How To Get Unstuck From Emotional Quicksand


Disappointments. Frustration. Trials. Fears. Worries. Doubt. We all have them and if we don't have them now, we will have them soon. We have talked about these tough emotional spots before on the blog in several faith-based posts on handling stress, becoming fearless, trusting the Lord, and so many more. In these tough times, our faith will be tested and holding on to Jesus will be a necessity! Today, though, we feel called to address the easy trap that we can all fall into when things aren't how we want them to be, and that trap is something we are going to call emotional quicksand. You know what we mean...those pity parties, that everything is horrible forever type of thinking, and the general downward spiral of doom and gloom. Don't go there! However, if you find yourself slipping, keep reading for my tips on how to get unstuck from emotional quicksand. 

1. Process Emotions Properly 

Letting yourself feel your emotions is a healthy start. Don't hold on to emotions, but rather acknowledge them, feel them, and let them pass through you so you don't get stuck reacting from a place of emotion that is void of rational thinking, sound counsel, and good wisdom.

2. Take Space

In order to react well, sometimes a deep breath or fresh air will be necessary. Give yourself permission to take space, both physically from someone or something, and definitely mentally for a moment or two so you can center yourself, fix your eyes on Jesus, and handle the situation as best as possible.

3. Have Necessary Conversations

Need to have a hard conversation? Talking about it face to face is always a good idea, once you have had time to process your emotions and take space. Speak out of love and from a place of Truth, with a peaceful voice and ears open to hear. The phrase “listening to understand” is always so helpful in a confrontation.

4. Release Control

Is a situation out of your control? As frustrating and scary as that may feel, release your desire to control what you can't. Give it to God and thank Him for handling what you cannot. You will hopefully find the freedom that comes from the release and in turn, trust that He has your life in His complete control!

5. Move Forward In Prayer

No matter the situation, it is important we move forward and don't stay stuck where we are. Say your prayers, ask for God's wisdom, and take the next step forward in faith while embracing your current reality. God knows our needs before we express them, but we are called to ask! It’s pretty cool. Not to mention, this further develops our relationship with God.

6. Count Your Blessings 

Focusing on what you have to be grateful for is such an important step to get unstuck and pay attention to the positive. Trust and faith open up the door to counting your blessings, which enables you to appreciate where you are right now (despite what is happening) and bloom where you are planted.images: Camille Styles Website / Teal Tomsen Photography 


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