sole society santa monica.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetYou guys. Here in Cali, the rumor is true: you rarely venture out of your neighborhood because the traffic is bananas. Your "kinda safe" window is from 11am - 2pm, but who knows if that will even be true. So today, I was up for a little change of scenery, took the risk, and adventured out to the beautiful Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica specifically to see the new Sole Society store.[show_shopthepost_widget id="1179647"]I love this company so much because the shoes are amazing quality at an affordable price. Win, win! The store is absolutely adorable, and they make you feel so at home while you shop. I encourage all you Californians to go visit, and anyone outside of the state, put this on your go-to list when you are in town! Scroll down to shop some of my favorite pieces + I will show you what I splurged on.IMG_5591My picks!Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetIMG_5615IMG_5589IMG_5587IMG_5582IMG_5581IMG_5580IMG_5579