, sweet rest...but only through Him. We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments below! xo

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