Inspiration To Be Strong and Courageous


Whether it is something big or something small, we all need inspiration to be strong and courageous quite often. It could be learning something new at work, taking a professional risk that you believe you have been called to take, making a personal decision that you have been praying about for months, going into a social situation that might give you anxiety, or so on and so on.The list is truly endless of situations that come up in our lives that require strength and courage, in both little amounts and big amounts, so thank goodness that the Lord is with us through it all. Literally through it all! Not only is he with us, but he is before us, behind us, beside us, for us, and in us. He has already stood where we are standing and knows exactly what will happen before we even get there."Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" -Joshua 1:9 (CSB) This is our inspiration as believers- the promise that He is with us. He has commanded us (out of love for us) to live life courageously and with strength, for He is with us every second and every step of the way, so there is no reason to fear or lose hope. Keep pressing on and keeping fighting the good fight every day...He is with you!

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[show_shopthepost_widget id="3160434"]images by Felicia Lasala 


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