
Self-Care Tip: Bath Must-Haves


While there are many things about this season that have been challenging and difficult to process, I’ve been taking extra time to be grateful for the things I do have, and find light in the little activities that bring joy, rest, and make me feel whole. I think now more than ever, it’s important to find ways to take care of yourself, and to allow yourself to find peace. One of my favorite ways to practice extra self-care is by taking a bath! Here are a few Self-Care Tips and my Bath Must-Haves that have quickly become a part of my everyday routine: I often talk about this brand because I absolutely love their products! These bath soaks are made with many great (and of course, clean) ingredients including essential oils that add such a calming and soothing aspect to my bath routine! (I’ve stocked up on their bath line and love to rotate through them as a part of my bath routine).Any time I take a bath, I’ll use this beforehand! Dry brushing has so many great benefits, but before baths, especially, it’s a great way to practice self-care by activating your body’s release of toxins before you soak. These bath salts are simply the best! I love this brand because the ingredients are pure and raw, and they also assist in fighting off toxic build up in the body while hydrating and nourishing my skin - a self-care must! This scrub is an item that takes my time for self-care to the next level. It’s made with brown sugar and hydrating sweet almond oil that not only smells amazing but also leaves my skin feeling so moisturized afterwards! This sponge I’ve talked about a few times before because I simply love it! Not only is it a bath must-have staple for me, but the amount of body wash it’s helped me save has been amazing. It has quickly become a self-care item I cannot do without.I’ll use this particular bath soak on nights when I’m extra tired and need help getting rest. It’s also a great aid to your body when you feel you might be getting sick or are already under the weather! When I’m feeling stressed and want to relax, I make sure to use these bath salts that help calm my mind and soothe my muscles! I love the way it smells and knowing that it’s helping my body while I cut out time for self-care is such a bonus. However you’re feeling in this season, I hope you find time to do something that adds extra care and relaxation into your routine! x[show_shopthepost_widget id="4014588"]

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Clean Stuff Edit | No.5

It's that time, LSK readers! The clean stuff edit, number five, is here. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3255985"]


It's that time, LSK readers! The clean stuff edit, number five, is here. As always, read all past clean stuff edits here and check out @thecleanstuff IG accounts for daily clean, toxin-free makeup finds that I totally love. xo

Blue Tansy Deodorant // Primally Pure

*clean deodorant lovers, rejoice! this new scent and formula from Primally Pure is a must-try.

Use code LSKTANSY10 for 10% off this deodorant until end of August...AKA end of this week!

Face Wash // Ursa Major

*for a face so fresh and so clean, this face wash cleans deeply yet gently.

Living Luminizer // RMS

*get that natural shine and just the right amount of glow with this luminizing highlighter.

Tinted Face Oil // Kosas

*wow, this face oil is a game changer...it moisturizes and provides light foundation-like coverage in a very natural way.

Himalayan Salt Scalp Scrub // goop

*a shampoo made up of detoxifying and purifying ingredients that exfoliate the scalp to support hair health.


shoes | pants | top | sunnies

images: felicia lasala [show_shopthepost_widget id="3255985"] 

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Osmosis Skincare: Clean Beauty for Scars


After my accident in 2011, it has been an ongoing process to heal the scar on my face. Fraxel lasers and filler specifically on my scar both made a significant difference, but as time goes on, and as I get more protected sun exposure (hello LA sunshine and beach obsession!), it still needs some lovin’.If you follow my social media and my blog, you know how I am a user of only toxin-free products, especially clean beauty products! Enter Osmosis. I was getting the most lovely facial by Camille Fields, and she suggested these specific products for further scar healing.I couldn’t wait to start this regimen! First, I put on the Catalyst AC-11 Level 3 DNA Repair Serum. Then I spray on the Clear Plus+ Activating Mist, and I finalize it with Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum After a week, I have noticed a significant difference in not only my scar but also my skin. It has been glowing and looks extra plump, smooth, and healthy.Osmosis products create permanent change by using clinical ingredients with a holistic, non inflammatory approach + they are completely free of toxic chemicals, SLS, phthalates, parabens, gluten, artificial colors and fragrances.Their philosophy is based on analyzing the skin and body as a whole to treat skin conditions at their source, restoring beauty and wellness.All of this to say, I couldn’t recommend this brand more to improve aging, diminish scars, and and feed the health of your skin!



top | shorts (c/o)

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All The Hair Days

Friends, we are talkin' bout all the hair days today on LSK! From wash days to many non-wash days, this is our go-to routine & must-have products for simplicity, effectiveness, and cleanliness. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3088570"]


Friends, we are talkin' bout all the hair days today on LSK! From wash days to many non-wash days, this is our go-to routine & must-have products for simplicity, effectiveness, and cleanliness.We are believers in washing our hair about 3 times a week. I find that my hair is healthier and happier when I wash it less and let natural oils work their magic. On these days, here are the two must have items: a shhhowercap + stranded dry shampoo powder! Melissa raves about her shhhowercap & shared with me how effective it is (keeps her hair totally dry in the shower) + practical it is (can be machine-washed) + the style is chic and makes you feel pretty glam with it on. Shout-out to Lee From America for the recommendation. It might seem a little expensive for a shower cap, but it is so worth it in the long-run and much more preferable than a plastic cap, in our opinion. To get to know about my dry shampoo brand, read this Q&A with my bestie/co-founder!When the day comes to wash the locks, we love rahua shampoo + conditioner because they are both clean, safe, and toxin-free. We know the struggle of finding natural shampoo and conditioners that actually work, but rahua totally does! It is a little expensive, but worth the investment. The next must-have is this turban towel by aquis to wrap your wet hair in post-washing. I have talked about it before on IG stories and seriously cannot sing enough praises for this genius invention![show_shopthepost_widget id="3088570"]images by Jesy McKinney 

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Embracing Imperfection


I am heavily inclined toward being a perfectionist. It feels like an instinctive internal pressure that I have to train against, and to fight against the fleeting desire, I have to be very aware of when I am falling into the unnecessary personal trap. Another realization: the perfectionist pressure does not come from an outside source. It is completely internal, and what could appear as external is merely comparison, which is completely internal. It’s getting deep, y’all. Who can relate?The Idea of Emotional PerfectionI moved from Dallas to Los Angeles a little over three years ago, and it was as though I put myself on this subconscious timeline; I expected myself to feel settled in six months, and I was confused why I wasn’t even close. I felt like I should have deep, long-lasting friendships built right away and was discouraged when they were still at the very beginning stages even a year-in. I launched my blog, dry shampoo, and charity in January, and the fight against having every thing in perfect order was a struggle. It is all a battle of control, isn’t it?Not to mention, accepting my imperfect body with the loss of my left hand and eye is a daily battle.My mom just launched an amazing podcast called Thriving Beyond Belief, and she always sends me the rough interviews (I love it so much!). In her discussion with Jamie Ivey, Jamie brought up this premise: why don’t we view our stories as God's redemptiveness and His presence rather than a list of insecurities? He made us so carefully in His image, and our story is a reflection of His beauty and purpose. That hit me so deeply, and I love remembering that in my weakness and insecurities is His strength. My imperfection is a reminder that I need Him because only He is perfect!A ShiftThe key word my husband has so lovingly infused in my brain is RELAX. Incorporating the definition of this word into every aspect of life is a game. changer. It shifts the perspective from viewing things as must-do projects and rigid to-do lists to enjoying the journey that every day brings. It helps you go with the flow without internally panicking. It leads to more laughing, greater appreciation, acceptance, and deeper joy even in the messy moments. I'll take that over pressure and anxiety at any moment, but it truly takes an intentional awareness, decisions, and shifts to instill this.ConclusionI am looking three years of living in California in the eyes, and I kinda, sorta, slightly feel like L.A. is home, and that’s okay. We are rebranding our dry shampoo, Stranded, and it’s so exciting. I sometimes go an entire week without working out or going to the grocery store after a busy travel schedule, and in that, I embrace date nights out and pizza nights in. These all seem so imperfect, but I now view them as lovely.I was reading a blog post a friend wrote last week discussing thirty things she learned in her thirty years of life. These four statements confirmed the concept of accepting and resting in the idea that we will never be perfect.Life is imperfect and imbalanced always.Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.Love is uncomplicated.Hard work doesn’t always give me what I want.We all have one life to live. Relax, live confidently in every part of our story, and enjoy life to the fullest capacity.Do you struggle with imperfection? We would love to hear from you in the comments section below! xoThis post is in collaboration with The Refined Collective Series.  Be sure and check out the other ladies in this wonderful group: Julien GarmanBrynna WatkinsTutti del MonteJackie ViramontezSarah Shreves

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Loving the Skin You're In


I have always been an all-natural kind of girl, with palm trees, ocean waves, and sandy toes on my mind. I feel more myself with little to no makeup, a blow out or beach waves that look effortless, and high-waisted Levi's for that all-American, undone look. Like most girls, I cared about what I looked like growing up, but I didn't spend too much time getting ready or analyzing my appearance. I truly believe my parents' love and encouragement was a vessel in protecting me from low self value, and believing that I was a daughter of Jesus aided in focusing on developing lasting memories and friendships, rather than becoming consumed with the physical. Yet, I was very challenged on this mindset and perspective when my life took an unexpected turn. My calendar paused, my career path changed, and my platform increased after a night of injury in 2011. I was hit by a plane propeller; the blade cut into my brain and the left side of my body, resulting in the loss of my left eye, left hand, and half my head of hair post brain surgery. In retrospect, I clearly see how I easily submerged in destructive comparison after this life-altering experience. I felt depleted of beauty, but my foundation remained the same. My mom and dad's love and encouragement became stronger. My faith and trust in believing Jesus loved me grew substantially. Somehow my perspective of beauty shifted, though, and I believe one of the gifts of this tragedy was revealing to me the meaningless things that I apparently held so dear. What "bothered" me most about the outcome of this accident revealed what I held as very valuable. Did I let outward beauty define me? Yes. Did I cherish attention more than I realized? Definitely. I truly had to sit back and be still. I had to reassess my foundation. I had to refocus on what was important. I quickly came to realize that comparison is equivalent to worry; it only severely hinders and limits fruition. Plus, if we really think about it, wouldn’t life be boring if we were all the same?The Lord has brought such healing these last five years. He has restored in me a new kind of inner confidence that is rooted in where my identity truly stands, and I have realized the following to be true: physical beauty fades; attention is temporary and unfulfilling. Yes, my insecurities are a daily struggle. I often catch myself comparing not only to other people but to my "old" self. Grief is intertwined in it all as I miss my hand and my eye daily, but a lot of the hesitation in loving the skin I am in comes from wanting to hide what has changed. I have learned to be open about this struggle to my sweet husband, family, and friends, and I am slowly realizing that freedom comes from vulnerability . I am also seeing that beauty truly is in accepting the scars, in character, in the humility of freely being you, and in loving others well. I am learning to fully accept and value the path the Lord has put in front of me, and I am learning to view that path as beautiful.This series is in collaboration with some stellar ladies.  Be sure and check out their posts on Self Care too: Kat Harris, Tutti del Monte, Danielle Bennett, Kate Labat, Joanne Encarnacion, Nikia Phoenix, and Chelsey Korus.

images: felicia lasala


jacket (similar + similar) | denim | shirt | sunnies


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Beauty, Wellness Beauty, Wellness

Biossance: No Compromise Beauty


I always get so excited to share with you the clean beauty products that we are testing and loving! My sweet friend introduced me to Biossance about a year ago, and I have been hooked ever since. It has truly revived my skin, and I think I know why. A little bit of their story: after the the scientists behind this skincare developed patented technology that allowed them to create an accessible treatment for malaria, they decided to use this same innovative technology to create combinations of powerful, effective, and sustainable ingredients to put on our faces. How amazing is that? P.S. I love their promise: "only the most trustworthy and powerful ingredients are used in our products because our standards for clean beauty are high, and our standards for ourselves are even higher." Yes and amen. Oh! And I am kind of obsessed with the mega-moisturizing molecule they use in these clean magical potions!

My two favorite products are The Revitalizer and The Nourisher. The Nourisher is the most lovely face oil that brightens your skin with an oil soluble Vitamin C that is 50 times more powerful than absorbic acid, fights free radical attack leaving skin with a healthy radiant glow, and reduces the appearances of fine lines and wrinkles. What is not to love? I use this in the morning and at night.Now for The Revitalizer AKA my all time favorite product. I love this so much because it can be used on your locks to prevent frizz, split ends, and dryness; it can be used on your body for extra hydration, and it can be used on your face to instantly hydrate and accelerate cell turnover. Side note: this is saving me in these dry winter months!

The sweetest bonus to every purchase on Biossance is that they donate $1 for every product purchased to Zagaya. It is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that facilitates the eradication of malaria through collaboration around innovative and science-based technology. They envision a malaria-free world created through education, improved technologies, and access to the highest quality anti-malarials available.



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Melissa's Morning Smoothie


Hey guys! Melissa here and I am sharing my morning smoothie recipe + my love for Moon Juice- a shop dedicated to a holistic approach to healthy living, including the most amazing medicinal ingredients to add to your morning smoothies.

What I personally love about smoothies is the variety of smoothies that you can make. I go through phases of what I put in mine and switch up what ingredients I use, depending on the day and my mood. The recipe I have going now is super good, so I just had to share. This smoothie includes three Moon Juice products- their Beauty Dust,  Ashwagandha, and H0 Shou Wu. Below are the ingredients + explanation of benefits for each Moon Juice product.


1 cup almond milk or water (or sometimes I do 1/2 and 1/2!)

1/2 frozen banana

A handful of organic frozen blueberries

Teaspoon of Ashwagandha from Moon Juice

Teaspoon of Ho Shou Wu from Moon Juice

Teaspoon (+ a little more) of Beauty Dust from Moon Juice (c/o)

Tablespoon of Spirulina (from Whole Foods)

--blend all together in a blender until smooth--

Benefits are below as described on Moon Juice's site- head there to read more! They do a great job at explaining each product.

Ashwagandha: calms the nervous system + soothes anxiety and improves sleep

Ho Shou Wu: encourages youthfulness, sex drive, + helps to balance hormones and give you a healthy glow

Beauty Dust: think glowing skin, shiny hair, and bright eyes

Moon Juice's collection of moon dusts is so amazing. You can add them to smoothies, water, or even your morning coffee. They have quite a few versions including spirit dust, brain dust, and more, but I have only tried the beauty dust so far and love it.

*feature image via moon juice

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Juice Beauty


I truly believe that I was meant to discover Juice Beauty as I found out about the clean skincare and makeup company three different ways, at about the exact same time. I took that coincidence as a cue that I needed to give their products a try. I first learned about the brand via Anthropologie's website since they sell it, then I realized that goop's skincare line was created in collaboration with Juice Beauty, and then I found out that Lauren was interested in Juice Beauty as well. Long story short, the stars aligned and Juice Beauty was brought to my attention. At the time I currently only own one Juice item, their amazing concealer, but their mascara and creamy blush are on my next-to-buy list. I love that the Juice team is so passionate about clean, safe ingredients. Also, the concealer is very effective and does not cause me to break out. I have had quite the time dealing with some acne on my chin and it is so sensitive to concealers. I want to cover it up, but with something that will not smother it, irritate it, or make it worse. I have tried so many concealers out there, and finally Juice Beauty's perfecting concealer saved the day. It's such a relief knowing that it is free of toxins and harsh chemicals. Below are a few images via Anthropologie + Juice Beauty products we want to try.*image above via the juice beauty pinterest page via this blog post

concealer | pressed powder | cream blush | mascara | lip cream

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