Why Wellness


Wellness is a big focus here on LSK, and it dawned on me that a post talking about my passion for wellness could be helpful for those reading along. Whether you are new to LSK or a longtime reader, I am so thankful you are here and love the journey we are on together when it comes to learning about what wellness means to us and implementing wellness practices in our lives!When it comes to wellness, I really think we don’t realize how good we can feel! Fueling our bodies with the good stuff, taking time to rest and rejuvenate, and using products that are free of harmful chemicals are a few ways basic ways to take care of yourself and promote your own wellbeing. There is so much we can do to prevent problems later in life. We often think we don’t have to focus as much on health in our younger years, when those (in my opinion!) are the most important years to focus on it.Health is the best thing you could ever spend money on. Some health habits are expensive, and by no means should you feel pressure to spend more than you are comfortable! Do what you can, but know that the money you are investing is money very well spent! It is going directly back into you- how you feel and how you function from the inside out.How cool is it that our bodies are meant to heal themselves if we let them. Food is so powerful and the right foods are truly made for our bodies and our bodies are craving the nutrients in good, healthy foods. Also, did you guys know that 80% of our immune system is in our gut? That means that a healthy gut will promote a strong immune system! Yes, please.NSAIDS have sadly become so common but they destroy our gut health. Antibiotics do the same. If you are in need of an antibiotic after trying holistic things, you can take probiotics after to protect your gut. Also, there are so many more powerful anti-inflammatories than any NSAID. It is pretty wild, but seriously just one pill has the biggest effect on your gut.These are just a few wellness thoughts, but the beautiful thing is you can take one step at a time and slowly change your life. It is so empowering to know that this wellness journey is on your terms! Do what works for you and your gut, on your time. We hope that LSK serves as a place of information for you as you take one day at a time to a healthy you!xo Lo.

THE OUTFIT (* = c/o)

sunnies | jacket* | tee* | denim | boots*

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