shakeology: healthy, yummy, easy

Okay, let me start this post off by saying: I am not a health nut. I don't spend tons of money on supplements and expensive vitamins and things of that nature. I've definitely tried some of that stuff out but more often than not, found it to not be worth the money. Until I tried out Shakeology.

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Here's 3 reasons why I'm loving Shakeology and think it's a great use of your money:

  1. First and foremost - it's super healthy. Each shake is packed with superfood ingredients. As much as I try to get in superfoods each day (kale, avocado, things of that nature...), it's not always easy if you're in a hurry. Every shakeology shake has protein & fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, probiotics, and so much  more. All of those things your body needs to keep you feeling full, reduce sugar cravings, support your immune system and lots of other good things!
  2. It's delicious. My favorite flavor is chocolate. I'm a HUGE sweets lover, in case you hadn't noticed, and the chocolate shake totally satisfies my sweet tooth! Honestly I would drink it for dessert if I could! If I'm having it for a meal, I'll add half a banana and almond butter to the blender and it is so yummy!
  3. It's easy. As much as I'd love to have time every morning to make scrambled egg whites and turkey bacon with avocado and a whole wheat english muffin with fresh fruit...that's just not realistic most days. After I'm done with a workout I usually shower, get ready and am running out the door. Shakeology is so perfect to just put in the blender and you have your breakfast on the go!

If you're interested in buying shakeology, just go to this website and you'll find everything you need!


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