A Small Business To Love: Heaven Scent Wellness


Happy weekend, friends. We are praying for everyone's healthy, safety, and peace during this extremely difficult time. Praying that you are home, healthy, and keeping the faith!Supporting small businesses is something that is close to our hearts always, but especially during this pandemic. We want to support the creative and hardworking small business founders & owners by continuing to purchase from them during this time, if possible! Whether it be your favorite boutique or local restaurant, it is definitely worth reaching out to them by phone, email, or social to see what their operating terms are right now.That being said, we thought now was the perfect time to tell you all of our favorite candle brand: Heaven Scent Wellness. The founder, Kristi, has created the most beautiful and natural beeswax candles. Keep reading to learn more about her incredible company and candles. 

Q&A With Heaven Scent Wellness' Founder

-Tell us about Heaven Scent Wellness! How did it start? “Heaven Scent” started back in 2002 when I did petsitting in my spare time. Since, it has evolved and is now Heaven Scent Wellness where I make the “healthy” candles myself, as well as offer clean skincare + supplements. I also have Home + Gifts Collections where I handpick and put one-of-a-kind gift boxes together for my customers.-Why beeswax to create candles? Would love to know some of the benefits of burning beeswax candles! Why beeswax? Years ago while looking for natural ways to purify the air in our home with plants, I came across the benefits of burning beeswax candles. 100% beeswax is known for releasing negative ions while burning and has purifying abilities. No other wax can do that! Beeswax is the most natural of all candle waxes. I never bought a beeswax candle from the store as I knew they had paraffin in them so eventually I started creating my own. Beeswax candles are great for anyone with allergies or asthma, or who are sensitive to fragrance.-What is one thing you dream about adding to the Heaven Scent Wellness collection? What the future holds? I am always open to new things and love creating and raising the bar. It has taken me three years since I started making candles. I have done so much testing of different wax recipes and containers to hold those creations along with essential oil aromatherapy blends for my essential oil coconut wax candle line. I am very happy with what I offer and just want to make the cleanest, purest, plant-based and natural candles that I can. It is important to me that the ingredients I use are ethically sourced and sustainable.I may add fun, new limited edition candles in the future. Maybe some candle gift boxes. I would love to hear from my customers what they would like! For the most part, I love what Heaven Scent Wellness is now!-With online shopping being so popular these days, what type of customer experience do you hope to create for your online shoppers? I want my customers to know how much I care and appreciate each and every one of them! I want them to feel a sense home + comfort. Everything is of the highest quality with clean, safe, natural ingredients. All of my packaging is recyclable and most of the details are handmade items from women-owned small businesses. With each order I want my customers to feel like they are receiving a special gift and put a smile on their face!-If someone reading this has a dream of starting their own retail business, what would be your biggest piece of advice?My biggest piece of advise would be that these days anything is possible but you must do what you love and are passionate about to be around for the long haul. There are going to be ups and downs. In order to survive and thrive, you must truly be passionate and continue to create. I think growing organically is also very important.


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