
A Wellness Story: Stop Eating Gluten & Pray


Hey LSK readers!Melissa, here- Lauren's friend and blog contributor! When Lo asked me to share this story with ya'll on the blog, I was so excited and thankful for the opportunity. As you know, health and wellness are at the heart of LSK! My wellness journey and migration toward mostly clean living started several years ago, but I have learned SO much through Lo in the past couple of years, especially through the creation of her Clean Sweep Program. It's SUCH an incredible resource for everyone who is on their own wellness journey. Speaking of wellness journeys, my health took a major turn south this past March. When symptoms set in and I started to feel very unlike my normal self, I was shocked and a little scared since I have always felt "good" and am pretty healthy.Without boring you with too many details, I basically all of a sudden felt awful. With what I now can clearly see as the perfect storm of bad allergy season in Maryland, high stress, delayed response to emotional trauma, not fueling my body with the proper nutrients, not resting enough + a very busy schedule, I was left feeling completely depleted and pretty convinced that I was going to receive a diagnosis of some kind. When it came to symptoms, here is the summary: one morning and almost all at once, I experienced extreme fatigue, daily headaches, major moodiness and emotional rollercoasters, bouts of depression and anxiety, an extremely irregular menstrual cycle (when I am ALWAYS a 28 day cycle), constant digestive struggles, incredibly bad brain fog, muscle weakness, some tingling in my feet and hands, body aches, sinus problems, dizziness, and probably a few more things that I have mentally blocked out. These symptoms came in waves of intensity, on and off, but occurred on most days over the course of four months, leaving me in a pretty consistent feeling of being unwell.After MANY frustrating doctor's appointments including an anti-anxiety prescription that I never filled, a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy that appeared fine, a negative celiac test, and a negative lyme disease test, I felt answerless and frustrated. Then came a life changing statement from a very well-respected doctor here in Maryland that my brother had recently become connected with through work. He told the doctor all my symptoms and his advice? Stop eating gluten and pray. Despite testing negative for celiacs, he still thought eliminating gluten could help me. It's worth noting, too, that he referred me to an amazing endocrinologist to rule out autoimmune and thyroid issues as well. Again, everything came back fine. Blood tests did show though that I was on the low end of some important nutrients, including iron.On July 4th, I stopped eating gluten and stepped up my prayer game when it came to my health, telling the Lord that I surrendered to not feeling good right now and trusted that this season of feeling so bad was temporary. I spoke my trust that He would lead me to green pastures of feeling healthy again. I spoke it and prayed it until I really believed it. A week after cutting out gluten, the thought came to me that I needed to supplement my diet since I had cut out some foods. Side note: months ago when I first told my wise and loving older brother, Doug, that I didn't feel well, he semi-sarcastically (but mostly seriously) told me to go eat a steak. I laughed because I didn't eat red meat and hadn't for years. He told me the same thing again (and again!) and finally one day I listened. I walked over to Whole Foods, bought a grass-fed tenderloin and cooked it in my cast iron skillet in ghee. And it made me feel good. My stomach didn't even flinch after close to 10 years of not eating red meat. In fact, I felt like my body was literally soaking it up. Note: it was grass-fed, high quality, and well-sourced meat, of course, but at that moment I started to regularly incorporate red meat in my diet.Also, I started to really pay attention to my protein intake in general from red meat, to chicken, to fish, to plant protein powder, and more. I apparently missed the protein train along the way and am pretty positive that for years, on most days, I was not getting enough protein to fuel my busy days. How insane is that!? Essentially, I was felt like I was running on E and I pretty much was. Now, I consciously make sure I am getting adequate amounts of protein (from quality sources) at every meal. Important to note, this remedy might not be for everyone and I am not a doctor! What works for me might not work for you, but there is power in sharing our stories of healing and figuring out our own personal health stuff. Every situation is different and every body is different, but hearing stories of healing is inspiring and empowering.To summarize: removing gluten and increasing protein has made a world of difference in my life. All of the symptoms I listed earlier have literally disappeared...all of them, including my irregular menstrual cycle (within a month of the diet change) + a lifelong rash I've had on the back of my arms...poof, gone. Even more than all of that good news, I feel better than I ever have before: strong, happy, healthy, sharp, positive, calm, and equipped to take on the challenges of life. The photos in this post are from a trip to Aspen, Colorado that I took in August; once I was feeling like my new, strong, healthy self!Whatever you might be going through health wise, I pray that you find people in your life to help you get good advice. I pray that you give yourself time to figure it out for you. And I hope this story, plus Lauren's Clean Sweep program, encourages you that food is powerful and medicinal. Food is not always the answer of course, but in my case and many cases it is. Explore what foods you are fueling yourself with and see where the journey takes you. It might just surprise you and lead you to feeling better than ever before.Thanks for reading :) xo, Melissa.

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Beauty, Fashion Beauty, Fashion

A Dry Shampoo For Every Hair Color: Stranded


I hope you all had the most special and reflective New Year. I always love a fresh start and can't wait for what 2017 holds. I must preface: the last two weeks of 2016 were extra special because we launched our dry shampoo powder, Stranded, as well as The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation, and both are so near and dear to my heart.2016_12_13_lolomag8-178-editLet's talk Stranded! I am so thrilled to introduce you to the loose powder, dry shampoo suitable for blondes, brunettes and red heads (yippee!!). It all started four years ago in our apartment with my bestie, Anna Beth, brainstorming on how we could create a legit dry shampoo without using baby powder or harmful aerosols! After SO much learning, praying, and trial and errors, it came to life! I am so thankful for how much we have learned through process, and I now have an extra respect for small business owners! Not to mention, we have learned how absolutely perfect the Lord's timing is - we never understood the delays until now because for the tiniest detailed reasons, it could not be a better launch time. 👱🏼‍♀️An extra fun fact: my sister and her husband joined our team almost two years ago! Extra extra fun facts: it is #parabenfree #sulfatefree #glutenfree AND #vegan 🙌🏻🍏 + we give a percentage of every sale to The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation! Stay tuned for exciting things ahead. Hint hint: a Dallas launch party will be happening in the Spring!2016_12_13_lolomag8-161-edit 2016_12_13_lolomag8-151-edit 2016_12_13_lolomag8-138-edit 2016_12_13_lolomag8-131-edit 2016_12_13_lolomag8-125-edit

*images: felicia lasala*

THE OUTFIT: denim (c/o) | boots (c/o) | sunnies

turtleneck (similar, similar, similar) | bag (similar, similar)

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DNA Life Bars

I love when you find a hidden treasure out of the blue. I discovered DNA Life Bars from a 3-second snapchat (this is when I become thankful for social media!). My favorite pick out of the bunch is the Chocolate with Roasted Quinoa. It is the bar I have been searching for for years: no refined sugar + full of chocolate pure enough for a cleanse while providing a substantial amount of protein. These bars are my go-to breakfast, snack, after work out bite + perfect sweet tooth filler in the evening. I have to limit my daily intake, but I guess it's okay if I have too many. #soyummy #guyslovethem #healthybuttastesgood #pureingredients #glutenfree #dairyfree

Scroll down to read this entirely inspiring story of owner Brian Layne discussing how this business began, why the bars are top-notch in the health department, and why they differ from current snacks on the market.Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 2.50.35 PM

1) What led you to create DNA Life Bars?

In 2010 My wife Elizabeth was diagnosed with MS.  It completely took us by surprise, she had been healthy and active her whole life.  After much research she decided to heal herself holistically with diet, supplements and exercise, and not take prescribed medications.  After 6 months of a very strict routine that has become her life style,  I was blown away by the dramatic difference in the quality of her life.  One thing we could not find was a yummy protein bar she could eat on the go or after a workout.  I decided to make them for her only at first.  She liked them so much, and then friends and family started eating them and were asking for more...this is when I realized we had something special.   With her encouragement, I decided to start a business making the bars for the public.  It has been two years and a wild ride so far.  I have always been into exercise and nutrition, but seeing her stay strong and healthy inspired me to jump in and create a protein bar that was nutritionally AND delicious for people who appreciate the importance of gut health!

2) How does it feel to know that something you started to help your wife is now being enjoyed by so many people? How did people start finding out about the bars?

It is really awesome to have people enjoy something you have created.  Every time someone buys our bars online or sends us a comment I feel truly blessed to be doing this.  We started like a lot of artisan food makers do- at the farmers markets.  After about 6 months, we had a couple of local health food stores approach us and we decided to take the plunge to go retail.   Since then we have moved more into a online direct to consumer company because the cost of making the bars is still  a little high for distribution through retail.

3) How did you decide on the ingredients to use?

I really just looked at my wife  Seeing Elizabeth's food restrictions helped me start seeing what I could put together that would provide her a good source of energy, protein and be primarily non-inflammatory ingredients.  The problem with most nutrition bars on the market are they are high in sugar.  And even if it is derived from fruit sugar is a major inflammatory ingredient.

4) What are the health benefits of this bar?

A lot of what makes DNA Life Bars so good is what they do not have in them..  No Gluten, no dairy, no soy, no corn, all non GMO ingredients and of course no refined sugars.  The combination of these  ingredients are great because it provides a lot of healthy fats from organic coconut and almonds.  Fats play a critical role in many functions in out bodies and can be used as a fuel for both exercise and food for the brain.  Americans tend to be scared of fats but the reality of it is that healthy fats do not cause the weight gain and chronic health issues.  Refined sugar is really what people should be avoiding.

5) Is this a full time job for you or a side project?

This is definitely a full time endeavor for me.  Between making the bars, marketing and running the business this is all there is time for.  We are hoping to find a trusted co-packer (a company that makes the bars) this year and have them take over production for us.  We will not do that until we find a team that takes creating the DNA Life Bars as seriously as we do.

6) Tell us how we can incorporate these into our lives.

Really everyone is different. What I hear a lot of people doing in the endurance sports world (runners, cyclists, triathletes, etc.) who use our products is they will eat a bar 30 minutes before an event and then half of one in the middle.  Other people enjoy  them after they hit the gym, yoga or Pilates.  The combination of protein and complex carbs from organic sweet potatoes and pumpkin really help refuel the body.  And of course on a day to day bases they are a great snack for anyone who wants to avoid sugar and wants a healthy dose of protein.  Moms like them for kids and my wife likes them as a substitute for dessert.

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Recipes Recipes

chocolate almond butter cups.

I heart chocolate, and almond butter is a pantry staple of mine. I also aim to eliminate dairy and gluten as much as possible in my diet. All this to say, I am kidnapping this recipe from this new blog I came to adore today. I can hardly wait to make these yummy gluten free, dairy free treats!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.59 PMChocolate Almond Butter Cupsmakes 4 large cups (probably 8 or so servings)Base:1 cup dates1/2 cup oats1/4 cup water2 teaspoons cinnamon1 and 1/2 teaspoon vanillaBlend together all ingredients. Shape into cup base either just by using your hands or by pressing into parchment paper lined muffin pan. Place in refrigerator to stiffen.Chocolate topping:1 cup dates1/4 cup maple syrup2 tablespoon cacao1 tablespoon coconut oilMix together all ingredients until fluffy and smooth sauce is formed.Center:1/2 – 3/4 cup almond butterRemove bases from refrigerator and fill half way full with almond butter. Top with chocolate sauce. You can add hemp seeds, chia seeds, or any other seeds to top them off if you’d like as well. Serve, enjoy!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.00 PM

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Recipes, The Table Recipes, The Table

Join Us for a Gluten Free Week: Recipes Inside! #loloGFweek


Hey hey! The girls at LOLO are starting a week of gluten free eating! Who is with us? Good news: you're not alone in this escapade! Keep up with the progress of your fellow participants, and pour out all of your gluten free thoughts and experiences with this hashtag on Twitter: #loloGFweek. Warning: you might get hooked on this lifestyle, and our recipes are so darn good, you may just dare to go another week. Don't worry, gluten free doesn't mean boring-- you'll still be eating waffles and lasagna. Let the party begin (aka a whole new, skin-glowing, great feeling, healthier you!). P.S. We are not just doing this because it's trendy. 

The Dish on Gluten

What is gluten anyways? To put it simply, it is the sticky protein substance in wheat. Why should we avoid it? Our guts are simply not adapted to digest gluten and break it down into individual amino acids.Did you know that one in every seven people has gluten sensitivity? In fact, most people go their entire lives with knowing this to be the culprit of consistent symptoms: abdominal distention, anemia, depression, anxiety, bloating, migraines, low energy and fatigue, stubborn weight, and even infertility to name a few. Sometimes even medical testing does not reveal this to be the issue. That's why it is important to test by elimination.If you feel completely different after a week of a gluten free diet (like I did), then you can be sure you have an intolerance to this substance. Continuing to eat this when you have a sensitivity can cause an array of health problems, so make sure you act with that in mind.Before you college students try to back out now, check out this totally sweet guide on how to be Gluten Free when you are living in a dorm! Before you get discouraged, this change in lifestyle can be super fun! I have discovered so many amazing recipes from breakfasts to desserts, and I have found some of my favorite meals at restaurants after adopting this way of life. In fact, many restaurants offer gluten free dishes and menus (even PF Changs!). I encourage you to try a gluten free diet for a week with us LOLO editors and readers! We have made it easy for you with these daily meal plans. P.S. Gluten free does not be expensive. Many people save money because they cut out all the fluff--the unnecessary snacks and the wasted bulk amounts of processed foods for instance. Plus, when you are eating to nourish your body, your body will desire less grub. Warning: you may feel worse before you feel better, but I guarantee that if you can stick with this for 2 weeks, your cravings will disappear, and gluten-filled food will actually taste undesirable. Scroll on for a week of prepared gluten-free recipes!! 

Snacks for the Week

AlmondsFruits and VeggiesPumpkin Cinnamon ApplesauceCoconut Dark Chocolate Banana BreadGranola Bars

Desserts (strategically placed before the real meals, duh.)

Chocolate MoussePumpkin Pie with Gluten Free CrustBanana Coconut Chocolate Chip CookiesFlourless Chocolate Cake


Breakfast: Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes Lunch: Turkey Club Sandwich Dinner: Chipotle Lime Salmon with your favorite veggie


Breakfast: Sunbutter and Banana Muffins Lunch: Asparagus Basil Salad Dinner: Seared Chicken with Garden Kale and Tomatoes


Breakfast: Healthy and Hearty Quinoa Waffles Lunch: Quinoa Salad with Lime + Fresh Mint Dinner: Wild Garlic Burgers with Garlic Pesto


Breakfast: Baked Eggs with Sweet Potatoes and Spinach (or whatever you want to throw in there!) Lunch: Baby Zucchini and Shrimp Salad Dinner: Beef Stew


Breakfast: Homemade Porridge (buy gluten free oats!) Lunch: Brussel Sprouts with Soft Boiled Egg Dinner: Delicious Lasagna


Breakfast: Confetti Pancakes (I love rainbow sprinkles a tad too much.) Lunch: Green Bean Salad Dinner: Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas


Breakfast: Wintertime Crepes Lunch: Raw Kale, Apple, and Avocado Salad Dinner: Greek SlidersWe want to hear from you. Share your gluten free thoughts, experiences, and favorite recipes with us in the comments section or on Twitter by using this hashtag: #loloGFweek!!! Want more? See more of our favorite LOLO gluten free recipes like GF pizza and delicious cinnabun muffins here!

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Fitness Fitness

The Latest on Dairy Freedom + a SWEET Giveaway


After much research and personal evaluation recently, I have come to the decision to eliminate dairy from my diet. My energy levels have been off the charts and I am feeling great, but can I just say I desperately miss cheese and ice cream? Dairy Freedom eGuide to the rescue! You may remember Heather Crosby from the article 5 Recipes from a Fascinating Foodie! Well, for reminders or new readers, she's the rockstar lady behind Yum Universe, and she has concocted the ultimate interactive eGuide proving that going Dairy-Free is not about limitations, but rather it is about new infinite possibilities. But...finding those possibilities require some expert help! Agreed?A Word from Heather“I can’t live without dairy” is one of the biggest statements that I hear from people who aren’t ready for optimal health. Well, the Dairy Freedom eGuide is just the key to proving that statement to be inaccurate to say the least. This eGuide will have you baking, making yogurts, ice creams, firm cheeses, dressings, milks and more—all dairy-free and gluten-free—with a variety of ingredients that will no doubt make the dairy aisle, well, embarrassed about its lack of creativity.Check out the perks!This interactive and sustainable PDF eGuide includes beautiful, step-by-step instruction for how to create:• Non-Dairy Baking Substitutes• Nut & Seed Cheeses/Spreads (score!)• Desserts• Sauces & Condiments• Dairy-Free Milk & YogurtDairy Freedom:• A sustainable PDF guide—read it electronically, or print out selected pages and put them in a customizable YU binder with your favorite recipes and plant-based information• The only guide of its kind to offer solutions for all the dairy voids you may be experiencing• Includes clickable/interactive icons, info and links to help you effortlessly navigate the guide• Full of inspiring photography, tips and adaptation/substitution suggestions• Includes 24 YumUniverse recipesWe are so passionate about this eGuide, and we want to share the love with you awesome readers. So, riddle me this: ENTER TO WIN your very own copy of Dairy Freedom by answering this question in the comments section: "What dairy product do you think you can't live without?" and up your chances by "liking" the YumUniverse FB page and the LOLO FB page.P.S. Just for your own fun goodness, start following YumUniverse on Twitter to keep up with some totally awesome recipes, fitness Friday's, and rad health tips!

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Recipes Recipes

Breakfast Just Got Yummier: Gluten Free Cinnamon-Bun Muffins

I am on a huge cinnamon kick for a reason known: it is so soothing to eat, the smell is delicious, and the health benefits are glorious. Plus, it is one of those spices that welcomes fall with open arms. But, you know what's even better than cinnamon? Cinnamon buns. They bring me back to my childhood, but clearly they are not the most healthy of choices. Or are they? Thanks to Shop.Cook.Make, Cinnamon-buns are now a super nutritious, gluten free option. The coolest part: they come in the form of muffins! (Celebrating encouraged.)For the Muffins:1/2 cup of Coconut Flour1/4 teaspoon of Baking Soda1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder1/4 teaspoon of coarse Salt (I used Fleur de Sel)4 eggs1/3 cup of Yogurt (I used Greek)1/2 cup of Honey (or Agave) For the Cinnamon Topping:3 teaspoons of ground Cinnamon4 tablespoons of honey (or Agave)2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, melted (ghee or coconut butter will work too)1/4 cup of chopped walnuts (optional) Directions1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.2. For the muffins, combine all the dry in ingredients and blend well.3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and use a mixer to blend (get rid of any clumps of flour), or blend well by hand.4. Fill muffin or cupcake liners about 3/4 of the way with batter.5. Drip the cinnamon topping over the top of each muffin. Some of it will sink into the muffin batter. You can use a toothpick to poke the topping into the batter, to get more of the topping to spread into the batter.6. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a cupcake comes out clean.7. Cool and enjoy! Store for a few days at room temperature (covered) or keep in the refrigerator for a week or so.

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Recipes Recipes

Gluten Free Cookie Dough Dip: You'll Never Guess the Ingredients!

With the holidays around the corner, wintery girls' nights on the calendar, and football game get-togethers in need of a sweet snack, I couldn't help but share with you all the cutest and most genius dessert recipe. It will not only quench your craving for something sweet (did I mention this recipe is only sweetened by fruit?), but it will bring you back to the little days when you cleaned off the mixer spoons as your mom was baking!Check out this awesome creation concocted by Chocolate Covered Katie. You will never believe the ingredients!What You'll Need:

  • 1 1/2 cups chickpeas (1 can, drained) (250g)
  • heaping 1/8 tsp salt
  • tiny bit over 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 1 T plus 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup nut butter (You can get away with using only 3 T)
  • 1 and 1/4 cup pitted dates (I used SunMaid, from a regular grocery store)
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips (see link below, for sugar-free option)
  • 2 T oats (You can omit)
  • nondairy milk as needed (depending on the consistency you want. I used a few T.)

In a bowl, cover the dates with 1/2 cup water. Let this sit for at least 8 hours. Then add all ingredients (including the dates’ soaking liquid), except chocolate chips, to a food processor and blend until very smooth. And, that's it. Simple enough, right? Now serve it in a super cutesy dish or tall ice cream mug and top it with a mini spoon. Ta-Da!Photos

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Recipes Recipes

October Recipe Kickoff: Pumpkin Muffins

Can you believe it's already October? I think I say this every October. I don't know about you, but when the cool weather starts breezing in, I crave the winter festivity foods, especially pumpkin, hence this lovable muffin recipe. It's gluten free and grain free. When these warm muffins are fresh from the oven, this little fact seems like a big secret because it doesn't compromise the rich flavors! So fill your house with the warm aroma of fall, and hop on this pumpkin-loving train. These goodies are perfect for breakfast or a yummy mid-day snack. P.S. Bookmark this recipe. Your friends and family are bound to ask for it.

Prep-time: 5 minutesBake-time: 20-25 minutesTools needed: muffin pan, muffin liners, bowl, spatulaWhat you'll need:

  • 1/3 cup amaranth flour
  • 1/3 cup buckwheat whole groats ground into flour
  • 1/3 cup arrowroot
  • 2 tablespoon flax meal
  • 3/4 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • 1/3 cup xylitol (may use any sugar you like)
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin
  • 2 local eggs (may use 2 flax gels or 1/2 cup yogurt)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil (may use any oil or just omit this)

Directions:Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.Place all dry ingredients into a bowl and whisk together.In another bowl, add in your wet ingredients and sugar. Stir together.Add in dry ingredients and mix till combined.Scoop batter into muffin liners and bake for about 20-25 minutes.


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