Moms Know Best: Q&A With Cheryl Scruggs

My mom has been one of the most consistent examples in my life. She is a woman that not only represents class and femininity, but carries a passion to impart the importance of understanding who we are as women. What she has so gracefully endured throughout her life has been enlightening to watch, and what I love about her most is that she is always growing in awareness of herself. What a blessing she is and we are so thrilled to have her here on LSK today. We asked my mom, Cheryl Scruggs, (AKA Mo!) some questions and she answered with so much love, grace, and vulnerability. Scroll down to read!

Your podcast is such a gift to listen to- what inspired you to start on the podcast journey?  I have such a heart for women and feel as though so many are not thriving in life in so many ways. I want women to be free, to understand who they are spiritually, emotionally, physically, sexually, and professionally. I have written one book in 2008 called I Do Again, mapping out me and my husband’s marriage journey, but I was feeling prompted to either write another book (specifically for women) or develop a blog. One day almost two years ago, my sweet daughters suggested a podcast! I had never seen myself in that space, but God did! How grateful I am and Thriving Beyond Belief was born. I absolutely love doing a podcast! My guests are hand-picked... some young, some older, and some in between. I love the mix because the older ones have something to teach the younger ones and vice versa.What do you love most about your podcast experience so far? By far, all of my incredible guests!  Each one has something amazing to share to help women thrive beyond belief. I love when women can be vulnerable, honest, and real while sharing the hard stuff about their life. It touches my heart so much and keeps me remembering how Jesus sustains us no matter the circumstance! What do you love most about marriage? My husband, Jeff and I have been married twice to each other; we were first married 10 years from 1982-1992, divorced for 7 years, and we remarried to each other in 1999. Because of all that we have gone through, I have to say what I love the most is that Jesus is the center of our marriage now in our “second- chance” do-over marriage. That was the missing link in our first one. A close second is that marriage teaches Jeff and I about sacrifice, selflessness and learning to love each other well! We can only do that by staying grounded in Scripture and being honest, vulnerable and willing to create a safe place for each other. It takes a lot of work, but we love this challenge as it keeps us humble and grounded. Our job is not to change the other person, but to embrace whom God created them to be and celebrate our differences rather than use them against each other.What is the biggest joy in being a mom to twin girls? Gosh, I am not sure where to begin with this! I literally could write an entire book on the JOYS this has brought to my life. The best word I can think of, and you said it right, is the word JOY! This doesn’t mean easy, but rather how each season challenged me, grew me, and humbled me. People ask me all the time how I did it with twins, and I always say I have no idea because it is all I knew --ha ha! It is hard to put into words the love I have for my two precious daughters. I feel as a mom, unconditional love comes very easily— it has helped me understand how Jesus can love His children unconditionally. I have loved every second and every season of raising them. Your faith is such an inspiration to us. Do you have a daily routine of prayer and spending time in the Word, or does everyday look a little different?  We would love to hear about it!Thank you so much. My faith in Jesus is my life….He is Life, Love and Strength. I became a Jesus follower at the age of 33 after He picked me up off the floor after a very traumatic season in my life, and He penetrated my heart at such a deep level that it’s hard to describe. I had an affair, divorced my husband and shattered my family back in the early 90’s. But Jesus saved me from the mess and put me on the right path. It was hard work, but back in 1992, I started reading the Bible for the first time in my daily routine started back then of getting up early in the morning, getting my coffee ready, sitting down in my comfy chair with my Bible and a journal. I began to find out who God was by studying His Word, journaling, and praying. It brings me to tears even now as I reflect on all He has done in me, my marriage, my family, and in my life. Today, as I approach my 60th birthday, and 26 years later, I still do the very same thing- setting my alarm to wake up to hang out with Jesus. It is by far the richest part of my day!Your marriage story is such a special + inspiring one and we love that you are using your experience to encourage others in their marriages! Can you share a little bit about that? It overwhelms me to tears (even now as I write) because it is such a miracle and a work of God that took so much perseverance and endurance to walk through. Our book, I Do Again, shares more details, but here are the highlights: Jeff and were married the first time and living in LA, in a marriage where we were focused on all the wrong stuff—money, success, selfishness. I was lonely and desperate to know Jeff, but I kept feeling like I was hitting a brick wall. We didn’t fight, had plenty of sex, but were not connected emotionally. Long story short, I had an affair after 8 years of marriage (that I wasn’t looking for)... A man just started paying attention to me and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in a crazy cycle. Because of the deception I was under, I filed for divorce and left Jeff after 10 years of marriage. The pain is gut-wrenching for me to think I was capable of doing all of that, but it is my story and I know God wants me to share it. I became a Jesus follower 2 months after our divorce was final and God put me on a path to restore the marriage, which took 7 years, but He did it! It was so worth the wait, the pain, and the perseverance. We have been back together now for over 18 years and work together in our ministry, Hope Matters Marriage Ministries, meeting with couples, speaking across the country, podcasting, and writing. Let's talk clean beauty- what are a few of your favorite brands?I am so thankful to my daughter Lauren for educating me about this topic! The two brands I’ve tried so far are RMS and Primally Pure. And fashion- what are a few of your favorite clothing/accessories brands?For casual wear and because working out is part of my daily routine, I love to be comfy, but fashionable. LuLulemon, Nike and ALO Yoga are some of my go to’s for every day! I love lots of different styles and brands, but honestly I think what’s important is developing your own style! I’ve done that since I was little girl. I study fashion, and then decide what a good look would be for me! One of my lines is “I want to grow old gracefully!” I want to dress in a classy, feminine, elegant way and never compromise being a Godly woman even in this area of my life. And finally, wellness! What is one wellness routine that you are loving right now?I have always been a health nut and love being an all-natural kind of woman—Since I can remember, I have always eaten clean (lots of veggies, nuts, grass-fed meat, pasture-raised chicken and eggs as well as wild-caught fish). Working out, taking care of my mind as well as my spirit by understanding who God has made me spiritually, emotionally, physically, sexually and professionally is by far a must for me. Now that I’ve gotten older it has served me well, and has been totally worth it. I feel young and vibrant!



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