
Why I Just Love Being Married

Hey guys! As you know, #MarriageMonday is a thing, so I thought I'd celebrate with a little love list of some of the reasons why I just love being married to Jase.


Hey guys! As you know, #MarriageMonday is a thing, so I thought I'd celebrate with a little love list of some of the reasons why I just love being married to Jase. Some may say it is cliche to say how being married to your best friend is literally the best, but it is TRUE! See below as I love on love and love married life! xo

*I love living together. It makes every day extra sweet, and I really enjoy the little routines we create.
*He makes me a better person. He challenges me in the most loving ways and is my biggest cheerleader.
*I love learning more about him every day + it is so special to grow together with time.
*I love learning more about myself through him. Being married reveals more than I thought possible! It is so growing.
*I cherish making decisions together. His perspective on life is one I will forever look up to + his trust in the Lord is so attractive to me!
*I love encouraging each other in our passions. It is such a joy to celebrate the areas where we each flourish and thrive!
*I love watching him live in his skill. He is the most attractive host, in my opinion :) And I love seeing him stretch and challenge himself in so many areas of life.
*I love to see how he loves his friends and family so well. The way he develops and sustains relationships is so natural to him, and it amazes me every day!
*I love encouraging each other in the deepest ways. I feel like we know each other to the core, so it allows us to encourage each other deeply!
*I love date nights, which are sometimes just early movie nights in bed! Nothing gets better than this!
*I love traveling and making memories together.
*I love praying together. It is so vulnerable, brings so much peace, and makes me feel extra connected.
*I love growing together in our faith! This sets the ultimate foundation of our marriage.
*I love getting to know each other’s hearts better by the day!
*I love dreaming together and planning for the future. It is such a gift!
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A Faith-Filled Book To Read This Year

You guys. I am sure you have hear that Lysa Terkeurst has a new book, It's Not Supposed To Be This Way. I am here today though to express the importance of reading this book ASAP! [show_shopthepost_widget id="3432266"]


You guys. I am sure you have heard that Lysa Terkeurst has a new book, It's Not Supposed To Be This Way. I am here today to express the importance of reading this book ASAP! It is one of those life-giving, life-changing reads with gems of words of wisdom that will forever have a place in your heart and minds.[show_shopthepost_widget id="3432266"] Jamie Ivey recently interviewed Lysa on her podcast and Jamie put it perfectly- Lysa's new book is for anyone that has gone through or going through disappointment in life. If you have felt the pain that disappointing situations and circumstances bring, this book will reveal truth and point you to Scripture that will comfort and help heal, even during the midst of the prolonged processing of it all.Lysa is by far one of my favorite authors because of her honesty, vulnerability, and truth-filled pages. I was blown away by and thankful for the amount of Scripture that was included in this book, making it a great book to keep near your Bible and a wonderful resource for when inevitable hard times come your way. Life is a beautiful gift from the Lord, but it is also promised with trials and things sometimes aren't going to be the way they are *supposed* to be in our minds. But, as we all know, God is good, His plans for us are good, His ways are not our ways, and He is working things out. Have faith, take courage, seek Him, trust His ways, wait for His timing...and read this book!A few favorite quotes from Lysa Terkeurst are below to hold you over until you get the chance to read her book:"To trust God is to trust His timing. To trust God is to trust His way. God loves me too much to answer my prayers at any other time than the right time and in any other way than the right way." -page 45"No human is strong enough to withstand seeing too much of God's plan in advance. It must be revealed daily. And we must be led to it and through it slowly. Jesus is the perfect one to show us the way, the truth, and the life."  -page 47"Weak moments don't make weak faith. Weak moments make us even more aware of our need to press in to faith. A faith in God that help us know that what we see isn't all there is. Weak moments are also clues telling us what needs to be addressed right now in this part of the journey. Don't beat yourself up for weak moments. But don't ignore them either." -page 128--With love,Team LSK.

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A Turmeric Latte Recipe We Love


We are so excited to share with you today a turmeric latte recipe we love from our dear friend and wellness guru, Leora Caylor of The Wildery.Here is a little bit about turmeric from Leora: Turmeric (or Curcuma longa) is not new on the scene; it’s been a staple in Indian cuisines for centuries, usually prepared with fats and other spices that work synergistically to enhance flavors. With a long list of scientifically-supported benefits, its recent popularity is well-deserved. Turmeric contains powerful substances called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin. When it comes to turmeric, I regularly include the spice with meals, sprinkling it over my eggs in the morning, or combining it with other spices for added synergy. But one of my favorite ways to enjoy turmeric is to drink it!And here is Leora's Pumpkin Turmeric Spice Latte Recipe:Start by warming up the coconut milk on your stovetop, hot but not boiling. The fat content in the coconut milk helps to enhance the absorption of the turmeric (i.e. bioavailability!). Add in the remainder of the ingredients and blend. Enjoy!1 cup Coconut Milk*1 tbsp Pumpkin Puree*½ tsp Turmeric Spice*½ tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend* or Cinnamon*½ tsp Honey* (optional - for sweetening, but usually not needed)1 scoop Collagen (optional - excellent source of protein)*Organic if possible*Cinnamon for topping--Disclaimer: As with any supplement, run everything by your medical team, keeping your own unique health status and needs in mind.

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

The Year of The Clean Sweep


Hi friends! As always, January is seen by many as a time for a fresh start when it comes to health, fitness, and wellness. This January, I am SO EXCITED because I am launching a wellness subscription program! Enter 2019, the year of The Clean Sweep. It is a 3-month subscription program with 90 days worth of daily content. You will get weekly emails (including the 7 days of reading plans for that week) as I walk you through practical ways to clean sweep your life from the food you eat, to the products you use, to the wellness practices you implement in your daily life.I talked about the program on the blog here (as well as on Instagram!), and you can learn all of the details and purchase it here. Please note, the pre-shop is over, but don't worry! You can still purchase the program and it will be worth every dollar! This program makes me so excited because I will be guiding you along the journey that I have walked myself when it comes to foods, products, and practices.Of course each of our journeys will be different since each body is different, making the wellness journey a personal and uniquely beautiful one! However, my personal experience has equipped me with knowledge, information, and lessons that I cannot wait to share with you all.I also wanted to remind you of this fitness post that I wrote earlier this year. In addition to clean sweeping your life, staying active is so important! Keep moving whenever possible, but at the same time, be sure to rest well in order to recharge and reset for the next day.Hope you join me on this Clean Sweep! Love you all xo.


all items gifted generously by the brands, except for my sunnies! 

jacket (similar) | leggings | sports bra | shoes | sunnies

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

10 LSK Blog Posts To Love From 2018

Who else can't believe 2018 is coming to a close!? We want to say thank you for another wonderful year. 2018 was extra special for us here at LSK...


Hi friends!Who else can't believe 2018 is coming to a close!? We want to say thank you for another wonderful year. 2018 was extra special for us here at LSK, as we really focused on wellness posts which ultimately led to the soon-to-be launch of The LSK Clean Sweep subscription program!  Of course we still had faith-based posts and style inspo along the way here on the blog, a beautiful balance that we love.Below are 10 blog posts to love from LSK in 2018- a little recap of the year! We would also be so happy to hear from you in the comments section regarding what you would like to read more of in 2019.We are wishing you health, happiness, peace, and joy as this year comes to a close and we look forward to the next.

*clean makeup routine

*our true satisfaction

*wellness notes

*celery juice part 1

*celery juice part 2

*morning smoothie

*hair care tips

*all about branch basics

*meet primally pure

*gut health with Dr. Cole

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This Season's Word: Comfort

With Christmas next week, all the cozy, festive vibes that the holiday season brings have been in full force. This season is so special and is such a gift for many reasons, but most importantly it marks the arrival of our forever perfect gift; our savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. 


With Christmas next week, all the cozy, festive, holiday vibes are in full force. This season is so special and is such a gift for many reasons, but most importantly it marks the arrival of our forever, perfect gift; our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.A word that has been on my heart a lot in 2018 has been comfort. As humans, an intrinsic motivation and desire is comfort. I recently heard two sermons on comfort (here and here) that confirmed what I knew to be true, but after these two back to back messages, the truth really took roots in my heart and mind. Comfort comes from one place and one place alone: Jesus. He is the only source of true satisfying comfort.If we seek God, we will find comfort because He is our refuge, strength, helper, and place of safety. (Psalm 46:1-3, Psalm 61:3, Psalm 121:7-8 CSB) However, if we seek comfort first, we will find ourselves being comforted by things other than God. This is the tricky place where comfort can quickly become an idol in our lives without us really even being aware that idolatry is sneaking in. We must remember God is our comforter, not people or things here on earth. God is so good and knows just what we need (Matthew 6:25-27), is our great provider (Deuteronomy 2:7), and has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Fear not, He comforts us perfectly daily, including days of affliction...especially those days! We just have to seek Him and run to Him as our refuge!As we enter in to 2019 shortly, seeking God and not seeking comfort is the direction of my heart. He is our True North, in His wings we find refuge (Psalm 91), and His name is our tower of safety (Proverbs 18:10). Seeking Him and loving Him with all our hearts will bring us comfort that the world can never offer. Amen and thank you, Jesus. Merry Christmas to all! xo.

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General, Wellness General, Wellness

The Clean Sweep Pre-Shop


Hey guys!By now you have probably heard the news about LSK's Clean Sweep, which will be launching in JANUARY!! You can read all of the details here and also pre-shop the program here as well.For a quick summary, the Clean Sweep is my 90-day subscription program that features daily content for how to live a clean lifestyle when it comes to food, products, and practices. It is a guide based on everything I have learned in the past few years as I have personally been on the clean journey myself by eliminating toxins from life, eating as purely as possible, and also practicing self-care routines, all in an effort to feel my best from the inside out, thrive through healthy living, and honor my God-given body.I so hope you consider purchasing the program! Content will be sent straight to your inbox on a daily schedule, so you are just reading a portion a day. This is a journey, not a sprint, and everyone will go at their own pace as they learn and try new things. I look forward to being on the journey with you and sharing with you what I know.With love,Lo.image: Stefanie Johnson (@stefannagram on IG) 

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Sweet Recipes To Savor

You guys have heard me talk about the Sweet Laurel cookbook before on Instagram, so I felt the holidays were the perfect time to dedicate a blog post to this incredible cookbook. [show_shopthepost_widget id="3408192"]


You guys have heard me talk about the Sweet Laurel cookbook before on Instagram, so I felt the holidays were the perfect time to dedicate a blog post to this incredible cookbook. Created by Laurel Gallucci & Claire Thomas, Sweet Laurel is a curated collection of the yummiest desserts and savory breads that are made with whole foods and are also grain-free. Praise hands up for that!From turmeric bread to cinnamon rolls and southern biscuits to lavender cookies, there are so many sweet recipes to savor. The best part is the whole food part...there is such freedom and joy found in baking and enjoying desserts and savory treats that are made with real ingredients and free of grains that would more than likely bother your gut. These recipes are ones that your body, mind, and soul will all enjoy, and for that, we are so grateful.Whether you want to gift the cookbook this Christmas or prepare one of the recipes for a holiday brunch or party, this is the perfect time of year to grab a copy for you and for loved ones! As you probably already saw, this was on my gift guide and you can bet that I'll be gifting it this year! xo


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Beauty, General, Wellness Beauty, General, Wellness

Self-Care Gifts

We love us a good spa night at home! Cue all the bath salts, candles, and relaxing music. Self-care can be anything from such a spa night, or as simple as applying your favorite cream before bed or mask in the morning.


We love us a good spa night at home! Cue all the bath salts, candles, and relaxing music. Self-care can be anything from such a spa night, or as simple as applying your favorite cream before bed or mask in the morning.

Since it is the magical season of gift giving, we are loving the idea of sharing the love for self-care moments with others by gifting self-care gifts.

You can get the full scoop on all wellness gift ideas from our gift guide, but below is a quick peek at treat-yourself items from Primally Pure that make the best gifts...for you and others! xo 

Treat Yourself Gifts from Primally Pure:

*Flower Bath 

*Sea Soak

*Body butter 

*Body Oil

*Beauty Cream 

images: Stefanie Johnson (@stefannagram on IG) 

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