Long Distance Love


I have come to notice that I am often caught up in the excitement of the reason for a life change and forget to stop and ponder the adjustment that lies ahead. To explain: almost three years ago, I packed up a u-haul and moved permanently to the beautiful and bustling city of Los Angeles. After a year and a half of long distance dating, I was over-the-moon about being in the same city as my fiance, and I could not wait to marry my best friend. The wedding planning was in full force, we were looking for a house, I was trying to make my short-term apartment cozy, and the city was so new - where do I get my favorite almond milk latte? Pilates? Yoga? Friends? So much adrenaline and anticipation filled my body, that the thought of leaving the comfort of home did not fully enter my brain. Reality started kicking in slowly but surely, and Jason was the sweetest comfort and helper in making this adjustment do-able!It is so interesting how adjustment truly takes time. After three years, I feel like my family and I are all finally getting into such a good and manageable routine of visiting each other and intentionally carving out quality time together. There is always the effort of keeping life at a healthy balance - we all have jobs and husbands and travel and friends and on and on the list goes. It has taken a lot of learning and missing (aka homesickness), and trial and error to get this rhythm in tact.What has helped the most in this long distance scenario is being aware of what truly fills up my soul: long walks with my mom, bike rides with my dad, long conversations around the kitchen table, my parent's health-filled home cooked meals, sweet time with my twin, holding precious baby Kate, Pilates with my bestie, coffee with my friends. I have to create trips that are not filled with appointments and work events. I have to plan trips where my time is open and my family is first priority. I now leave feeling so renewed and full of life, filled with fresh ambition to return home and continue adjusting to a new state.Another key that has brought so much freedom: accepting life as it is and walking confidentially in the path the Lord has put in front of me (thank you to my dad for this nugget of wisdom and truth!). For so long, I was daydreaming about moving back to Dallas with Jason, and it limited me from flourishing in this new city. Live in freedom. Be grateful. Accept new shifts and seasons, and live fruitfully in the change.Are you going through any big life changes? How are you learning to adjust? We would love to hear from you in the comment sections! xo 


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