my sick day routine to knock it out fast
it can feel so hopeless and frustrating when you get sick during the holiday season. i woke up with crazy sinuses and a cough and i wanted to share my daily routine to knock it out fast:
the two main priorities are drinking a lot of clean water and letting your body rest. it can feel extra hard to do this in the hustle and bustle of the season, but it will shorten the duration of whatever you have by so much.
cold-pressed and polyphenol rich olive oil
lemon juice squeezed from organically grown lemons
mineral sea salt
freshly minced organic garlic
🛀 bathe in this or this every day
this spray is so soothing to a scratchy throat and gives a daily dose of vitamins and minerals
this nose spray max with oregano and saline is everything (you can feel the herbs invigorating, clarifying and clearing the congestion)
get the humidifier going to relieve congestion and soothe a dry throat
take this every day to really amp up your immunity
drink lots of herbs: i have loved this tea for years; you can truly feel it moisturizing and coating your throat
this mullein tea is also brilliant to break up mucus, help with coughs and colds, reduce inflammation by coating mucous membranes, help to soothe the body, support the immune system and help with digestive function
have plenty of these tissues around to clear the congestion
and look at my reel to see how to use this to relieve your sinuses; it is sooo relaxing and helpful
it has been so beneficial to sit in the INFRARED SAUNA or a regular sauna to increase the production of your white blood cells, improve blood circulation and cellular regeneration while giving more the cells more energy to work more efficiently. it also gives your body an "‘internal fever” to enhance the virus fighting properties and shorten the duration of your sickness.
i use the biocharger machine with these recipes:
reo support
sinus support
chakra 5 - throat
purify recover22
histamine calm
inflammation support
iv immune strong
oxygenation station
sinus support