A Time of Waiting & Trusting


What a time this has been for humanity; the necessary call to pause, to trust, to delay, to slow down, to be still. So many people are experiencing a halt in their life, a time of transitioning to a new normal, or a more hectic time of serving and caring for others, or a mix of it all. We are also without luxuries that we probably all took for granted without realizing it until now: facials, mani/pedis, getting our hair done, events, dinners with friends, stopping by the grocery store without a worry in the world, massages, work out classes, running a small business, our morning coffee at the local bakery, a walk on the beach, going to church, giving someone a hug! It makes my heart hurt to think of the weddings that are delayed, those who are healing alone in hospitals, and mamas having babies without the experience they may have envisioned. I want to encourage us all to know that it is okay to accept that this is hard. I wanted to share three things that have been a test of trust, patience, and realizing that the time that something is meant for is going to be better than the time I think is best. There are ultimately true blessings in the waiting.


Jase and I have been trying to get pregnant for a few years now. I know so many people are on a similar journey. In this time, we may be a tad too relaxed as we truly believe God's timing is perfect, but at the same time, we are doing our part and being productive. We have met with two fertility doctors, did two IUIs, imaging tests, and have altered our diets and added in fertility-encouraging herbs and supplements. In the Fall of last year, my close friend happened to tell me about this amazing fertility doctor in Dallas. He is extremely thorough and is only one of the few physicians in reproductive medicine with quadruple board certification in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology-Metabolism, Andrology and Embryology. He is a mad scientist! I was in tears talking to the girl who saw him as she was telling me about her experience. The Fall was a crazy time of transition in our life, so I took the information in and stored it away for the time being. A few months ago, I had an epiphany that this was the best next step. We had an appointment scheduled in March, and the quarantine started a few days before this time. It was such a clear God moment when I realized we needed to schedule a visit with this doctor + had several confirmations, and it was interesting to see another delay. In fact, each month during ovulation, something almost always seems to cause a delay (sorry if that's too much info). Jase and I were discussing this yesterday and were just saying that it reveals it's not time yet. We have so much trust and faith in that even if on a human level it doesn't make sense. But God is so big and knows! There is so much hope in that. Also, I listened to a sermon that touched on fertility, and it said that often we think it's  the perfect time for US but God has this whole baby's life planned, including the time he/she enters this world. I love this change of perspective!

Nontoxic surface wipes

You may know that my husband and I and the Stranded team have been working endlessly on our nontoxic surface wipes for the last year. Each product development of ours takes way longer than expected because we are a grass roots company (all with full time jobs), and we are doing extensive research on how to create the purest wipe. We are doing it in an entirely different way, making them completely biodegradable + are using the purest ingredients (that benefit your health) to wipe away germs and simultaneously nourish your hands. Also, we are using plant based preservatives that have yet to be used on a wipe, so they have had to go through stability testing. The entire team was so bummed when everyone was in need of wipes and ours were not yet out to help the nation. We are also delayed on the launch because some of our key people are out of the office. We have had to change our perspective, realize this is all for the better, and we are learning so much even during this time on transitions to the formula that may make the wipes even better. We have realized there is always good in a pause if you aim to see it.

Our home

Oh what a process this has been! We purchased the house we are currently living in in November of 2018, and after months of renovation, nightmare experiences with our designer, living in a hotel and then an apartment with another couple friend, and being way over budget because of uncontrollable and unstated rise in labor costs after the Woolsey fire, we find ourselves here and full of a new kind of patience and gratefulness. We are currently working with such a wonderful designer and started ordering furniture in December. Now most shipments are delayed, Kirsten's styling trip is on pause, and we are again, in waiting. BUT there is so much we are cherishing during this time! We are working on the things we can and realizing what matters the most is a safe place to live, time with each other, health, and essentials.Are you in a period of waiting? How do you stay hopeful?


Loungewear We're Living In


Mother's Day: Supporting Small Companies