10 Questions with Cara + Vanessa of Vetta


10 questions with Cara + Vanessa of VettaWe are so excited to introduce you to Cara Bartlett + Vanessa van Zyl- the brilliant, hardworking, and fashionable women behind the capsule collection, Vetta. Made up of only five items, the Vetta collection is capable of putting together 30 outfits- 30 minimal yet so chic, outfits. Lauren and I fell in love with the brand for it's style, but in reality Vetta is so much more than that. After learning that all of the items are made in the USA using eco-friendly materials in responsible factories, we were forever hooked. Read on to get to know Cara + Vanessa and learn more about the Vetta lifestyle. 1.For our readers that haven't heard of Vetta, can you tell tell them the mission + focus of the brand?Cara: We felt like so many women (like us) were constantly buying clothes and still felt like they had nothing to wear. We were also really passionate about human rights, and felt like many of the ethical fashion brands were not appealing to everyday women because they either had a really specific aesthetic or were too expensive. So we created VETTA, a minimal 5 piece capsule collection that you can wear 30 different ways. It’s made responsibly in the US from eco-friendly fabrics. And we’re selling it at wholesale prices.2. Tell us how you came up with the idea.Vanessa: We wanted to create a responsibly made clothing line that was stylish, affordable, and versatile. With the rise of capsule wardrobes, we loved the idea of creating pieces that could mix and match to create multiple outfits. We also wanted to make each piece convertible, so you can wear them different ways, and provide more value for the customer. For example, you can wear the v neck on the blouse in front or in back, and the long vest can also be worn as a dress.3. Have you always been interested in fashion?Cara: Since I was a young girl, I’ve been sewing my own clothes, so I’ve always had a love for fashion. I thought that it wasn’t a practical career, so I went in another direction for a while, but eventually my heart led me back to it. I just love the idea of helping women find clothing that makes them feel beautiful and allows them to express themselves.Vanessa: Yes, Always!  One of my favorite past times as long as I can remember has been opening up my closet and putting an outfit together.  In high school and college, I didn’t have much money to spend on clothes, so thrift shopping became my thing.  Cara and I use to raid thrift stores for treasures other people threw away.  We would buy shirts and reconstruct them into dresses or blouses, making ourselves unique pieces that always got other people asking what we were wearing.4. We LOVE the collection. What is your favorite piece and why? Vanessa: My favorite piece, yikes, that’s a hard one.  I am going to have to go with the tunic because I love layering!  It can be worn so many different ways, under, over, tied up or down, backwards, forwards.  Its so simple yet modern chic.Cara: Hmmm I think if I had to choose one item it would be the culottes. They are so comfortable and flattering. You just slip them on because they have an elastic waist in the back, and they’re high waisted. Also, I always buy crop tops and then have nothing to wear them with, so these are perfect!!10 questions with Cara + Vanessa of Vetta5. Minimalism is a big topic of conversation in fashion + in home organization. Do you consider yourself a minimalist?Cara: I started doing capsule wardrobes recently. It has forced me to think about how the pieces in my closet worked together as a whole. I have loved the experience, and finally feel like I can finally stop saying “I have nothing to wear.”  I don’t know if I will always strictly follow the capsule wardrobe principle, but what I’ve learned from it will change the way I shop forever. I am definitely more of a minimalist in that area now.Vanessa: Minimalism is something that my husband and I have challenged ourselves in, in every area of our lives.  We live in South Africa where my husband runs an NGO, called Aleph Surf.  We are constantly challenged with the fact that many people live on so little and they are some of the most content and happy people you will ever meet!   When you’re around people that live in simple environments, people that wear and eat the same thing almost daily – you’re confronted with the possibility that they might know something you don’t. We have found that giving is better than receiving, and having less is more. We recycle everything we own and give away what we do not need.6. What does your wardrobe currently look like? 5 items in your closet that are constantly in rotation? Cara: My winter wardrobe consists of a lot of black, white, and grey. It sounds boring, but I love black – and I mix in different textures and prints to keep it interesting. Right now (since it’s still cold on the east coast), my go-tos are a cropped cashmere sweater, a camel coat, high waisted black jeans, a button up denim skirt, and a chunky knit turtleneck sweater.Vanessa: A friend taught me years ago that I should only buy pieces that add 3-5 more outfits to my wardrobe. There are about 20 items in my closet I wear constantly, and each piece can be mixed and matched with the others.  My favorite go-to’s are probably a white scoop neck classic t-shirt, a boho dress, dark skinny jeans, an oversized black sweater, and my army jacket from a thrift store.7. What is your goal for Vetta? Do you have a long-term plan or are you seeing how the journey unfolds?Cara: If this first collection goes well, we’re planning to do a fall capsule collection, which we’re really excited about. We want to become the go-to brand for building a thoughtful and versatile wardrobe.10 questions with Cara + Vanessa of Vetta8. What do you love to do in your free time?Vanessa: I love running and wine tasting with my husband and friends! South Africa is known worldwide for their wines and some of the most breath taking scenery.Cara: If I’m not working, I love hosting dinner parties, drinking wine with my girlfriends, traveling with my husband, and hanging out with my cat Moose.9. How do you find balance between work + personal life? Cara: Right now, we’re working really hard to launch the new brand, so we’re definitely heavy on the work side of things. But we love it! I do always make time for certain important weekly events, like my women’s small group on Tuesday nights, and a date night on the weekend with my husband. I also try to take at least 10 minutes each morning to sit quietly and center myself, before jumping into the craziness of the day.Vanessa: Setting up boundaries and priorities in the beginning of our business has set us up for success.  And my husband and I constantly get away – we love adventures – exploring nature, slowing down, and just being with each other and our Rhodesian ridgeback Nala.10. Do you have a favorite quote or daily reminder? If so, what is it? Cara: I think about this verse often, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good...To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8Vanessa: “There is nothing truly more artistic than to love people.” Vincent Van Gogh10 questions with Cara + Vanessa of Vetta


The Vest Dress


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