
Self-Care Tip: Bath Must-Haves


While there are many things about this season that have been challenging and difficult to process, I’ve been taking extra time to be grateful for the things I do have, and find light in the little activities that bring joy, rest, and make me feel whole. I think now more than ever, it’s important to find ways to take care of yourself, and to allow yourself to find peace. One of my favorite ways to practice extra self-care is by taking a bath! Here are a few Self-Care Tips and my Bath Must-Haves that have quickly become a part of my everyday routine: I often talk about this brand because I absolutely love their products! These bath soaks are made with many great (and of course, clean) ingredients including essential oils that add such a calming and soothing aspect to my bath routine! (I’ve stocked up on their bath line and love to rotate through them as a part of my bath routine).Any time I take a bath, I’ll use this beforehand! Dry brushing has so many great benefits, but before baths, especially, it’s a great way to practice self-care by activating your body’s release of toxins before you soak. These bath salts are simply the best! I love this brand because the ingredients are pure and raw, and they also assist in fighting off toxic build up in the body while hydrating and nourishing my skin - a self-care must! This scrub is an item that takes my time for self-care to the next level. It’s made with brown sugar and hydrating sweet almond oil that not only smells amazing but also leaves my skin feeling so moisturized afterwards! This sponge I’ve talked about a few times before because I simply love it! Not only is it a bath must-have staple for me, but the amount of body wash it’s helped me save has been amazing. It has quickly become a self-care item I cannot do without.I’ll use this particular bath soak on nights when I’m extra tired and need help getting rest. It’s also a great aid to your body when you feel you might be getting sick or are already under the weather! When I’m feeling stressed and want to relax, I make sure to use these bath salts that help calm my mind and soothe my muscles! I love the way it smells and knowing that it’s helping my body while I cut out time for self-care is such a bonus. However you’re feeling in this season, I hope you find time to do something that adds extra care and relaxation into your routine! x[show_shopthepost_widget id="4014588"]

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Wellness Wellness

Jase and I are Cleansing for 21 Days: The Inside Scoop


My best friend and I traveled to Tulum in November to celebrate her big 3-0, and it was the trip of a lifetime for so many reasons. We stayed at Sanara, where the menu consists only of foods and ingredients that restore gut health. With that said, her birthday cake made quite a statement since it was covered in shredded coconut and lined with bananas. LOL. Nykki came up to our table to ask what it was and mentioned that she had just turned 40. I could not believe it. She had #bodygoals. I asked her how she looked the way she did, and she told me she detoxed her body three to four times a year. Her credibilty and her story were so fascinating, and after asking her one million questions, I was so thrilled to cleanse as soon as we arrived back in LA.So the journey begins...I convinced Jase to do this cleanse with me, and he was a little nervous but excited. Ditto to that! Side note: my parents are doing it at the same time as us, which makes it extra fun. My dad has been calling me with the coolest improvement stories (even though he is an active, health nut), and he is only on day 5 out of 21. It is so fascinating what the body does when it is encouraged to heal itself from the inside + sometimes we don't know how badly we were feeling until we feel amazing. We are surrounded by toxins on the daily, and it is so necessary to cleanse them out of our bodies.To summarize, we are eating completely plant based for three weeks. Jason was extra nervous about eliminating meat, but it has not been nearly as hard as he imagined. It takes extra thought and effort to make appropriate smoothies, follow the daily schedule filled with powders and tonics, and to make and prep each meal. Jase takes a packed lunch to work every day, since there are no healthy options near by, and homemade dinners are a win + we get extra creative if we are out and about AKA we ask lots of questions and make a few adjustments. The worst part: the taste of the tonics. They are a bit potent, but they are only for a few seconds of each day with major benefit, so we power through!This Cleanse in a Nutshell21 Cleanse is a therapeutic grade, organic herbal cleanse system that can help you remove the toxins, chemicals and environmental pollutants from your body so you can feel better and start to make healthier food choices. Combining the products with a strategic plant-based nutrition program, 21 Cleanse can support you in getting the harmful substances out of your body, repairing your liver and gut, rebalancing your hormones, and reversing the damage of living in our modern world.The Best PartYou will not starve while on your cleanse. Nykki advises eating 3 plant based meals a day and includes a complete vegan nutrition program to eliminate the guesswork. You receive food lists, shopping lists, recipes so you always know what to do and never get bored. While on your cleanse, you receive 30 days of email support with how-to videos that walk you through the entire process.  All your questions will be answered so you feel clear, motivated and inspired every step of the way.

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General General

Coffee Enemas To The Rescue


My best friend and I went to Tulum together this year to celebrate her 30th birthday, and one day we found ourselves laying on the beach listening to the most interesting podcast on Wellness Mama. For the first time, we were hearing that coffee enemas are a beneficial way to detox the body from the toxins and metals that we are exposed to every day. Anna and I were so intrigued by this and started researching more, but we were both a bit intimidated by it. I arrived home a few days later, and we had our sweet family friends over for dinner. I couldn't believe it when my friend Bethany randomly brought up coffee enemas. They changed her mom's life in the middle of a health crisis, and they made such a big impact on hers as well. She described the process to me step by step and told me what to purchase. Her personal guidance made me feel so much more comfortable to do it.Also, to preface, I am not a doctor or a health expert, so I encourage you to do your own research and honor your individual needs.Supplies Needed*An enema set; this one is my favorite from Amazon, is $35 and gets the job done!*Organic coffee - I love this one!*A cozy bathroom towel - these organic ones are the softest; we are obsessed!*A great podcast*Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning afterWhy use coffee?There are many colonics you can do, but coffee seems to be the most powerfully cleansing. It is excellent for cleansing the liver, which is responsible for pretty much all of the functions of the body. Coffee enemas support the liver by stimulating the production and release of bile and then dumping it out along with many toxins when the enema is released. If you have candida, coffee enemas can flush out the candida that often lives in the liver as well.Coffee enemas have the ability to break down gunk that other enemas don’t. The astringent quality of the coffee is excellent at stripping away layers caked onto the sides of the colon. This might be old stools or even layers of old mucus that contains bacterias and parasites. I have also personally seen this old parasite filled mucus come out after doing coffee enemas, which I had to ask Bethany about to get some clarity on what it was. lolMy Coffee Enema Routine It is SUPER easy, but the first one might be a bit of a mess as you get the hang of it. I am just talking from personal experience ha! Also, the entire process takes about 3o minutes. I have done my coffee enemas in the afternoon after having a bowel movement, but you can do them any time you feel is best. It is great to drink lots of water prior to, and I love drinking hot water with lemon for a little extra preparation and detox.To prepare the coffee, I mix four tablespoons of organic coffee with about 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil on the stove. That’s a pretty high concentration, and you may want to start with just one tablespoon and see how it goes. Once the coffee is boiling, I’ll simmer it on a low boil for about 10-15 minutes. Then I either let it cool while I’m doing other things or I’ll add ice cubes if I want to use it right away. I like for the liquid to still be warm, but not hot, because I find it’s much more relaxing and easier to retain if it’s closer to body temperature than room temperature.Once it’s at the desired temp, I pour the coffee directly into a blender or a big one liter jar, being careful to leave the grounds in the bottom of the pot. You could also strain it if you want. Then I pour the liquid into my bucket and move the tube up and down to make sure all of the air bubbles are out. If you get some air in, it’s not dangerous, you just might have a more difficult time retaining the enema and experience some gas when it comes out. Then, I clamp the hose shut, lube with coconut oil, and insert the plastic tip. I set the timer on my phone for 15 minutes or longer if I have time and patience.Next I get the bathroom prepped. I like to do my enema in the shower so that in the rare case that anything leaks out, it’s easy to clean up. I usually put on a podcast and make the bathroom feel extra cozy - candles, diffusing essential oils, etc.From there I immediately lay down on my right side (very important so the coffee can get to the liver) and wrap myself in a towel to stay warm. To help the coffee enter my colon more easefully, I might lift the tube up especially towards the end. Once I’ve retained nearly all of the liquid, I remove the tube and do my best to just relax.Some people experience intense cramping and have to breathe through it. You will also hear and feel gurgling in your body, which means it's working!Once the timer is up, I  go directly to the toilet, and release. As I do, I massage my belly (especially my lower left abdomen) to help expel more liquid. Sometimes I love to take a hot, relaxing shower afterwards, so I feel extra clean. Afterwards I also drink a lot of water!The Most Powerful BenefitsImmediate relief from constipation.Decrease in food and alcohol cravings.Immediate sense of lightness, clarity, focus.Improved bowel movements.Immediate relief from headache or brain fog.Immediate reduction of gas, and overall reduction of gas with regular use.Clearer more glowing skin within 24 hours of doing the enema.Whiter, clearer eyes within 24 hours of doing the enema.Weight loss, less bloating, and flatter stomach with regular enema use.Removal of many layers of old mucus, parasites, and candida. Other major bonuses and sourcesWhile I do not suffer from migraines or headaches, I hear that coffee enemas can offer instant relief. They are even used in traditional hospitals to relieve patients of all kinds of pain. Coffee enemas have also been used for decades by holistic doctors at the forefront of healing cancer.Read more about the history of enemas here...An article about fighting cancer and detoxing with coffee enemaArticle: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Giving Yourself an Enema and Were Afraid to AskArticle: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Coffee EnemasArticle: 10 Reasons Why You Should Try a Coffee EnemaThis American Girl


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