
In The Kitchen: Where and How to Shop


I love how much time have been able to spend in the kitchen lately! I have mentioned this before, but being able to take extra time planning meals and cooking has become a new routine in this season that I have come to love so much. Eating healthy and knowing what I an consuming has always been a big part of my life, but now more than ever I feel like it’s a passion of mine that has really developed with more time to practice it! On the blog, I have started a new series called In The Kitchen, and over the last few weeks I have talked about adding new purpose to your cooking routine and have given some practical tips on ways to maximize the life of your fresh groceries. This week I thought it would be helpful to talk about where I shop for my groceries and a few tips on how to shop – Things that I think can so often be overlooked in the day to day of a week spent at home or the craziness and potential fear of grocery environments lately. WHERE TO SHOPOne of my very favorite things about this time has been the discovery of our local farm. While Jase and I are so lucky to have one close enough for us to go to, the idea of shopping local and supporting small businesses has been a value instilled in me during this time that I will not leave behind! While many of us may have the first thought that shopping small comes at a greater expense, many things like produce, especially fruit and veggies, can actually be cheaper or often on sale and at a better quality, ultimately lasting you longer than your nearby chain grocer. Shopping small or local is also a great way to cut out on the stress of the grocery store during this time! When you relieve yourself of the many negative emotions that can so often be identified with a stop at the store, this activity can actually become a cherished part of your routine. I know for me, I love showing up to my local spot and taking time to see what fresh picks are available – wandering up and down the rows (while practicing safe distancing, of course) and taking it all in! This care that I have developed in my routine for where I shop and what I buy has caused me to have even greater care and excitement in what I prepare. I cook based on my inspiration from the ingredients purchased. It has been a game-changer for me!Another great place to shop, that isn't so small, can be Whole Foods. While this was often considered not within budget for many families, the new deals and offers that have been extended to Amazon Prime Members (which so many of us are!) makes it practical once again. It’s also a great option for those pantry items that can be more expensive at your local spot. Things like nut butters, canned goods, healthy snacks and treats, or alternative milks are actually similarly priced (or on sale / specially priced) to your opposing chain grocer and oftentimes made with more quality or organic ingredients! Such a win.HOW TO SHOPNow that the stress has been relieved from dreaded trips to the grocery store, the need for a detailed list of things to get in and get out as fast as possible has also gone out the window. While I have my routine items I always get – protein options, potatoes, pastured eggs, leafy greens, and nuts – I also make room in my trip to look at what’s freshly available and think of meals I can create using what’s right in front of me! A great way to start doing this is to shop for more universal items that can be created or added to anything. Items like sweet or regular potatoes can be chopped into quarters for a tray of roasted veggies with broccoli, zucchini, onion, and asparagus – or cut vertically and baked into fries! Proteins like pastured chicken or ground grass-fed beef can be added on top of fresh greens and healthy grains with roasted veggies to make into a warm bowl or served on top of a crisp salad. Your pantry items like noodles, canned foods, or nuts can be cooked or chopped and mixed into any meal to add a different texture or a more filling variety. And fresh herbs and spices can take any meal to the next level!There are just so many options, but the goal when first starting is to shop for a variety of versatile fresh foods that can work together and then let your creativity work as you go throughout your week! A FEW OF MY GROCERY STAPLES 

  • Pastured eggs
  • Organic almond butter
  • Organic raw nuts for making home-made nut milk
  • Organic spring onions
  • Organic coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Raw butter
  • Siete tortillas and chips
  • Siete hot sauce
  • Organic dinosaur kale
  • Organic lettuces
  • Organic red peppers
  • Organic green beans
  • Organic garlic
  • Organic white rice
  • Organic potatoes - purple, red, sweet
  • Organic tomatoes
  • Sauerkraut
  • Organic fresh spices - cilantro, basil, dill, mint, oregano, sage (we grow these in our garden but are a must!)
  • Organic beets

Where are you shopping in this season, and what healthy recipes are you making in your kitchen? I'd love to hear from you! Follow along with my kitchen routine here on the blog or at my Instagram where I often post meals I'm making or grocery items I'm grabbing. xo

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In The Kitchen: Adding New Purpose To Your Cooking Routine


I have always known that I have an affection for healthy food, a fascination for the origin of where organic produce is grown and harvested, and a love for experimenting with new recipes and flavors, but I have come to notice that time and lack of energy from a full schedule eliminated space to explore and grow in these passions. Cooking became more of a chore, gardening was a no-go since we weren't at home long enough to sustain it, and sometimes just picking up dinner from the Erewhon food bar was way easier than thinking about what to whip up. Not to mention, the task of cutting veggies and doing dishes just seemed daunting and anything but enjoyable.It's like a new world has opened up during this quarantine time. Cooking has become what I look forward to every day, our garden is thriving, the local farm we discovered is my happy place to buy organic and biodynamic produce + support a small business, and dishes seem like a breeze. I have been cooking almost every night with the windows open and the Florida Georgia Line radio playing, and Jase sometimes is creating the most beautiful cocktails next to me with freshly squeezed watermelon and orange. I am more intentional about using the produce we have because not many other options like we had before are available, and I have such a strong desire to feed our bodies with nutrition to keep our immune systems strong!I started a Master Class and Alice Waters is inspiring me to plan meals based on the ingredients I get from the farm, and it has brought about this whole new light and intention to cooking and meals! This time is truly bringing new purpose to what used to be a mundane activity. Now I cook out of necessity for health, conserving the produce we have, and it has allowed so much space for creativity. Who knew that I would develop a new excitement for making homemade salsas from the pretty tomatoes or roasted carrots from the cookbook I never had a chance to look through? There are truly so many silver linings in this time of unknowns, sadness, loss, and confusion. Embracing them makes every day a little brighter!How has this time added to your cooking routine?I'm excited to share with you over the next few weeks a few of the things I'm doing in my kitchen right now as a part of my In The Kitchen series – things like how to maximize your produce, what to grab when shopping, growing your own greens, and more.Follow along with me here, or at my Instagram where I often post a meal I'm cooking or kitchen must-have I'm loving. xShop My Look Here: Top, skirt, sunnies

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Recipes Recipes

shakeology: healthy, yummy, easy

Okay, let me start this post off by saying: I am not a health nut. I don't spend tons of money on supplements and expensive vitamins and things of that nature. I've definitely tried some of that stuff out but more often than not, found it to not be worth the money. Until I tried out Shakeology.

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Here's 3 reasons why I'm loving Shakeology and think it's a great use of your money:

  1. First and foremost - it's super healthy. Each shake is packed with superfood ingredients. As much as I try to get in superfoods each day (kale, avocado, things of that nature...), it's not always easy if you're in a hurry. Every shakeology shake has protein & fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, probiotics, and so much  more. All of those things your body needs to keep you feeling full, reduce sugar cravings, support your immune system and lots of other good things!
  2. It's delicious. My favorite flavor is chocolate. I'm a HUGE sweets lover, in case you hadn't noticed, and the chocolate shake totally satisfies my sweet tooth! Honestly I would drink it for dessert if I could! If I'm having it for a meal, I'll add half a banana and almond butter to the blender and it is so yummy!
  3. It's easy. As much as I'd love to have time every morning to make scrambled egg whites and turkey bacon with avocado and a whole wheat english muffin with fresh fruit...that's just not realistic most days. After I'm done with a workout I usually shower, get ready and am running out the door. Shakeology is so perfect to just put in the blender and you have your breakfast on the go!

If you're interested in buying shakeology, just go to this website and you'll find everything you need!

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Recipes Recipes

chocolate almond butter cups.

I heart chocolate, and almond butter is a pantry staple of mine. I also aim to eliminate dairy and gluten as much as possible in my diet. All this to say, I am kidnapping this recipe from this new blog I came to adore today. I can hardly wait to make these yummy gluten free, dairy free treats!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.59 PMChocolate Almond Butter Cupsmakes 4 large cups (probably 8 or so servings)Base:1 cup dates1/2 cup oats1/4 cup water2 teaspoons cinnamon1 and 1/2 teaspoon vanillaBlend together all ingredients. Shape into cup base either just by using your hands or by pressing into parchment paper lined muffin pan. Place in refrigerator to stiffen.Chocolate topping:1 cup dates1/4 cup maple syrup2 tablespoon cacao1 tablespoon coconut oilMix together all ingredients until fluffy and smooth sauce is formed.Center:1/2 – 3/4 cup almond butterRemove bases from refrigerator and fill half way full with almond butter. Top with chocolate sauce. You can add hemp seeds, chia seeds, or any other seeds to top them off if you’d like as well. Serve, enjoy!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.00 PM

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Recipes Recipes

Pumpkin Spice Protein Smoothie.

Fall weather is here! Along with the cooler weather comes the delicious fall produce. When trying to choose healthier options, it's important to consider what is in season. By choosing and purchasing foods in season, you will not only save money… you will get fresh and nutrient dense food.  Foods lose flavor when they have to be shipped from another part of the world, just as they lose moisture when they are held. Fresh, locally harvested foods have their full, whole flavors intact, which they release to us when we eat them. By purchasing local produce (aka Farmers’ Market) instead of conventional (aka Grocery Store), you can get the benefits of flavor, nutrition and often chemical-free produce. Many farmers grow their produce as if it was organic but can’t afford to officially label it organic. Buying conventional foods means you are eating something produced with varying levels of chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. This could include insecticides to reduce pests and disease, chemical herbicides to manage weeds, and possibly antibiotics, growth hormones and/or medications to animals (when looking at eggs, meat, etc) in an effort to prevent disease and spur quicker growth. Plus, who knows where it was actually grown? Or how long it’s been sitting in a delivery truck? Don’t get me wrong – consuming produce in any fashion is a great choice! Perhaps it’s time to think outside the box, though. Where is your food actually coming from? Many grocery stores have a section for locally grown produce or you can always head to your local farmers' market.You can download the app – Eat Local – for free on your phone. It gives you the local farmers’ market info, produce that’s in season and how to pick out/prepare that vegetable or fruit.What’s in season right now, you ask? Pumpkin! And any winter squash for that matter… acorn, spaghetti, and butternut. The options are endless.Screen Shot 2013-11-07 at 7.15.08 PMHere’s a lower sugar, higher protein smoothie inspired by the famous pumpkin spice latte:Pumpkin Spice Protein Smoothie1 cup almond milk½ can (~3/4 cup) pumpkin (winter squash – find in canned vegetable aisle or seasonal section)1 banana½ teaspoon vanilla extract½ cup non-fat Greek yogurt (try vanilla)Spices: nutmeg, cinnamon, ground cloves to taste (try ¼-½ tsp of each)Optional: Add whey protein & almond butter to make it a substantial post-workout meal Nutrition Facts

  • 300 calories, 4g fat, 53g carbohydrates, 15g protein
    • Use as a pre-workout meal or small breakfast
    • Pre-workout snacks should be low in fat to prevent GI issues during exercise


  • Instead of yogurt, add 1 scoop whey protein, 1 more banana & 1 tbsp almond butter: 500 calories, 13g fat, 74g carbohydrates, 29g protein
    • Use as a post-workout meal and/or breakfast substitute
    • The ratio of carbohydrates to protein is perfect for post-workout recovery

 Enjoy your pumpkin spice without the added sugars or artificial flavors! If you enjoyed this post, please visit me at www.thefueledathlete.com. I just re-launched my blog this week and would love for you to join me! Christina Strudwick, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is a Sports Dietitian with a passion for helping others reach their goals. She’s a native Texan but currently working with Special Forces soldiers in North Carolina.

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Recipes Recipes

YumUniverse Recipe Video: Almond Crunch Kale Chips


Kale. Let's talk about kale. It's one of the most nutritious and easily digested greens out there, yet it is one of the most untouched. Don't be scared of it, but rather embrace it. It's not just for health nuts. Fabulous recipes using this leafy green are scattered galore, and Heather Crosby from the wonderful YumUniverse, has come to share one of the best and easiest ways to eat it. Incorporate this delicious veggie into your snacking regime with these oh-so-yummy Almond Crunch Kale Chips.

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Fitness Fitness

2 Fun, Easy Reads that Have Changed My View of Eating and Beauty!

Information overload is a common theme for our everyday intake, so how do we know what to trust and what to trash? I have been on a major search for a book that would explain the art of eating well, with raw information about how our body processes foods, that would teach me how to maximize nutrient absorption and produce natural energy. I have researched so many approaches, but nothing seemed to actually guide me, and better yet, work.I have to share with you these two literary gems that I just can't get enough of, and they are actually (and radically) changing the way my stomach feels! In fact, they have been my current partners in crime on trips to my local Whole Foods.Gem #1: The Inside Tract by Gerard E. Mullin, MD, and Kathie Madonna Swift, MS, RD, LDN.Why I recommend it: This personalizes your digestive healing. It requires a short test at the beginning of the book and leads you through a detailed track to your stomach's restoration. Confession: I am addicted to the breakfast smoothie.Gem #2: The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly SnyderWhy I recommend it: I trust the beauty experts that have been through the battle. Kim used to struggle with breakouts, stubborn belly fat, and coarse hair until she traveled the world and discovered ancient beauty secrets. She resolved that food is the ultimate beauty product, and I couldn't agree more. Plus, it is just super fun to read, and she administers different levels of diet changes, providing great new recipes along the way!

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