The Art of Focus

I often sit down at my desk to work, and then my best friend texts me, and then my mom calls, and then I get a time sensitive work email as I am trying to write a new blog post, and oh! I forgot about that podcast I have been meaning to listen to- let me make a note because I don't want to forget. And I need to post on all three Instagram platforms I manage! Hmm...I wonder if my husband wants a smoothie this morning...and then a reminder pops up on my phone saying that my meeting is in an hour and twenty minutes, and I am not even showered + I need to track the traffic to see when I need to leave. And the list goes on...who can relate?

It seems as though when I sit down to get something done, my mind wanders in so many directions. It is so easy to get overwhelmed these days, and we tend to add more to the plate rather than strip things away. Not to mention, even self care can seem to get time consuming when it is initially meant to bring rest and wellness. I have come to realize how important balance is in life - in a deeper sense, it seems necessary to have a foundational order of things to keep things sane, and in a simpler sense, I must have a good day planner ha!What a journey it has been to balance a new city, entrepreneurship, the role of being a new wife, taking care of the house, maintaining wellness, and the time and intention of keeping up with my family and friends in Dallas. Isn't it tough to come to grips with the fact that a combination of good things can create stress? But I have realized that it doesn't have to be that way. Jason has been such a help in helping me time manage life, and the act of finding balance and creating boundaries has been a trial and error effort. But in every sense of the pursuit, I have learned the importance of saying no, creating space to think, love, and enjoy + remembering to be grateful amidst the to do list. In order to do this, I often put my phone in airplane mode, I go to the grocery store only one day a week rather than four (lol), I plan ahead in a constructive sense, and I organize my time to where these joyful things stay positive.And can we talk about self-awareness for a sec? Being self aware and knowing when to stop (aka an internal struggle for the driven people) is a game changer. I am the type that wants to keep going until everything is complete + I want to accomplish everything on the to do list. But I have realized that creating space for my own well being means to pause. It's interesting how pausing and stopping and resting amidst the hustle only creates MORE focus, clarity, and joy in our passion pursuits!

This post is in collaboration with The Refined Collective Series. Be sure and check out the other ladies in this wonderful group: Kat, The Refined Woman // Brynn Watkins // Yvette Jain // Corie Clark // Jackie Viramontez 

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