Grocery Shopping Gameplan


Everyone in LA (and most likely in any city) knows that the act of grocery shopping alone is quite a task. First, the planning of the master list. Second, the several stops needed to get everything on the list (Erewhon for Coconult Cult Yogurt and the Farmer's Market for every grass-fed meat and wild fish option on the planet)! Thirdly, going at the right time to miss traffic on the roads and in the stores. Yikes on all accounts. I have talked with Jase for a few years about ways to make this easier because I felt like so many of my days consisted of running to the grocery store, and to preface, swinging by the grocery store in Los Angeles equals a fight for a parking spot and sometimes the only option is valet.In a way to solve this issue, we tried grocery delivery, but I wasn't the biggest fan because a lot of times, not everything was available. We recently came up with a grocery shopping gameplan that we have been celebrating over. Jason only allows me to go to the grocery store one day a week - a hilarious rule that is a lifesaver. I started meal planning, buying enough food when I go to the store (which takes practice), and we go to the farmer's market every Sunday for the meat and the fish.On a more positive note! Grocery shopping is so important to me because I want to feed my body with whole foods that are filled with nutrients + isn't there something so cozy and homey about home-cooked meals? It is one thing I enjoy most! I think I got that from my mama. Postmates or dinners out are always fun, but there is something comforting knowing that a fresh meal can be enjoyed wearing PJs with the fire on and candles lit.Grocery success! I can hardly believe how much time this saves me during the week. That simple change has opened up space for me to focus on work, friendships, and hanging with my husband on the evenings with no plans.I would love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments below!


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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3049299"]images by Christy Johnston 


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