
Dear Keaton: Daybed Haven


It has been such a special process (emphasis on process ha!) decorating our home. We unexpectedly needed to start fresh with furniture because of sizing issues with the furniture we brought from our previous home. One of the parts of the decor equation that I am most grateful for, especially during this global pandemic, is discovering some incredible small businesses. There are so many gems of companies that I wouldn't have known about, but my time on Pinterest has been on an all-time high, which expanded my awareness.Dear Keaton is one of the shops that I have come to love so much. They have the most beautiful neutral furniture (key to my heart), textures, and shapes! Not to mention, such lovely rugs and lighting and things to style on your living room console or in a cozy nook of the house.Especially in light of current times have such great effect on businesses, buying small adds purpose beyond the purchase. I think it is so key + it only adds more meaning to each piece in your home.I have gotten to the place where I only buy a piece that I know without a shadow of a doubt will add coziness and neutral warm to our home. This daybed and coffee table each caught my eye for our upstairs guest room. Oh! And the pillows added a bit of color and pattern to the area too.I hope you are loving this as much as I do. Our ultimate goal is for everyone that stays in our home to feel like it is their home away from home; a getaway oasis, and these pieces do just the trick![show_shopthepost_widget id="4063805"]

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Thinking Bigger: Serving Others and Supporting Small Businesses

Although this time is full of struggle, re-adjusting, loss, learning to homeschool, and bits of frustration or maybe even fear, there are positive ways we can support each other! This time has reinstalled a sense of camaraderie and community. Do y'all agree? Many are serving more than they ever have. It’s a beautiful silver lining to this pandemic. When loneliness sets in, I encourage you to check in on someone else or send a thoughtful note or gift to a loved one; I guarantee it will bring you joy and will only bring comfort to others!

Here on the blog, we've implemented a new series of talks on Thinking Bigger. Last week we touched on How Simplicity Changes Everything, and this week I wanted to talk about serving others and supporting small businesses – A topic that has really been on my heart and surprisingly, has also helped me process during this time.

My family lives in Dallas; we are so close, and it was really tough to cancel the trips we had planned to see each other, not knowing when the safe next time will be. One way that has helped me feel so connected is by sending them presents that remind me of them or fun little things for my sweet nieces! And all the while, I order the items from small businesses. You bring a company joy while sending joy to someone you love, and it doesn’t have to be big!Another long-winded, yet rewarding project we have been diving into is all things home and finishing the furnishing process! With the intension of supporting small businesses, I feel like I have entered an entirely new world of discovering some incredible companies! It makes the purchase that was on the to-do feel much more purposeful.

Fun Ideas

  • Create your neighbor a bouquet of flowers from the backyard.
  • Write a note to someone you are grateful for.
  • Call your grandma.
  • Give to a charity that provides meals to others during this time.
  • Cook a meal or cookies and deliver it to someone it would help.

Gift Ideas

  • Send a bottle of wine from here (it's organic and biodynamic and delicious!)
  • A toy for your friend's puppy from here, here, or here.
  • Send something cute from here.
  • This Box of Sunshine that gives 100% of proceeds to Baby2Baby.
  • The cutest organic clothes for kids.
  • For new mamas.
  • Healthy products from here.

For the Home

To follow along with items I'm getting my hands on, or to see how I'm constantly learning and processing throughout this time, stay up to date on my Instagram. x

How can you serve and support others during this time? Jot down a few ideas and try to implement one this week!

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