DNA Life Bars

I love when you find a hidden treasure out of the blue. I discovered DNA Life Bars from a 3-second snapchat (this is when I become thankful for social media!). My favorite pick out of the bunch is the Chocolate with Roasted Quinoa. It is the bar I have been searching for for years: no refined sugar + full of chocolate pure enough for a cleanse while providing a substantial amount of protein. These bars are my go-to breakfast, snack, after work out bite + perfect sweet tooth filler in the evening. I have to limit my daily intake, but I guess it's okay if I have too many. #soyummy #guyslovethem #healthybuttastesgood #pureingredients #glutenfree #dairyfree

Scroll down to read this entirely inspiring story of owner Brian Layne discussing how this business began, why the bars are top-notch in the health department, and why they differ from current snacks on the market.Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 2.50.35 PM

1) What led you to create DNA Life Bars?

In 2010 My wife Elizabeth was diagnosed with MS.  It completely took us by surprise, she had been healthy and active her whole life.  After much research she decided to heal herself holistically with diet, supplements and exercise, and not take prescribed medications.  After 6 months of a very strict routine that has become her life style,  I was blown away by the dramatic difference in the quality of her life.  One thing we could not find was a yummy protein bar she could eat on the go or after a workout.  I decided to make them for her only at first.  She liked them so much, and then friends and family started eating them and were asking for more...this is when I realized we had something special.   With her encouragement, I decided to start a business making the bars for the public.  It has been two years and a wild ride so far.  I have always been into exercise and nutrition, but seeing her stay strong and healthy inspired me to jump in and create a protein bar that was nutritionally AND delicious for people who appreciate the importance of gut health!

2) How does it feel to know that something you started to help your wife is now being enjoyed by so many people? How did people start finding out about the bars?

It is really awesome to have people enjoy something you have created.  Every time someone buys our bars online or sends us a comment I feel truly blessed to be doing this.  We started like a lot of artisan food makers do- at the farmers markets.  After about 6 months, we had a couple of local health food stores approach us and we decided to take the plunge to go retail.   Since then we have moved more into a online direct to consumer company because the cost of making the bars is still  a little high for distribution through retail.

3) How did you decide on the ingredients to use?

I really just looked at my wife  Seeing Elizabeth's food restrictions helped me start seeing what I could put together that would provide her a good source of energy, protein and be primarily non-inflammatory ingredients.  The problem with most nutrition bars on the market are they are high in sugar.  And even if it is derived from fruit sugar is a major inflammatory ingredient.

4) What are the health benefits of this bar?

A lot of what makes DNA Life Bars so good is what they do not have in them..  No Gluten, no dairy, no soy, no corn, all non GMO ingredients and of course no refined sugars.  The combination of these  ingredients are great because it provides a lot of healthy fats from organic coconut and almonds.  Fats play a critical role in many functions in out bodies and can be used as a fuel for both exercise and food for the brain.  Americans tend to be scared of fats but the reality of it is that healthy fats do not cause the weight gain and chronic health issues.  Refined sugar is really what people should be avoiding.

5) Is this a full time job for you or a side project?

This is definitely a full time endeavor for me.  Between making the bars, marketing and running the business this is all there is time for.  We are hoping to find a trusted co-packer (a company that makes the bars) this year and have them take over production for us.  We will not do that until we find a team that takes creating the DNA Life Bars as seriously as we do.

6) Tell us how we can incorporate these into our lives.

Really everyone is different. What I hear a lot of people doing in the endurance sports world (runners, cyclists, triathletes, etc.) who use our products is they will eat a bar 30 minutes before an event and then half of one in the middle.  Other people enjoy  them after they hit the gym, yoga or Pilates.  The combination of protein and complex carbs from organic sweet potatoes and pumpkin really help refuel the body.  And of course on a day to day bases they are a great snack for anyone who wants to avoid sugar and wants a healthy dose of protein.  Moms like them for kids and my wife likes them as a substitute for dessert.


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