Nontoxic Color: Ecos Paints
Paint seems to be something that is overlooked when considering toxicity in the home. I was completely dedicated to eliminate all chemical compounds in anything that I could control during our renovation this last year. Traditional paints, primers, stains, paint thinner, and varnishes are full of harmful chemicals, additives, and toxins.Here are some names to keep your eye on: formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, APEOs, bisphenol, glycols, and solvents. And there are many more!The chemicals in paint fumes can cause both short- and long-term health effects. During the painting process, many experience symptoms such as watery eyes, headaches, nausea, dizziness and breathing problems. Vision problems, lung irritation, and throat irritation are in the line up too. Isn't that wild? If you are exposed to VOCs every day (which is present in paint) can also cause cancer as well as damage to the nervous system, liver, and kidneys.All of that to say, I did not want that easily avoidable risk in our home. My sweet friends from Branch Basics told me about Ecos Paints and I couldn't believe my eyes! For 35 years, they have helped people create healthier living environments with their premium quality, eco-friendly paints, stains and varnishes. They are completely non-toxic, contain no odor, zero VOCs, free of harsh chemicals + they are fully transparent about ingredients and have exceptional coverage. Not to mention, they are so helpful and lovely to work with!Their water-based products were uniquely formulated without the harsh chemicals found in conventional paints. Using a unique technology combining sustainable ingredients and a proprietary mixing process, their products deliver best-in-class appearance and enhanced durability - with no harsh fumes or odors. Yay!
Colors in Our Home
Child of Heaven is on our walls and the color of our kitchen cabinets is Desert Mirage. We could not be happier with the outcome and will be loyal customers for life!Excited to share with you another feature in our series Making A Home, where I've been able to share with you an update each week of the process of us renovating our home and all that we've included in it. For more on our home, check right here on the blog or follow along on my Instagram. xo
Cleaning Out Your Kitchen: Clean, Safe Kitchenware
It's been so fun to be able to share these past few weeks about Jase and I's process of renovating and filling our home. While this process has been much longer than expected, it really began, not when we decided to renovate our home, but when I made the switch to Clean Living. When I think of how much we've changed over time, from products we use in our home, to practices and more, we really have been on this journey for a while! If I've learned anything it's that Clean Living isn't just a one time switch, it's really a lifestyle you adopt and constantly adapt to.As we've renovated our home, we've been so fortunate to use materials that are toxic-free and to fill it with clean, modern products and brands that we've come to love. This has inspired the current series we're in on the blog that we're calling Making a Home. For the past few weeks, I've been able to share with you just a few of these products and brands, and in the next couple weeks, I'll continue to share with you more about specific areas of our home, as well as a few before and afters of our renovation!I also love that I've been able to share with you so many things that I'm constantly getting questions about whether here on the blog or over social media – from clean mattresses that I love, to everyday clean products that I use in my own home. One of the other topics that I am always getting questions about is our kitchen! And of course, the kitchen is such an important topic in all our homes. It's where we prepare our meals, share time with family, and partake in practices and routines that bring us so much joy. I'm excited to share with you this week a few clean products and brands that I love to use every day in my own kitchen, and really have become a staple in our own home.I love these pots and pans from Food52. They are absolutely the best when it comes to using nonstick, cookware that doesn't contain any added chemicals or toxins that cook into the food we eat or the air we breathe. They're actually made from sand with diamond-infused ceramic coating, and they promise to never peel or tear like other traditional nonstick pans – which is such a win-win!No kitchen is truly set without a cast-iron skillet, and I love this one! It's right on Amazon and super affordable when compared to other brands and competitors. I use mine for a variety of different recipes and dishes in my home and it's simply the best.I just love this kitchenware set that is made from natural wood. The spoons and spatulas not only work perfectly when cooking or serving up different dishes, but they're cute enough to leave on your kitchen counter or to use when hosting. They're handmade, along with a variety of other cute items from this brand that you can use in and throughout your kitchen!Rikumo is a brand that I've come to love for their kitchenware especially with a few items from them that I use in my kitchen on a regular basis! Again, I love a good cast iron, and while their cast iron pan is a just little more expensive than the skillet I listed above, it's definitely worth the investment. Other items from them that are on-hand in my kitchen is their copper graiter as well as their stainless steel kitchen tool set – All of which work just as great as they look!This is something I use absolutely every day in my kitchen, my Vitamix blender! It can seem like a bit of an investment for a blender, but when it's something you use every day, it's worth having an item that's durable and gets the job done! Seriously the best and available amazon – Need I say more?Lastly – I love having these towels on hand, especially because it cuts down on our paper waste. They're a great neutral color that works well in my kitchen, but they also have a few other color varieties to choose from!I hope you're enjoying following along with our Making A Home process and learning more about all the clean, safe steps we've taken along the way! If you're interested in learning more or making the switch to Clean Living, take a look The Clean Sweep, my 90-day program where I walk through practices, products, and food that create a clean lifestyle. And for more on specific clean products I'm loving right now, follow along at The Clean Stuff Instagram. x
Everyday Clean Products for the Home
These past few weeks I've been sharing about Jase and I's processes of renovating our home on the blog in a collection of talks we're calling Making A Home – While we're still very much in the process, things are slowly but surely coming together and I'm excited to share more with you here in the upcoming weeks! Throughout this time, we've really discovered that creating a home isn't just about the paint you put on the walls and the furniture you fill it with, but even the everyday items you use that make it feel like home. I know we all have our go-to cleaning products, whether they're ones we've grown up using in our childhood homes or those we've come to love on our own – Here are a few of the everyday items that are always stocked in my home!1. Force of NatureI know I talk about this brand a lot – And it's because I am absolutely in love! It's always been a priority to me to keep things extra clean, and with the rise of recent attention towards disinfecting and cleansing, it was important for me to find an all-purpose cleaner that really does its job without being full of chemicals and harmful to the body. Force of Nature is a nontoxic disinfecting solution that cuts through just about anything while also working on virtually any surface – Which I do, trust me! It is an equivalent to the power of bleach and kills viruses, but the only ingredients are salt, water, and vinegar.Plus an extra bonus, it keeps chemicals out of our water system, cuts down plastic waste, and is shipped using materials that are 100% recyclable – So what's not to love? This has easily become one of my household staples that I will always have on hand.2. Branch BasicsAnother nontoxic cleaning brand that I have stocked in my home is Branch Basics. From all-purpose cleaner to laundry detergent and bathroom cleaner – I love it all! Their multipurpose cleaning solution is plant and mineral-based, free of harmful preservatives and their reusable bottles make it extra sustainable. It also can be used on just about any surface, but their options make it super easy to target cleaning specific areas of your home without having to compromise on using toxic cleaning products instead. And like Force of Nature, it's very affordable! Proving that you don't have to compromise on safe cleaning to stay within budget, which is always a win.3. Revive Essential OilsThere's a lot of essential oil brands out there today, but Revive Essential Oils has actually become the only one I use! Made without any fillers, synthetic fragrances or odor enhancers (which can actually be found in a lot of essential oils today), Revive is also locally sourced and directly sold without the middle man – So it's oftentimes cheaper and more affordable than other brands, and the quality is an A+.It's also 100% pure therapeutic grade, free from any additives, adulterants, synthetics, or dilutions. I love being able to use them without having to worry if I'm compromising myself in doing so – Which is why they're my all-time favorite!4. EquilibriaI mentioned this brand last week in my post on The Clean Sweep for Clean Sleep – but I wanted to jot it down again here because it has quickly become a staple item in my home! Implementing hemp oil into my regular routine has been such a game-changer, not just for my sleep but for my mental and physical well-being. Like I mentioned above, there's a lot of brands out there today that make promises about what they can offer, then you end up finding out you're actually harming yourself rather than helping! The journey of clean-living can be so discouraging in this way, so when you find a brand that actually works, and is as clean and sustainable as it promises to be, it's so exciting! Equilibria has been one of those products for me, and I cannot recommend it more!5. SupernaturalAnother cleaning brand that I love! This one is scented with essential oils, so for anyone who prefers a healthy scent, this is perfect. With a variety of different solutions like counters and granite, glass, bath and tiles, wood and floors, and stainless steel – I love that supernatural makes it easy to know that the product I'm using in specific areas of my home is catered just for that area. Like the other brands, it's 100% all-natural, plant-based and made from minerals, and sustainable.All of these brands are actually the only products I use in my home! I hope these help you in the journey to clean-living, especially in times where we've all spent a bit more time at home than usual. I talk more about my own journey to clean-living and give specific advice, practices, and products from my years of research in my 90-day program, The Clean Sweep, but I'm constantly updating my knowledge and looking for ways to make clean-living easy to understand and accessible to everyone.As always, following along with my journey right here on the blog or on my Instagram, @LaurenScruggs or @TheCleanStuff for a peek into the everyday clean beauty, health, and wellness products I currently have my hands on!
The Clean Sweep for Clean Sleep
Over the last few weeks on the blog, I've been covering the process of Jase and I renovating our house in a series we launched here on LSK called Making A Home. Even though it's taken longer than expected, it's been such a special process to put care and intention into every area that fills our house. The first two weeks of Making A Home, I was able to share about a few of my favorite rooms, and there's more to come with before and after pictures that I can't wait to show you!But another reason this process has been so special is that we've unexpectedly discovered so many small businesses and brands that we've really come to really love. With this in mind, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites that I'm always getting questions about either here or on my Instagram.Sleep is one of the key pieces of a strong immune system. It helps our body regenerate and renew itself + rest is the key to positive days and productive mindsets! I believe your bed should be one of the safest places. You are on your mattress for one of the most important times of the day and for so many hours of the day. I get so many questions about clean and healthy mattresses, and when Jase and I were looking for new pieces to fill our home – this was a priority at the top of the list.Toxic mattresses are not always talked about, but our sleep and where we sleep is so important. I share more details about the process and a step by step towards switching over to clean living in my program The Clean Sweep, but I wanted to share with you my favorite picks so you have a foundation to choose from!1. Boll and BranchWe absolutely love this mattress and it's the one we have chosen for our own bedroom! It's foam-free and made by hand with ethically-sourced, natural materials which is always win, win!2. ParachuteI have always loved parachute for their bedding pieces. Then I discovered this mattress that is eco-friendly, made from pure wool and 100% organic cotton – and I was also in love! So comfortable and made with extra back support in mind which is always helpful when finding the best fit for your body and your sleep.3. Under the CanopyAnother brand I love that is made with organic, sustainable materials like recycled steel coil and organic cotton and Joma wool. It's so comfortable and provides great support, while also being eco and clean friendly which I love!4. Avocado Green Mattress A bit more affordable – this mattress is also made with organic, natural materials like organic, certified wool and cotton and is free from polyester, polyurethane foams, and toxic fire retardants (things you wouldn't even know you were sleeping on!) They also have a Vegan Mattress option that is made without wool.Lastly, while talking about the Clean Sweep for Clean Sleep – I cannot go without sharing about one of my all-time favorite sleeping aids that has changed the game for my sleep! I cannot stress how important sleep is and this has been an absolute life-saver in helping my body relax and shutting my mind down before I fall asleep. There are many brands for CBD out there, but I have to say that Equilibria CBD has quickly become my favorite! I take one to two drops before bed (though they customize your dosage depending on your own body) and this has become a new staple in my nightly routine. I love recommending this to friends and family who have expressed that they're tired or have trouble sleeping – it's such a help.I hope you've enjoyed following along on our Making A Home process – And I hope this helps those of you who are on the journey to clean living. For more updates on our home, stay tuned right here on the blog, and for updates each week on clean products I'm loving, follow along on Instagram at The Clean Stuff. xo
Tiles of Ezra: Texture on the Walls
We've been so grateful to be able to take extra time in creating our home. Though it's taken longer than expected, the process of getting to put care and intention into every area has been so special. As it's finally coming together, I wanted to take time on the blog to share this exciting project. So many of you have been asking for before and after pictures – coming soon, I promise! In the meantime, over the next few weeks, I wanted to feature a few areas of my home and brands that I have come to love so much, in a series we're launching on the blog: Making A Home.One of my most grateful finds has been Tiles of Ezra because their sustainable and handmade tiles completely inspire me. In the aim to make our home-renovation free of toxicity, discovering this company that cares just as much about a healthy homemade my heart explode! In the process of creating a new home, Georgia Ezra was at the top of my list to gather imagination and inspiration.I am such a person of minimalism, and I remember fearing that tiling the entire wall in the powder bath would create too much materiality in that space. I was DM-ing Georgia (praise hands to small businesses!), and she was the one who showed me how amazing it would be – And she was right!! Now it might be my most favorite room in the house, and the bonus of all bonuses, the tiles make me feel like we brought nature in. It makes it extra peaceful, serene, and meaningful! It is such a gift when a company aligns so well with organic and non-toxic lifestyle values, and Georgia is now such a sweet friend, and that is the biggest blessing of it all!
Hope you're enjoying tagging along with my house updates – More to come as we're launching our Making A Home series here on the blog. What are some design risks you have taken that turned out to be the best decision?
In The Kitchen: Adding Life to Your Groceries
Last week on the blog I started a new collection of talks around being In The Kitchen. I don't know about you, but here at LSK we've been talking so much about how this time has changed everything for us. Things that we used to think were such a chore have now become a cherished part of our routine, and we're finding ourselves digging into new passions like never before. One of those passions for me has been spending time in the kitchen – taking extra care in what I prepare, and all the steps along the way.With things being the way they are recently, I've been thinking so much more about what I use and how I use it. This week I want to share a few tips on how to preserve those precious groceries we're buying and make them last as long as possible in order to reduce waste and save on fewer trips to pick up groceries.More than ever, I think I am realizing why my mom is almost mentally trained not to waste any food considering the culture during her childhood. I always had no problem tossing certain things, but now I have a greater appreciation for what I put in my straw bag at the farm shop. These times have brought more scarcity than we have experienced in our lives, and I am all about making my produce last as long as possible + for the first time have researched what veggies remain fresh for longer.I wanted to share some tips that have really helped me. It has been such a new topic to educate myself on!
- Rinse with water. You can use a vegetable brush on tougher roots.
- Veggies will hold the longest if you wait to wash them right before use.
- Swag Bags: It keeps our veggies fresh for up to two weeks + they are made with the healthiest materials.
- Almond Cow: Jase and I were having a hard time keeping almond milk in stock. It was always out at the grocery store after quarantine started, so this has been an absolute game-changer. And it only takes 5 minutes!
- Your herbs will be happiest standing in a glass of water, where just the stems are wet.
- Store in the fridge or on the counter.
- Store in the refrigerator in a container with some airflow.
- Keep potatoes in a paper bag to minimize light exposure (that is what causes them to sprout!).
- Refrigerate in an airtight container.
- They like a little moisture but not too much. Sometimes it helps to add a damp paper towel into the container.
- If you feel like you won't use your veggies or fruit before they will get bad, freeze them! Did you know even raw butter and cheese freezes well? Cut, peel, and remove excess from your produce, and store in these biodegradable storage bags.
- With bread that is going bad, make croutons!
Info source: @wearebrightland
Force of Nature: A Clean Alternative to Bleach
If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably heard me rave about my love for this natural all-purpose cleaning product that I recently discovered. During this time of a worldwide pandemic, I think so many have been tempted to use chemicals even with knowledge of the harmful effects. Did you know that bleach and other harmful cleaning products affect our respiratory system and our immune system, which is something we need to be extra strong right now!A sweet girl DM-ed me about a month ago telling me about Force of Nature and how much she loved this clean alternative to bleach. So I gave it a go! And oh. my. I am so giddy about it! Jase and I have been using alcohol as our disinfectant for products/mail/food deliveries, but we are trying to conserve it as much as possible, so we haven't been using it to kill germs on the surfaces in our home. I have been deep cleaning our house once a week (OCD in full affect!) and have used FON on our wood floors and surfaces two times already – I give it a major five stars!This solution is only 3 ingredients: salt, vinegar, and filtered water. They provide a beaker (that plugs in), a tube of the concentration. You fill the beaker with your own water and insert the solution, turn the beaker on and wait 9 minutes. It is converted to electrolyzed water when an electrical current changes the chemical composition of the solution into two new ingredients: hypochlorous acid, which is the same germ-killing substance our immune system makes, and sodium hydroxide, which gives this solution extra disinfecting power! Then you pour this into the spray bottle that they provide.This nontoxic disinfecting solution powers through odors, grease, grime, soap scum and sticky, icky messes as effectively as bleach. The best part: it cleans virtually any surface – sealed stone, glass, stainless steel, wood, laminate, porcelain, composite, grout, tile, plastic and rubber. Other things to use it on: baby gear like strollers, highchairs, car seats, kids serve wear and utensils, sports gear, rugs and furniture, makeup brushes, backpacks, lunch boxes, thermoses, straws, sippy cups, yoga mats, reusable bags, fresh-cut flowers, patio furniture, camping gear, diaper bags, front load washers, retainer cases, toothbrushes, children's toys, pet habitats, sponges, cars, the fridge, humidifiers, door handles, mail, and the list goes on!Also, many people have been asking me if it has a scent. It smells like a pool (not for long), but honestly, that smell makes me feel extra productive when it comes to cleaning. It smells so fresh and I love it!Extra Bonuses:
- This keeps toxic chemicals from going into our water systems.
- It reduces plastic waste from typical cleaners by 97%. It is Green Seal certified for environmental excellence.
- The shipping boxes and Activator Capsules are 100% recyclable.
What's not to love? DM me on Instagram or comment below to tell me how you like it! Stay safe and healthy everyone! xx
The Clean Beauty Journey With Tara Foley Of Follain
Alright, clean beauty lovers, today is a BIG day. We have no other than the founder of Follain, Tara Foley, with us to chat all about clean beauty and skincare. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3524398"]
Alright, clean beauty lovers, today is a BIG day. We have no other than the founder of Follain, Tara Foley, with us to chat all about clean beauty and skincare. Specifically, Tara is going to be covering the transition from toxic to toxin-free; a journey that is so important but can feel overwhelming. Don't fret though, Tara's approach to the transition is practical, achievable, and so worth it.One of the many things that I love about Follain is their belief that clean products aren't to only be praised for the ingredients they don't include (i.e. toxic ones!), but celebrated for the nourishing, nutrient-rich ingredients they do include. It isn't enough to only eliminate the bad stuff; the replacement ingredients must be of utmost quality because those minerals and vitamins are what your skin is really wanting to soak up. With that in mind, we are going to hand it over to Tara to talk more about the clean beauty journey.5 Steps for Kick-Starting Your Clean Beauty Journey with Tara Foley, founder & ceo of Follain When I first met Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, I was immediately impressed by her deep knowledge and passion for clean living. We share this passion and also love promoting the importance of clean living to as many women (and men!) as possible. I was beyond honored when Lauren suggested that you’d like to hear from me about how to switch over to a clean beauty routine!To begin, I want to put it out there that I know how hard it can be to know where to start, when switching to cleaner beauty products—and it can be even harder to decode product labels that contain buzzwords like “natural,” “organic,” and “non-toxic.” I opened Follain in 2013 to create a destination for beautiful, high-performing, and truly clean skincare products. When you shop with us, you don’t have to worry about confusing labels, because we’ve vetted every single product long before it makes it onto our shelves and our website. In fact, we have an always evolving restricted ingredient list that we maintain with input from scientists, dermatologists, and other experts. We also put all products through a rigorous approval process, meaning the team and I test them out over several weeks to make sure they live up to their promises and will work wonders for your skin.If you’re like me, you use A LOT of products, and it would be overwhelming to swap them all at once. That’s why I always recommend thinking about what you use most often and the most of. Those are the best products you should switch out first. Here are 5 categories to consider switching early on, as you start your clean beauty journey.
- Deodorant
Conventional deodorants are usually antiperspirants, designed to clog pores and block sweat, rather than allow your body do what it was designed to when your temperature rises: sweat! Clean deodorants won’t stop you from sweating (which is a good thing), but they typically include essential oils to kill odor-causing bacteria and moisture-absorbers such as baking soda or cornstarch. -
- Facial Cleanser
Many conventional cleansers contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), an additive that makes products foam up; however, it’s thought to contribute to a bunch of health problems. I don’t think the foam is worth the risk—and it’s definitely not doing anything for skin. In fact, SLS can be irritating and trigger allergies. Natural and non-toxic cleansers opt for clays, oils, and plant extracts to get you squeaky clean while nourishing your skin, too. If you need help finding the best cleanser for your skin, try our matchmaker tool!-
- Hand & Body Soap
Since you use soap and body wash all over, this is an important swap to make. I’m partial to our Follain Hand & Body Soap, which is gentle enough to be used for just about everything. If you’re a fan of bar soap, though, there are a bunch of clean options that take your dad’s old-fashioned bar to the next level. With the beautiful essential oils and a soft lather of non-toxic soaps, you’ll never want to go back to your old shower routine. -
- Facial Moisturizer
Since you probably use your facial moisturizer twice a day, this is a good candidate for a clean swap. Traditional formulas can contain fillers, preservatives, and chemically derived emulsifiers. The best thing about their clean counterparts—and clean skincare in general—is that they replace those fillers with ingredients that actually make a difference for your skin and can help you target your skincare concerns. It can be hard to figure out which moisturizer is right for you, but at Follain, we created a our skin quiz to solve this problem. By answering a few questions, you’ll get recommendations for a personalized routine from our selection of high-performing favorites. -
- Body Moisturizer
Conventional moisturizers often include petroleum derivatives, which are touted for their ability to seal in moisture. But there are plenty of safe and wholesome alternatives that will feed your skin. I’m personally a big fan of body oils, which is why I’m so excited about Follain’s new Instant Glow Body Oil. We crafted it from 10 oils and it comes in a spray bottle, so it’s easy to apply. But if oil isn’t for you, there are plenty of lotions, butters, and balms that will do the trick, without any of the nasty stuff! In my personal opinion, the best part about making the switch to cleaner beauty is that these products are so much more enjoyable to use than conventional products! Their beautiful nourishing ingredients make you feel like you’re doing something super healthy for yourself--because you are! As you have more questions when making the switch to cleaner products, we’re here and happy to help! Thanks for reading and enjoy the journey!
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