
10 Things I Love About Dallas


It blows my mind when my friends in LA have never been to Dallas, Texas; this sweet southern spot is full of so much charm mixed with city living. Texas is such a gem of a state (all of us locals are a bit biased), and it has the most safe, settling feeling about it. Can I get an amen? After moving to Los Angeles, I appreciate this lovely place more than ever. I miss the gentlemen opening doors, chivalry displayed at its best, predicted traffic, and the genuine smiles you pass on the daily. I was just talking with a local here in California this week about how Southern living is so centered around quality time with people rather than the next task, trip, or adventure. Both are beautiful, but the initial seems to be extra meaningful.Here are my top ten favorite qualities about the Big D.1. The people. There is nothing like the people in Dallas; this city is truly filled with the most genuinely sweet and warm people. I feel like everywhere I go, I run into some one I know - it makes the city feel like a cozy small town in the best of ways. Not to mention, my life long friends are there as well as my family. This is what makes the city the most wonderful place in my opinion!2. I love the little neighborhoods that branch off of the city; there are so many hidden gems such as Bishop Arts District, Trinity Groves, Highland Park, Legacy, Deep Ellum, Uptown, Knox/Henderson, and Preston Hollow. These suburbs each have their own sweet personality and create such special places to call home.3. Everything is so close by! No matter where you are, there seems to be several grocery stores within a five-minute driving span. Every thing is right at your finger tips! Also, a “far” drive in Dallas is on average twenty minutes with no traffic. #adreamcometrue4. Football is life here. For those of you that know me know that I am a huge Cowboys fan, so I love being in the city that represents this amazing football team + the stadium is my heaven. Everyone's schedules are determined around the games, and the watching parties are the most fun excuse to have big get-togethers with all of your loved ones! P.S. I loved growing up tossing the football with my dad and learning how to throw a solid spiral throw from my guy friends.5. My arm prosthetist as well as my eye prosthetist are in Dallas, and they are the best of the best! What a blessing they both have been in my life.6. Travel is extra easy from Dallas since it is in the center of the South.7. The city is so clean. Dallas is so well taken care of; it is one of the things I appreciate most about this city.8. When I land, I feel like I am home. It is so settling, cozy, and comforting. It is very family oriented and every place is filled with the most friendly faces!9. This city is known for its restaurants and shopping. A few favorites: R&D Kitchen, Bird Bakery, Nick and Sams, True Food Kitchen, La Duni, Mi Cocina, Crudo, Sea Breeze, Eight 11, and of course, Northpark Mall + all of the cute villages for shopping.10. I have an obsession with the Tollway. Is that weird? Lol. I know every swist and turn and the traffic patterns + it is just fun to drive. Even though I live in LA, I still thoroughly enjoy reading the Tollway update emails - I can’t help myself ha!11. Oopsies. Can I get a #11? I am so grateful for the Village Church. It was a tool and a community that helped to shape my faith. The staff feels like family, and the impact of their lives, the way they wrapped around my family during hardship, and the heart of the leadership has forever changed my life. 

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12 Ways To Detox Your Home With Dr. Maren

We are so thankful to be featuring Dr. Christine Maren today on LSK! We connected with Dr. Maren because of our wellness series and we're so thankful that she offered to share her 12 Ways To Detox Your Home process here on the blog. As you know, we are so passionate about clean living and love getting our hands on the best information in order to make healthy choices, develop smart habits, and share new information with you guys! Below are her 12 steps to make your home a clean, safe, and healthy space. Be sure to follow Dr. Maren on Instagram, too. xo1. IF THERE’S ONE THING YOU DO, FILTER YOUR DRINKING WATER AND TEST YOUR WATER SUPPLY.

Filtering your water helps to decrease potential exposures to heavy metals like lead, arsenic and cadmium as well as a slew of chemicals and solvents like trihalomethanes, atrazine, benzene and chlorine.

The comprehensive test I recommend from National Testing Laboratories measures 20 heavy metals and minerals; 7 inorganic chemicals; 4 physical characteristics; 16 disinfection by-products; 47 volatile organic compounds; 20 pesticides, herbicides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Look for a NSF-certified water filter. My favorites are the Aquasana Reverse Osmosis with Remineralizer or Big Berkey.


A whole house filter or even a shower head filter can reduce your exposure to by-products of water treatment like chlorine - sometimes even chlorine and ammonia (chloramine) - and contaminants like organochloride pesticides from steamy vapors you and your family inhale while bathing.

I recommend the Aquasana whole house filter, or their premium shower head filter when a whole house filter isn’t possible.


Use a high-quality air filter, especially in the bedrooms. Look for a triple element filter including HEPA, carbon and zeolite to help to minimize airborne toxins, including benzene, wood smoke, formaldehyde, mycotoxins and other volatile organic compound (VOCs).

I recommend the Austin Air HealthMate Plus or IQAir. Be sure to factor in the cost and frequency of filter replacement when you consider your purchase.

Also, make it a habit to purge the air in your home by opening doors and windows for 5-10minutes a day. House plants also help pull toxins from the air.


We spend a third of our life in bed, so changes you make in the bedroom count. Organic beds help limit exposures to flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs), decabromodiphenyl oxideantimony, insecticides like boric acid, synthetic pesticides, formaldehyde and other chemical additives.

I recommend My Green Mattress and IntelliBED. My favorite low-cost bedding is Target's Threshold Organic Cotton Sheet Set.


Household dust and dirt is thought to be one of the biggest sources of daily exposure to lead, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), pesticides, and other chemicals.

Invest in a high quality HEPA vacuum from Miele or Nilfisk. Swiffers also do a good job of clinging to dust.


Many conventional cleaning products expose you and your family to hazardous chemicals which are known human carcinogens and endocrine disruptors - things like phthalates, benzene and boric acid. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the body’s endocrine (or hormone) systems, causing harmful developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects.

You can clean almost anything with baking soda or vinegar and essential oils, or consult EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning for better alternatives.

I buy my favorite household cleaners through Branch Basics and Thrive Market. I also add the Micro Balance E3C Laundry Additive to every load of laundry to help eliminate mold spores.


Limit your exposure to phthalates by using glass, ceramic, or stainless steel containers for heating and storing hot food. Avoid plastic water bottles and travel mugs.

Mason jars make an inexpensive alternative. I also love my glass and stainless steel water bottles from brands like U Konserve, Thinksport, S'well, Lifefactory and Kleen Kanteen.


Teflon exposes your food to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Lodge Cast Iron pans are a great option because they’re economical and durable. Ceramic, stoneware, and stainless steel are also good alternatives.


Wash all fruits and vegetables using mild additive-free soap and clean water to limit exposures to organochloride pesticides (OCs) and organophosphate pesticides (OPs),

including glyphosate.

Avoid the EWG “Dirty Dozen” list of high-pesticide produce. Consider purchasing a membership to a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box.


Buying clean animal products limits exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochloride pesticides (OCs), organophosphate pesticides (OPs), dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).

I order grass-fed beef, bison, lamb and pork through Butcher Box and U.S. Wellness Meats.


Larger carnivorous fish like tuna, sea bass, halibut and swordfish may contain mercury, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Farmed salmon may also contain PCBs.

Reference the NRDC Mercury in Fish Wallet Card or EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood.

My favorite resource for organic, wild seafood is Vital Choice. I buy the canned Redtresca salmon belly, wild Alaskan salmon filets, wild Atlantic sea scallops, and wild Portuguese sardines in extra virgin olive oil.


Although these poisons are easy to purchase and look almost innocuous, they are far from safe and expose your family to toxic organochloride pesticides (OCs) and organophosphate pesticides (OPs) like glyphosate. Also, removing shoes you’ve worn outside helps prevent pesticides from entering your home.

Reference the EPA’s Citizen’s Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety for tips on prevention and safer alternatives, including “biological controls” like ladybugs.


I'm Dr. Christine Maren, a board-certified functional medicine physician and mother of three. I advocate for real food, healthy living, and clean beauty. I think physicians should be role models when it comes to nutrition and healthy living, and my mission is to empower others to achieve the highest expression of health.

These are the tried and tested resources that I recommend to my patients and use in my own home. You'll find more of my favorites - along with special offers and discounts – at drchristinemaren.com/trusted-products.


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10 Shocking Facts About Your Gut + Microbiome Health


About six months ago, I was posting on Instagram about my journey to discovering my stomach issues and included that the recommended doctor that tests these things was not taking new clients. DrCole commented on the photograph saying he does the same tests if I needed them. I looked him up, saw him on Goop, and was amazed by his wellness knowledge.We met shortly after via FaceTime, and he was so dedicated to getting to the root of my health issues. I was so thankful, and after several intricate tests, we came to the bottom of it for the first time in years. I was so relieved that I could stop my own self-diagnosing and desperate research and start his healing plan for my gut health!That being said, we are so grateful to have Dr. Cole here on LSK today! Below he is sharing 10 shocking facts about your gut + microbiome health, as well as links to further your research on the subject. Knowledge about your gut is truly so valuable, because a lot of people do not realize the significance of the gut and microbiome in relation to overall health and wellness! We hope that this information helps you on your wellness journey. Enjoy, xo.Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said “All disease begins in the gut.” The wellness world is finally starting to agree with this age-old thought with science beginning to provide proof to what we have known all along – if you want a healthy body, you need a healthy gut. As a functional medicine practitionerI often see the gut playing a pivotal role in a person's health, regardless if they are coming in with digestive symptoms or not. Here are some facts you may not have known about your health powerhouse:

  1. It is extremely vast

The collection of bacteria in your gut is known as your microbiome. There are approximately  100 trillion microbes living in your gut. To get an idea of how much that is, you can line up 1 trillion dollar bills back to back and they would extend from the earth to the sun and back again. That’s just a small percentage of what is living inside of you.

  1. It has amazing healing capabilities

The surface area of your gut is roughly the size of an entire tennis court and covered in special cells called enterocytes. These cells regenerate so rapidly you actually get a completely new gut lining every 2 to 3 weeks. As long as you don’t have any chronic health conditions like inflammation or autoimmunity studies have shown, you can heal your gut in as little as 12 weeks with gut bacteria improving in just three days of changing up your diet. Even if you do have chronic health problems, due to the nature of your gut’s regeneration, healing is only a matter of time and consistency.Running gut labs can give you a baseline idea of where you stand in order to know how to start healing. Eliminating inflammatory foods and replacing them with gut healing superfoods like bone broth, healthy fats, and supplements like probiotics and l-glutamine are great ways to jump start the process.

  1. It controls your weight

Studies have shown that lower microbiome diversity is associated with increased weight. People who struggle with weight loss resistance tend to have a higher amount of the bad bacteria Actinobacteria and Firmicutes and lower amounts of the beneficial bacteria Bacteroids and Verrucomicrobia. 

  1. It plays host to your immune system

Close to 80 percent of your immune system is located in your gut. It is no surprise then that many autoimmune conditions are linked to microbiome dysfunctions.

  1. It is your second brain

Your gut and brain were formed from the same fetal tissue when you were growing in your mother’s womb and is inextricably connected for the rest of your life through the gut-brain axis. A whole area of research known as “the cytokine model of cognitive function” is dedicated to the connection between your gut and brain health. In fact, lower levels of Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum are linked with increased rates of anxiety and depression. Also, close to 95 percent of your happy neurotransmitter serotonin is produced and stored in your gut. If you want a healthy brain look no further than the status of your microbiome.

  1. It influences your entire health

You do not have to have digestive symptoms – like diarrhea, constipation, gas, or bloating – in order to have digestive problems. In reality, close to 22 percent of people struggling with underlying gut problems actually experience traditional gut symptoms. Instead, it will cause a cascade of chronic inflammation that will contribute to everything from autoimmune disease, cancer, skin problems, and even heart disease. 

  1. It is powerfully controlled by food

The food you eat can either harm your microbiome or heal it. Certain inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar, or artificial sweeteners can actually alter your microbiome and create an imbalance of bacteria leading to an overgrowth of bad bacteria. However, eating probiotic rich fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir provide your gut with all the good bacteria it needs to thrive.

  1. It is more of you than you are

There are only 10 trillion human cells. When you compare that to the 100 trillion bacteria in your microbiome, we can safely say that you are actually 10 times more bacteria than human. Also, the genes of your microbiome bacteria outnumber your own genes 100 to 1.

  1. It plays a role in inflammation levels

When your gut lining is compromised, undigested food particles and other toxins end up entering your blood stream causing elevated ongoing inflammation throughout your body.

  1. It controls the health of your skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and one of the biggest ways your body rids itself of toxins. Chronic inflammation due to gut dysfunctions and immune-responses to different foods can appear in the form of rashes and acne. We hope that you found these facts as fascinating as we did!! Knowledge really is power and it truly does all start in the gut, so we are extremely thankful to have Dr. Cole's wisdom in our lives! We also asked Dr. Cole to share links to articles about gut-friendly eating plans, so be sure to read about an elimination diet, a 60 day reset plan, and an article on apple cider vinegar and lemon water. Also, his blog is an amazing resource, so definitely take the time to explore it! Thank you, Dr. Cole!

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10 Ways To Relieve Stress


Oh, stress. We all know it at times, right? It is a real thing and some things are truly out of control, but the good news is that we are in control of how we deal and respond to stressful situations, circumstances, and seasons.One thing that always gives me peace during a time of stress is remembering that it is temporary. God doesn't want us to be trapped in stress. In a lot of ways, stress is connected to fear and worry, so keeping grounded in His Truth and committing our minds and hearts to not being fearful and not worrying is a key way to rise above stress and victoriously walk through it.Below are 10 ways to relieve stress that help us, and we hope that they help you as well. We thought that this was an appropriate post for our wellness series, because dealing with stress in a healthy way is so crucial to our well-being. Enjoy xo

*Pray intentionally, take your worries to God, get in the Word, turn on Worship music, and ask loved ones to pray for you. Talking to Him + people that you love and trust helps so much.

*Stretch or do yoga- even just doing a few poses in your home is great if you can’t make it to a class.

*Drink soothing/relaxing/calming tea- I love Yogi’s honey lavender stress relief tea.

*Schedule downtime to intentionally rest, unwind, and read a good book if that brings you joy.

*Pay extra attention to eating healthy and drinking plenty of water.

*Take a bath, light candles, turn on Worship music.

*Journal and make a list- this helps get things on paper and off your mind.

*Diffuse essential oils - lavender is so lovely always.

*Get fresh air - it could as simple as opening the windows in the house, sitting outside, going for a walk or a run if you enjoy that.

*I love binging on a happy, mindless show, like the Bachelor or Friends, ha! It takes my mind off of the stressful things.


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Coffee Enemas To The Rescue


My best friend and I went to Tulum together this year to celebrate her 30th birthday, and one day we found ourselves laying on the beach listening to the most interesting podcast on Wellness Mama. For the first time, we were hearing that coffee enemas are a beneficial way to detox the body from the toxins and metals that we are exposed to every day. Anna and I were so intrigued by this and started researching more, but we were both a bit intimidated by it. I arrived home a few days later, and we had our sweet family friends over for dinner. I couldn't believe it when my friend Bethany randomly brought up coffee enemas. They changed her mom's life in the middle of a health crisis, and they made such a big impact on hers as well. She described the process to me step by step and told me what to purchase. Her personal guidance made me feel so much more comfortable to do it.Also, to preface, I am not a doctor or a health expert, so I encourage you to do your own research and honor your individual needs.Supplies Needed*An enema set; this one is my favorite from Amazon, is $35 and gets the job done!*Organic coffee - I love this one!*A cozy bathroom towel - these organic ones are the softest; we are obsessed!*A great podcast*Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning afterWhy use coffee?There are many colonics you can do, but coffee seems to be the most powerfully cleansing. It is excellent for cleansing the liver, which is responsible for pretty much all of the functions of the body. Coffee enemas support the liver by stimulating the production and release of bile and then dumping it out along with many toxins when the enema is released. If you have candida, coffee enemas can flush out the candida that often lives in the liver as well.Coffee enemas have the ability to break down gunk that other enemas don’t. The astringent quality of the coffee is excellent at stripping away layers caked onto the sides of the colon. This might be old stools or even layers of old mucus that contains bacterias and parasites. I have also personally seen this old parasite filled mucus come out after doing coffee enemas, which I had to ask Bethany about to get some clarity on what it was. lolMy Coffee Enema Routine It is SUPER easy, but the first one might be a bit of a mess as you get the hang of it. I am just talking from personal experience ha! Also, the entire process takes about 3o minutes. I have done my coffee enemas in the afternoon after having a bowel movement, but you can do them any time you feel is best. It is great to drink lots of water prior to, and I love drinking hot water with lemon for a little extra preparation and detox.To prepare the coffee, I mix four tablespoons of organic coffee with about 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil on the stove. That’s a pretty high concentration, and you may want to start with just one tablespoon and see how it goes. Once the coffee is boiling, I’ll simmer it on a low boil for about 10-15 minutes. Then I either let it cool while I’m doing other things or I’ll add ice cubes if I want to use it right away. I like for the liquid to still be warm, but not hot, because I find it’s much more relaxing and easier to retain if it’s closer to body temperature than room temperature.Once it’s at the desired temp, I pour the coffee directly into a blender or a big one liter jar, being careful to leave the grounds in the bottom of the pot. You could also strain it if you want. Then I pour the liquid into my bucket and move the tube up and down to make sure all of the air bubbles are out. If you get some air in, it’s not dangerous, you just might have a more difficult time retaining the enema and experience some gas when it comes out. Then, I clamp the hose shut, lube with coconut oil, and insert the plastic tip. I set the timer on my phone for 15 minutes or longer if I have time and patience.Next I get the bathroom prepped. I like to do my enema in the shower so that in the rare case that anything leaks out, it’s easy to clean up. I usually put on a podcast and make the bathroom feel extra cozy - candles, diffusing essential oils, etc.From there I immediately lay down on my right side (very important so the coffee can get to the liver) and wrap myself in a towel to stay warm. To help the coffee enter my colon more easefully, I might lift the tube up especially towards the end. Once I’ve retained nearly all of the liquid, I remove the tube and do my best to just relax.Some people experience intense cramping and have to breathe through it. You will also hear and feel gurgling in your body, which means it's working!Once the timer is up, I  go directly to the toilet, and release. As I do, I massage my belly (especially my lower left abdomen) to help expel more liquid. Sometimes I love to take a hot, relaxing shower afterwards, so I feel extra clean. Afterwards I also drink a lot of water!The Most Powerful BenefitsImmediate relief from constipation.Decrease in food and alcohol cravings.Immediate sense of lightness, clarity, focus.Improved bowel movements.Immediate relief from headache or brain fog.Immediate reduction of gas, and overall reduction of gas with regular use.Clearer more glowing skin within 24 hours of doing the enema.Whiter, clearer eyes within 24 hours of doing the enema.Weight loss, less bloating, and flatter stomach with regular enema use.Removal of many layers of old mucus, parasites, and candida. Other major bonuses and sourcesWhile I do not suffer from migraines or headaches, I hear that coffee enemas can offer instant relief. They are even used in traditional hospitals to relieve patients of all kinds of pain. Coffee enemas have also been used for decades by holistic doctors at the forefront of healing cancer.Read more about the history of enemas here...An article about fighting cancer and detoxing with coffee enemaArticle: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Giving Yourself an Enema and Were Afraid to AskArticle: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Coffee EnemasArticle: 10 Reasons Why You Should Try a Coffee EnemaThis American Girl


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Bone Broth: Why It's Amazing


A major positive to living in Los Angeles these last few years is the benefit of discovering health practices that were not a part of my life prior to. I started uncovering the cause of my intense fatigue a few years ago, and along the way, through my reputable naturopath to the magical tonic bar at my go-to grocery store, to my recent leaky gut healing plan from my functional medicine doctor, bone broth has been a key word that keeps coming up.I personally steer clear of meat, so I love that I can supplement protein from bone broth. It is rich in minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds that are easy to absorb. Here are a few: collagen, magnesium, iron, calcium, glutamine, phosphorus, sulfur, glycine, bone marrow, potassium, zinc, gelatin and proline. The collagen in bone broth heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation + the abundance of minerals and amino acids reduces arthritis and joint point. Not to mention, it boosts the immune system in major amounts, boosts detoxification, and maintains healthy skin. Wowsers.Bone broth has become like my coffee. I love putting a spoonful of coconut oil in mine to add extra fat and calories + adding fresh ginger is super yum too! Food is so powerful, and I love that God created these things to help our body run as it is intended.My extra favorite thing to use bone broth for: veggie stir fries and soups! Who's with me in this cold weather? It is so cozy and super easy to make, smells delicious, and feeds your body with endless nutrients. Bone broth for the win! P.S. A key thing when using this is making sure it is good quality. Here is what  I use and recommend:Owl Venice: their chicken and vegan mineral broths are staples in my fridge.Kitchen Witch: I recently purchased this brand. I loved the gelatin in it because it aids to further healing of the gut.Kettle and Fire; Brothee; Epic: I haven't personally tried any of these, but I have heard great things!

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

Oil Pulling Benefits

Have you ever heard of oil pulling? Normally when I ask people this, the answer is no, and I would have definitely been one of those people before. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2980099"]


Have you ever heard of oil pulling? Normally when I ask people this, the answer is no, and I would have definitely been one of those people before. I was googling natural ways to whiten teeth and discovered articles like this one, this one, and this one. I was immediately intrigued, read up on it more, and decided to give it a try once I learned about all of the oil pulling benefits. P.S. I also read that Gwyneth Paltrow is an oil pulling fan and then discovered this oil pulling kit that is sold on goop.com. I don't use this kit, although the information on the kit is very interesting and helpful; I simply use the coconut oil from Trader Joe's that is always in my pantry.As always, do research on your own before trying a new health practice (and even consult your doctor if you wish), but below are a few notes about oil pulling that I've learned. The gist of it is that you swish coconut oil (about a tablespoon) in your mouth first thing in the morning for about 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. It is supposed to rid your body of toxins by pulling the toxins out of your mouth via the gums. How fascinating is that? Oil pulling originated in India many, many years ago as a medicinal practice. It is especially good for oral health- promotes healthy gums, rids the mouth of bacteria, and also happens to whiten teeth! Not a bad bonus.A few things to note--*Very important NOT to swallow. You want to get the toxins out, not swallow them back in!*Doing it first thing in the AM before drinking or eating anything is key, because bacteria builds up in the mouth overnight.*The goal is 20 minutes, but just make it as long as you can. There are some days that I can only last 10 minutes, other days I make it to 20. Something is better than nothing!*When it is time to spit, make sure you spit out in the trash can-- coconut oil will clog up your sink drain and no one wants to mess with that.*After you spit out in the trash can, rinse with warm water (spit out) then follow up with normal brushing- preferably using clean and natural toothpaste.*I did read that you can use sesame oil or olive oil instead of coconut oil, but I have not tried it so I am not sure how those oils compare.*How often to oil pull? Up to you! I do it about 3 times a week. With anything though, it is better to start slow and not overdue it.Have you ever heard of oil pulling? Would you try it? Let us know in the comments below![show_shopthepost_widget id="2980099"]image via pinterest 

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

Natural Flu Fighting Remedies

You might have seen on Instagram Stories that I have been pretty sick with the flu the past few days, so loading up on natural flu fighting remedies to help me feel better has been such a necessity. [show_shopthepost_widget id="2976285"]


Hey you guys! You might have seen on Instagram Stories that I have been pretty sick with the flu the past few days, so loading up on natural flu fighting remedies to help me feel better has been such a necessity. I know the flu is going around like crazy this year, and our doctor said it's the worst one yet, so I wanted to write this in hopes to help any of you going through it. January and February are key months for picking up germs unfortunately, so I wanted to share my go-to concoctions to boost the immune system and fight-off any bugs that try to get you down + I am going to share recipes I received on Instagram that have been absolute game changers. I can't thank you all enough for your amazing, holistic tips and tricks! Doing all of these things has the flu almost completely out of my system, and it is the morning of Day 3. I am still fully resting, though, and continuing these practices until I am back to one hundred percent.

I also want to state prior to that I am not a doctor; these are simply things that work best for me. The doctor prescribed me with two medications yesterday, and I almost caved because I felt so desperate. I am so happy that I believed in my immune system and stuck to the most effective methods of healing for my body. I have worked so hard to repair my gut health, and after endless research about how destructive antibiotics are to your gut, I avoid them at all costs, especially because 80% of your immune system is in your gut to protect from illness and disease.[show_shopthepost_widget id="2976285"] 


Oil of Oregano Liquid Concentrate

*2-3 drops under the tongue, 4X a day

Elderberry Syrup

*2 tsp every 4 hours


*Take every six hours

Epsom Salt Bath with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 5 drops of Thieves oil

*Take twice a day + drink a lot of water during and after

Vitamin D Drops - with at least 10,000 iu's 

*Take under tongue twice a day


Constantly disinfect handles, phone, and anything you touch with Tea Tree Oil

Clean counters often with Thieves Cleaner

Wash sheets every day or as often as you physically can!

Take showers daily and wash your hands more than you can count

Drink tons of Water!!

Diffuse essential oils 

Use essential oils on bottom of feet - I use Thieves and Lavender endlessly!

Get plenty of sleep! 

P.S. A baked potato is my favorite, easy-on-the-tummy meal when I am sick.


Drink One

*2 drops thieves oil

*2 drops lemon oil

*2 drops peppermint oil

*1 tsp manuka honey (this is basically an antibiotic in itself)

*half of a freshly squeezed lemon

*hot filtered water

Drink Two

*1 tsp apple cider vinegar

*half of a freshly squeezed lemon


*1 tsp manuka honey

*hot filtered water


Echinacea Tea

Throat Coat Tea

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C Packet

*One packet in the morning on an empty stomach

Herbal Resistance Liquid

*Put under tongue twice daily

Erewhon Sore Throat Tonic (they concocted this for me at the Tonic Bar to relive a sore throat)

*Available at Erewhon Market


-Gyostemma Tea

-He Shou Wu

-Coconut Oil

-Licorice Root

-2 Caps Golden Voice

-Vanilla Stevia

Praying that this list helps you during sick-season and beyond! Share this post with friends and family members who also might be interested in natural feel-better solutions. We would love to hear any of your tips and tricks in the comments section, too! Here's to feeling our best and staying healthy. xo

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Two-Step Face Washing Routine


Hey guys, Melissa here! I am so excited to share my simple two-step face washing routine that has truly changed the state of my skin. For years, I struggled with finding a face wash or makeup-remover that worked for my skin. Then when I became more aware of toxins in products, the struggle became even more real! Some of the best products out there still irritated my skin and caused breakouts on my chin.Then two amazing things happened...first, Primally Pure reached out to Lauren and I and we became more knowledgable about their incredible line of clean skincare products. I told their founder, Bethany, and their holistic esthetician, Courtney, about my face wash issue, and they were kind enough to send me their cleansing oil for oily skin. I was of course SO NERVOUS to wash my face using oil, but I trusted their recommendation and thank goodness I did! After the first evening that I used it, I could already tell a difference in my skin the following morning. That being said, after a week, I could REALLY tell a difference. My skin looked brighter, less oily, and blemish-free. It also felt well-nourished and smooth to touch.The second amazing thing that happened was that I discovered Face Halo via this blog. It is a microfiber pad that you simply wet with warm water and gently wipe makeup off your face. You can read more about the facts, here, and the method, here. The pads come in a set of three and can be easily washed in the washing machine. I was amazed by the simplicity of this method and was THRILLED when it worked!I just realized that I totally wrote the two steps backwards, but that is because I discovered the cleansing oil before the Face Halo. That is a peak into how my brain works :) Anyway, to summarize, the first step is to remove makeup with Face Halo and then the second step is to clean with cleansing oil- this article has great directions and details about the cleansing oil method. Also, important to note, I use the oil for oily skin, but they also have cleansing oil for normal skin and for dry skin.I would love to hear from you in the comments about any face washing tips and routines that you swear by. Also, if you try this clean two-step routine, I would love to hear if it works for you as well! Praying that it does. xo Mimage via primally pure // #notsponsored 

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