clean living// lo’s healthy holiday popcorn


WITH THE HOLIDAY SEASON fully underway i thought i’d bring back a twist on one of my favorite holiday snacks.

a quick and healthier alternative to holiday popcorn–think sweet like the kettle corn we all know and love, but made with real, wholesome ingredients that won’t leave your stomach in knots afterward. so easy to make, with just four ingredients, and such a treat for the times where we’re all doing a little more indulging than usual. hope you love it as much as i do!



1/2 cup organic popcorn kernels

organic coconut oil

himalayan pink salt

organic coconut sugar


use kernals + coconut oil to prepare popcorn on the stove// here is such a good guide for how to pop popcorn on a stovetop if you’re not familiar

pour popcorn into a large bowl

separately heat up the same amount of coconut oil you used to pop the popcorn and have it ready in a glass pouring dish

pour half of the melted coconut oil overtop the popcorn

then add a big spoonful of coconut sugar evenly overtop the popcorn

sprinkle some himalayan pink salt on top as well

mix with a spoon

repeat, pouring the rest of the melted coconut oil – the amount of coconut sugar and pink salt added is all based on personal preference


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