Clean Beauty Thoughts


Lauren and I are big believers in using products on our face and skin that are not only effective, but safe, clean, healthy, and minimal. Last week we shared a collage of Lauren’s favorite safe beauty products (read) and today we are sharing two articles from goop that do such a good job explaining the importance clean beauty (read) and discussing 10 products that are clean, safe, and effective (read). These articles are a great first step to going clean in the beauty department. It can be overwhelming (and financially daunting) when you consider swapping out all of your beauty and personal care products, if they aren’t clean. However, the key is to do a little bit at a time. It’s also trial and error, figuring out what works for you. I started the process last spring, and am still always chipping away at it and making edits. It’s an ongoing process, so don’t feel like you have to do it in one big swoop. If you start a product or two at a time (tossing the toxic version and replacing what you need with a clean alternative) you will feel like you are making progress, without being overwhelmed. In addition to clean beauty, we also love natural beauty. When I started the transition last spring over to safe personal care products, I also edited my makeup routine pretty severely. I now wear a lot less makeup and thoroughly enjoy it. Not only does it allow my skin to breathe, but it also celebrates quality products over quantity, and most importantly it lets inner beauty shine. And bonus, it saves a heck of a lot of time in the morning! We would love to hear your thoughts on clean beauty and natural beauty below in the comment section // xo Melissaimage via goop


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