my dry skin secret.

When the weather shifts to ultra-chilly, my skin gets crazy dry. It even still appears dull even when I use my most intense moisturizer. The worst! Last week, my boxing trainer, who I go to for all health tactics because of his insane knowledge, suggested that I start using grapeseed oil on my face before I go to bed. I went immediately to Whole Foods to make the purchase, and only after two nights of using this miraculous substance, I noticed a massive difference in my complexion. I woke up with bright and plumped skin. The weather shift caused a few break outs too, and those were completely cleared up after two nights.Screen Shot 2013-11-28 at 11.44.17 AMI went to see my esthetician a few days later, and she told me that grapeseed oil truly is one of the best things for your skin. She said it evens out oil production, which will in turn clear up acne. It is a brilliant serum that increases antioxidant capabilities.This natural, pure product will never leave my beauty routine. It's seemingly miraculous, and the cost is super low. Obsessed.Two of my favorites:1. Aura Cacia Harmonizing Grapeseed Skincare Oil available at Whole Foods2. Rhonda Allison Grape Seed Hydrating Serum 


Pumpkin Spice Protein Smoothie.


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