Guarding Your Heart Well


The book of Proverbs in the Bible is such a treasure chest of wisdom, direction, and truth. There are so many phrases filled with wise truths that the Proverbs is more than likely something you find yourself returning to again and again in order to find a favorite verse, re-read something that stood out to you, or pull from when giving advice to someone in your life.There is one verse in particular we have been meditating on lately that we wanted to share with ya'll...Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. -Proverbs 4:23From this verse, it is clear that guarding your heart is beyond important, because it is where life flows from. The first time I read this verse, I remember being overwhelmed by the weight and importance of this statement. Overwhelmed in a positive way, though, since it is truth being shared with us for our good.So, what does guarding your heart entail? I believe it means taking matters of the heart seriously and knowing that your heart is strong, yes, but so precious and to be handled with care. Our hearts are very much the source of life because we dream, love, worship, do, give, work, play, create and everything else with and from our hearts. Therefore, protecting it is a non-negotiable."Guarding your heart" might first sound like you need to be closed off or unloving, but that is the opposite of the truth! Guarding your heart actually allows you to love others well because you are protecting the foundation of your capacity to do just that. However, failing to guard your heart will lead to situations, people, and environments that are more than likely not good for your soul and are certainly not life-giving.The most important command is to love God with all our heart and then to love our neighbors (Luke 10:27). By guarding your heart from things that are not best for it, you will find yourself able to love God fully and love others sweetly. Life will be flowing from your heart so abundantly, so guarding your heart will be second nature. Discernment will come easier with practice and you will be able to easily turn toward life-giving and good-for-your-heart situations, practices, and decisions and turn away from those things that will not be heart healthy for you.Wishing you love & peace as you guard your heart well! xo


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