Hopeful In The Wait


Let's be real with something real quick; waiting is hard. It is usually unwanted, it requires patience, endurance, and perseverance, and as humans it is not our strongest of talents. However, in His grace, God equips us to wait well. Praise Him for that! If we lean on Him, trust Him, and follow Him, we will soar through seasons of waiting victoriously, but it takes discipline and faith.I recently read this article on waiting via the Desiring God website, and it really hit home in my heart. This part especially made my eyes wide open and jaw drop: "We need God to help us want the future he has for us — the future he has written in his inscrutable wisdom. Seasons of waiting train us to relinquish our role as the author of our own story and take up our role as a character in God’s story." -Scott Hubbard "Seasons of waiting train us to relinquish our role as the author of our own story..." HELLO. I mean, does it get more spot-on than that? While we wait, He is training us to loosen our grip on the story we have penned, so we will be able to live out the story he has penned FOR us! As we all know, He is a better author than we are, so His story is no doubt the best for us...end of story!! :)I love thinking of waiting as a training season. Just like athletes train in the off-season, we are going to have "off-seasons" in life that are periods of prolonged waiting. Instead of letting anxiety and angst take over and cause us to be antsy all the time, we have the beautiful opportunity to partner with Jesus and let Him train and prepare us for what is to come. If we do this, waiting doesn't become a miserable, passive experience. It becomes an expectant, fruitful season of preparation.Are you in a season of waiting? If so, we invite you to practice with us rejoicing as God refines us as we wait! Challenging? Yes. Worth it? So much yes. xo



Feeling Thankful For The People In My Life


What My Mornings Look Like