nyfw day 5.

what a day, what a day. a strong first presentation: catherine malandrino. i wanted to snatch every look from that collection; the bold yet sophisticated tone rocked my world, and the white pillar gallery setting was all the more pleasing. charmed by the collection, charmed by the crowd. my heart was literally beating a bit faster as i anticipated my next show: calvin klein. this is a whole different caliber, and i must admit it weighed up to its expectations. p.s. there was a hottie front row: kellan lutz, joe jonas, and zac efron. not too shabby.mari and i strolled back to lincoln center, and by strolled i mean, hopped in a cab and recapped the season thus far. we concluded the up and comers as we dissected trends, colors, and fashion industry business (and maybe a few funny stories). happenings during fashion week are borderline insane, in the best of ways. we all dispersed to work and write, talk and write, eat and write, and then we made our way over to grand central station to see the production that was moncler. hmm…i have limited thoughts about this one, except i was so happy to have our almost entire crew together for the first time. i love them all to PIECES.we all scurried on over to lincoln center to catch zang toi, our sweet friend and OUTRAGEOUS designer. sitting with shannon to my left, errol to my right, and mari and elgene in front, we were anything but (not) trouble. the show was probably the most beautiful i have seen yet. truth: i had chills the entire time. common statement from errol: "OH MY STARS." sitting with my favorite hawaiian, blurting out my favorite models as they walked past, taking in the art of the couture quality constructions makes the show super uber-fun. energy was bursting from the seams; inspiration was hay wire. finale=standing O! i have yet to see this reaction (aka, zang is a masterpiece creator), and we are all begging him to join paris haute couture (pretty please!). backstage to hug and congratulate. is there a word stronger than bravo??watch the zang toi finale here: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFhVv5Si9Mo&w=480&h=390]late dinner at pj clark's with patti, shan, and diane. so so good to catch up with life long friends over lobster sandwiches and wine. off to the fun-filled company of mr. ryan cabrera, zac "highschool musical boy" efron, and kellan "twighlight" lutz. such a great night with them, especially when free style raps accompanied our cab rides. i wish girls could have that skill? (nicki minaj is a different story). let the good times roll...


nyfw day 6.


nyfw day 3 and 4.