
General, Lifestyle General, Lifestyle

In The Kitchen: Adding New Purpose To Your Cooking Routine


I have always known that I have an affection for healthy food, a fascination for the origin of where organic produce is grown and harvested, and a love for experimenting with new recipes and flavors, but I have come to notice that time and lack of energy from a full schedule eliminated space to explore and grow in these passions. Cooking became more of a chore, gardening was a no-go since we weren't at home long enough to sustain it, and sometimes just picking up dinner from the Erewhon food bar was way easier than thinking about what to whip up. Not to mention, the task of cutting veggies and doing dishes just seemed daunting and anything but enjoyable.It's like a new world has opened up during this quarantine time. Cooking has become what I look forward to every day, our garden is thriving, the local farm we discovered is my happy place to buy organic and biodynamic produce + support a small business, and dishes seem like a breeze. I have been cooking almost every night with the windows open and the Florida Georgia Line radio playing, and Jase sometimes is creating the most beautiful cocktails next to me with freshly squeezed watermelon and orange. I am more intentional about using the produce we have because not many other options like we had before are available, and I have such a strong desire to feed our bodies with nutrition to keep our immune systems strong!I started a Master Class and Alice Waters is inspiring me to plan meals based on the ingredients I get from the farm, and it has brought about this whole new light and intention to cooking and meals! This time is truly bringing new purpose to what used to be a mundane activity. Now I cook out of necessity for health, conserving the produce we have, and it has allowed so much space for creativity. Who knew that I would develop a new excitement for making homemade salsas from the pretty tomatoes or roasted carrots from the cookbook I never had a chance to look through? There are truly so many silver linings in this time of unknowns, sadness, loss, and confusion. Embracing them makes every day a little brighter!How has this time added to your cooking routine?I'm excited to share with you over the next few weeks a few of the things I'm doing in my kitchen right now as a part of my In The Kitchen series – things like how to maximize your produce, what to grab when shopping, growing your own greens, and more.Follow along with me here, or at my Instagram where I often post a meal I'm cooking or kitchen must-have I'm loving. xShop My Look Here: Top, skirt, sunnies

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Thinking Bigger: How Simplicity Changes Everything


I have been reflecting on this time a lot, and as I am sure most of us are, thinking about new routines and positive habits that we have developed during this stay at home order that we want to bring with us as we enter back into "normalcy," which I assume will never be the same. Although this time has so much heaviness and devastation that surrounds it, I continually think about how wonderful it has been to be forced to stop, to pause, and to be where we are.These reflections have led me to start a collection on the blog focusing on Thinking Bigger – Over the next few weeks, my hope is to cover topics that have been developed in this time like the power of simplicity, serving others, new rhythms and routines, and digging into new passions.Before this pandemic, the general answer from the majority of us when asked how we were doing would be, "we are so busy."Even though our days still remain full since Jase and I's work has shifted and continued, our days look so incredibly different. We are able to start our day in a more restful way, we have been spending hours in the fresh air and sunshine every day, we have been extra present and available for little Bennett doodle (our 5-month-old puppy), and we are more intentional with who we connect with virtually + having time and space to think about others more, to help small businesses, and the list goes on. Not to mention, shows such as The Today Show (the majority being filmed from their homes) and even my husband's show (currently transitioned to interviews on IG Live) have all felt so personal and so genuine, which I think we have all craved without even knowing it.I didn't realize how much mental space was taken from coordinating and deciding on social plans, organizing travel schedules, unpacking just to repack, going to appointment after appointment, and driving to and from everything. This realization has given me a little hint as to why I feel like we are doing things so differently during this time. I really had to sit and think about why we didn't spend our evenings outside before this since the time in the evenings have stayed quite similar from then to now, why cooking felt more like a chore then and is a joy now, why FaceTiming with family and friends felt distracted then and is longer and so focused now. As I have realized in the past through my own experience is that traumatic times seem to show us immediately what is important. It filters out the fluff and hones in on necessities to live – the simplicities that keep our joy kindled.The things that this time has brought that I feel so grateful for: hearing the birds outside, noticing things in nature that I have never had the time to enjoy before, listening to music all day, buying our groceries from a local farm, starting a masterclass that has taught me so much about cooking, planting a garden, going for long neighborhood walks while getting to know the neighbors from a distance, and reaching out more to friends and family to check-in.One last thought: isn't it so interesting to think that this is so similar to how our parents and grandparents grew up? Neighbors knew each other, people borrowed an egg from the person next door, so many gardened and enjoyed the simple things, cooking and dishes were day to day tasks...Questions to leave with:What has changed in your routine that you feel thankful for? What is one thing you want to continue when the world starts opening up again?Shop the tank here.[show_shopthepost_widget id="4023495"]

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Love All The Love

Valentine's Day is so soon! Team LSK loves all the love...


Valentine's Day is so soon! Team LSK loves all the love and we love that there is a holiday to celebrate it. No matter what your relationship status is: single, healing through a breakup, engaged, or married, Valentine's Day is something that can be celebrated and enjoyed with a joyful heart!To the single girls- look around at your family and friends, at yourself, and at your Creator on this day. See all the love there!? Hold on to it, savor, and thank God for it! Just because you are single doesn't mean you aren't loved!! You are so loved by so many and you have so much love to give. Celebrate that today however you want to: Galentine's Day dinner, self care, or a night in with your parents. Whatever you want to do, do that! Keep the faith and keep loving yourself well.To the girls in relationship- show your other half how much you care! This is such a fun day to do something special for him. Whether it be a gift, an experience, or even just a handwritten note, taking the opportunity to show your love is always a great idea. Give the love and receive the love today and thank God you two found each other; it something to celebrate! Don't feel pressured to go out if you don't want to, as some of the best nights are the ones spent in. Most importantly, enjoy your time together and take advantage of this day that gives you an excuse to love extra much!

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Dear Jase,


I was just talking to someone this morning about how married life brings this unspoken sense of wholeness + such a deep sense of closeness with your spouse. I feel like each year, I fall more in love than the last. Jase, I am so thankful to be married to a man that is so kind-hearted and humble. You remind me to relax. You always apologize first. Your hugs can calm me down in a second. You make me laugh so hard every day. You teach me what it looks like to be a friend who goes beyond the standard. You see the best in me. You teach me that generosity has no boundaries. You create a solid foundation in our home and marriage. You exemplify how powerful and meaningful prayer is. You make me a better person. You are my biggest encouragement and supporter. I love how you always speak your feelings. I love how you endlessly show your love to me. I love how you always change the light bulbs in our house. You are the most thoughtful person I know. I love that in the end, you view arguments as a better way to know each other. I love that you roll down your car window to see things better. I love your passion for relationships and stories. I love how tender your heart is. Your work ethic is an example to me. You always make me feel like the top priority. Your surprises are the sweetest. You are my favorite travel buddy. I am so thankful that I miss you whenever you are not next to me. You are my best friend, and I love you with all of my heart. Happy Valentine's day, babe. 

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A New Vision of Love


When I think of the term love, I immediately think of ease, in the sense that even if we are loving someone through an argument, disagreement, or trial, it always has a positive outcome; it is always leading to something redeeming. I initially associate it with an action that is poured out on people we care about, a commitment, a word to describe things or activities that bring us joy, and an equivalent to what God is and what He endlessly gives. But, I feel like these last few months, my eyes have been opened to a different kind of love, a harder kind of love...a love with a result that might not be seen, except in your own character.Jason and I have become closer than ever since the end of December. We have been faced with things that are uncomfortable,  unfortunate, and completely out of our control. We have become aware of the amount of hurt and angry people that reside all around us. Our hearts have been broken as we watch, yet we are so grateful because we are reminded of how we can pray and love behind the scenes. After my accident, I fully came to realize that fire fighters and first responders have one of the most service-filled yet difficult jobs. My family and I went to the station to give the biggest hugs and thank yous to those who cared for me so quickly and diligently, and for getting me to the hospital in the best care. They mentioned to us that they had never met anyone that they had rescued and cared for. What a realization! Can you imagine? They put their hearts and deepest efforts into saving lives, yet they almost never know the outcome. What incredible love.This picture has been running through my head so much recently. A consistent conversation around us is the fact that so many experience hate, bullying, and division on social media. Our initial response is wanting to defend or have the last word, but in this scenario, how can we love? How can we love behind the scenes, even when no one may see? How can we pray and serve people we don't know who are living in a state of loneliness and hopelessness? In fact, they most likely will be those that are firing hate your way. My dear friend here in LA shared this beautiful piece of wisdom with me last year: you can't have animosity towards someone you pray for. Prayer is so powerfully loving, healing, and redeeming. How can we start praying for people who may be trying to diminish our value? If someone we don't know has the potential power to cut so deeply into our well being through words, then we have the power in the opposite way to love on them whole-heartedly from afar.Everyone has a story. Everyone has an opinion. It has increased my vision of love to step back and look at the big picture. Hurt people hurt people, and what they need more of is love. What can you do today to love on someone that least excepts it? Who can you pray for that has hurt you?This post is in collaboration with The Refined Collective Series. Be sure and check out the other ladies in this wonderful group: Kat, The Refined Woman, Brynn Watkins, and Yvette Jain. Photos by Christy Johnston.

OUTFIT:  white top (c/o)


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Learning To Forgive


After many minimal circumstances on the daily and bigger life altering occurrences that I have encountered in life,  I have come to realize that forgiveness and freedom walk hand in hand. Strangely enough, the easy way out is to hold on tightly to the hurt and pain cause by someone close to us, or to focus on how that road rager on the way to work ruined our mood. It is so easy to live in a state of annoyance and play the blame game, when in reality, we can choose to forgive, rise above hostility, and live in gratefulness. Why is the positive solution the harder solution? It seems backwards that existing in negativity requires less effort than flourishing in a life of freedom. Why is this?I truly believe forgiveness derives from self-awareness. It stems from a humble spirit and a desire to step back and understand the full story. It requires the acceptance that we are all human, that we all share differing values and opinions that are neither right nor wrong, that we each have triggers from the past that ignite our present reactions. If we walk in surety of who we are, the temptation to walk in broken friendships and negativity disperses quickly. A new desire for fullness and life-giving relationships becomes the goal, and the effort to create that becomes a joyful practice. But digging into the heart of who we are is intimidating and one of the things that so many of us avoid, but if you step through the immediate discomfort, there is so much abundant life on the other side. It's ironic that forgiveness stems from us making a change, rather than someone else making a change.Are you holding a grudge against someone? What is keeping you from confronting the issue? I must mention that I want to run away from difficult conversations. I often assume the worst - that I will not communicate clearly, that I will lose a friend, that I will hurt my husband's feelings. Assumption often causes pain before it is even present. What I always come back to before I need to have a tough talk is that it is a loving gesture. If my intention is for fullness in relationships, hard honesty is key. It ultimately breaks down walls and ignites living genuine lives alongside each other. What is better than that? Vulnerable, but better. Also, remember that if you lovingly discuss a problem, and the reaction is friendship-threatening, know that their response is their own issue, and you have done all that you can. xoxo

This series is in collaboration with some stellar ladies.  Be sure and check out their posts on Self Care too: Kat Harris, Tutti del Monte, Danielle Bennett, Kate Labat, Joanne Encarnacion, Nikia Phoenix, and Chelsey Korus.


dress c/o (and here) | sunnies c/o | shoes

images by felicia lasala


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Relationship Talk


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Today we are talking love- with Valentine's Day next week, it's on the mind :) As you know, Lo is married to her best friend, Jason, and we thought it would be fun for her to dish on their married life! Keep reading for more! xoMARRIED LIFE WITH LO //Jason and I have been married for a little over two years, and I must say first that being a wife is the best gift I have ever received. My abs have improved due to my consistent belly laughs, my character has strengthened from being lovingly challenged, my walls have slowly been knocked down due to feeling safe to communicate the good, the embarrassing, and the hard. I moved to an apartment in California six months before we got married, and have lived here over two years now. I must admit, marriage is such a learning process. It took us time to truly get each other on the most internal level and create a rhythm as a couple (and we are still learning and adjusting!).  It took productive fights and misunderstandings and vulnerability to get there, but man is it worth it. I know we still have so much learning ahead of us, but it has been the most enriching journey to experience thus far. Not to mention, these two years have created such a solid foundation. Our priority is creating intentional time together to talk deeply, to not talk deeply, to crush, to flirt, to be adventurous and random, to lay in bed all day. We were both saying last night that we have never enjoyed spending time together as much as we do now! Jason is truly my best friend and my favorite travel partner, and life is so much better with him + living with a boy is so much greater than I ever imagined! I am thankful for how he leads our family spiritually, supports my passions, loves me fully despite my quirks, communicates with his whole heart, listens, takes care of me emotionally, intentionally develops community, and makes me feel like a priority! I am often overwhelmed with gratefulness that the Lord chose me to be his wife.


denim jacket | shirt | the jeans | sunnies

*images by felicia lasala

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Valentine's Day Wishlist


We are big fans of Valentine's Day. It's such a sweet, love-filled day and we can't help to get giddy over it. Below is our Valentine's Day Wishlist- it includes a few girly items that we would love to receive + they make great gifts for your bestie, sister, or mom. Links are below to shop and feel free to send this link over to your guy...:) Ideas can be so helpful! XO

stranded dry shampoo powder

french girl lip polish

heart socks

voluspa candle

cream blush

kosas lipstick

love themed undies

slip silk sleep mask

+ the denim jacket featured in the main image :) XO

*featured image by felicia lasala

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General, Honesty General, Honesty

Everlane's 100% Human Campaign


Everlane is a brand that we truly admire and love. You can see our previous posts about the responsible, minimalist, + cool brand here and here, as well as Lo styling Everlane pieces here, here, and here. Today we are celebrating a campaign that just launched-  Everlane's 100% Human Campaign. Feel free to read more about their mission here, and shop the 100% Human collection here. The inspiration behind the campaign is the desire to celebrate that we as humans are more similar than we are different. At the end of the day we are 100% human, together, despite differences that we may have. How amazing and true is that? This campaign totally has us wanting to spread the love and kindness to all.*Lo's Everlane shirt, available here

image via Everlane

 + a few things that we are loving from Everlane...

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