Our Newest Addition: Bennett Doodle Kennedy the Third


It has been about four years now that we have had our dog's name on stand by - Bennett. And we recently made it a little longer to Bennett Doodle Kennedy the Third lol. We don't know how that happened, but it just stuck. Jase and I are total animal lovers and have wanted to add a puppy to our family for a few years now, but the time just never seemed right. We love to travel, and we felt like we would be absent parents. When we moved into our recent house, we felt like it was the perfect time. Our schedule is more settled, and the travel spots we have come to love the most are just an hour to a few hours of a drive away, so Bennie can come with us!It is so crazy how much joy and love he has already added to our home. For those of you who have dogs, you know. He is just passed 13 weeks, and his little personality gets cuter by the day. We started working with a trainer on day two (fun fact: she trained all of the animals on Friends), and he is the fastest learner and gets extra cuddly by the day. The first day we had him, he only slept, and by day two, he already seemed like a different pup! He started exploring the house, and after a few days of that, he became so much calmer. Now he just likes to follow us around and stare at us. :) It is the most special little relationship + Jase and I feel like we have gotten even closer through it because we are seeing each other in such a different role. It has been extra sweet, and he is growing so fast!And real talk: training a puppy and having a puppy the first few weeks is A LOT of work, but it honestly has been work that we couldn't love more. Jase was the most concerned about interrupted sleep, and he has been the one getting up in the night, and he has loved every minute. I sleep like a rock, and I blame that on the CBD I started taking very day a month ago; it has been game changing!A few of his favorite things:

  1. His leash, collar, and these biodegradable poop bags.
  2. We got this harness for when he walks outside.
  3. He absolutely loves his bowls + they look so pretty in the house.
  4. We love having two sets of dog bowls to make sure they are always clean and fresh.
  5. He plays with these toys every day along with these balls.

Do you have a dog? What do you love most about it?  


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