
10 Things I Love About LA


I moved to Los Angeles a little over three years ago, and although it is very different than Texas, there are so many things I absolutely love about this beautiful city. Keep reading to see my top ten favorite qualities about this beautiful California stop.1. You are always surrounded by beautiful scenery. I sometimes get distracted driving because of the stunning views.2. I love all of the near-by escapes in this state! There are the cutest little beach towns that are so charming and slow-paced. Laguna Beach is our all-time favorite, but we also love Malibu, Santa Barbara, Ojai, Carmel, and Big Sur + we have so many more places to explore!3. Friendships are a beautiful thing in this city. Most residents are from a different state, so you live life so closely alongside people; it is really special and unique.4. I love that there is never an end to exploring this city, and each neighborhood is highly different than the next. Studio City is so different than Echo Park; Beverly Hills is very different from Brentwood, and the list goes on. You truly never get bored here!5. Los Angeles is very ahead in the wellness game. I have always studied health, but being in this city has opened my eyes to so much - it has smoothie shops that use adaptogens, grocery stores with the most pristine tonic bars and the newest of the new everything i.e. bone broth locally made in Venice Beach, coconut probiotic yogurt made locally, and unlimited charcoal-infused juices.6. Spontaneity is extra fun in this city. Jase and I love last minute stay-cations or weekend escapes, and this city makes it extra easy to do. There are endless places to experience - we enjoy everything from driving to Malibu for a beach escape, visiting the most special local market in Echo Park, or visiting the creativity and hustle and bustle of downtown LA.7. There are so many hidden gems here - the facial spa I go to has a special place in my heart. Carasoin is owned by the most lovely couple, and it is an embodiment of a lifelong dream by it’s Founder, Lena Bratschi. It is so special because they personalize your treatment based on your skincare needs that day. While Lena was treating my skin, I asked her how she became passionate about her business. Her answer only made me love her more! She was super close to her granny growing up, who lived in the midst of beautiful gardens in Switzerland, and she would make homemade beauty products straight from plants. #dream8. The church we go to started several years ago in Jason's living room. It started as a bible study with no intention to grow, and now it is an LA church plant. It is so humbling to be a part of, and the impact of the community is extra sweet.9. The opportunities here are endless! I run into the most creative, inspiring, talented people on the daily. It is really amazing to see people with pure ambition pursue their passions whole-heartedly + it is so encouraging to see people walking fully in their skill.10. I love LA because Jason is here ha! It has taken me time to adjust to this city, and he makes it extra easy and do-able to feel like this is home. 

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

Bone Broth: Why It's Amazing


A major positive to living in Los Angeles these last few years is the benefit of discovering health practices that were not a part of my life prior to. I started uncovering the cause of my intense fatigue a few years ago, and along the way, through my reputable naturopath to the magical tonic bar at my go-to grocery store, to my recent leaky gut healing plan from my functional medicine doctor, bone broth has been a key word that keeps coming up.I personally steer clear of meat, so I love that I can supplement protein from bone broth. It is rich in minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds that are easy to absorb. Here are a few: collagen, magnesium, iron, calcium, glutamine, phosphorus, sulfur, glycine, bone marrow, potassium, zinc, gelatin and proline. The collagen in bone broth heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation + the abundance of minerals and amino acids reduces arthritis and joint point. Not to mention, it boosts the immune system in major amounts, boosts detoxification, and maintains healthy skin. Wowsers.Bone broth has become like my coffee. I love putting a spoonful of coconut oil in mine to add extra fat and calories + adding fresh ginger is super yum too! Food is so powerful, and I love that God created these things to help our body run as it is intended.My extra favorite thing to use bone broth for: veggie stir fries and soups! Who's with me in this cold weather? It is so cozy and super easy to make, smells delicious, and feeds your body with endless nutrients. Bone broth for the win! P.S. A key thing when using this is making sure it is good quality. Here is what  I use and recommend:Owl Venice: their chicken and vegan mineral broths are staples in my fridge.Kitchen Witch: I recently purchased this brand. I loved the gelatin in it because it aids to further healing of the gut.Kettle and Fire; Brothee; Epic: I haven't personally tried any of these, but I have heard great things!

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