
Meet the Artist: Lindsey Meyer


Jason and I have absolutely loved choosing art for our home - it makes your living space so unique and meaningful. It is such a personal choice that brings joy to the soul + it is extra sweet doing it together. It definitely does not happen over night, but it is extra special when you find the perfect pieces for the right places. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lindsey Meyer last year, and she happens to be a fellow Dallas-ite! She has so much purpose in her creativity, is a precious mama to the most beautiful little ones, and is able to balance her talent with being a present mom and wife. I learned so much from Lindsey by reading the answers to the questions we sent her way - scroll down to read about her beautiful perspective on art, family, and life + see the painting in our home!

When do you first remember knowing that you were in love with art and painting?

I have vivid memories of art being my favorite class as a child. My mom painted an artist’s palette and a paintbrush on a smock for me to wear during class. I loved it! The smell of crayons brings back so many early childhood memories.As an adult, I decided to return to school a year after graduating college to study graphic design. I enrolled in a watercolor class the first semester back and it sparked in me a crazy love for painting. I began painting every minute I had time. I knew then that I was on to something.

What is the creative process like for you?

I am not really a process person. I basically get in my studio, pray that the work that is done that day would be pleasing to God and turn up some really great music. I'll flip through some inspiration I had set aside and pick out a color palette that draws me in in that moment.

What inspires you the most?

I would have to say that fashion and interior design inspire me more than anything. I am a clotheshorse! Chic put together outfits spin my mind into ideas for a  painting and Architectual Digest brings me inspirational overload. Getting lost on a Pinterest rabbit trail does my soul good too!

Before painting, I worked as a buyer for a small clothing boutique, an assistant for an interior designer and designed invitations for a card company. Design is in my bones and each of my work experiences have helped me so much as an artist.

What do you love most about abstract art?

I love the freedom of abstract art. For me, it’s all about color and the movement of a piece mixed with the relationships of space. I like to paint my mood and bring in the thoughts and feelings of the day into my art. Looking back at pieces and remembering what was going on in my life is an amazing way of remembrance.

Your paintings are truly beautiful! Do you have a favorite piece or a favorite project that you have done? If so, why is it your favorite?

Thank you so much. I just recently finished a painting that is my new favorite. It was quick and free and just felt really good. Like a sipping a smooth glass of wine, and I had sand and water on my mind!

The colors that you use are gorgeous. How do you go about determining the color scheme for a painting?

That is the ultimate compliment for me, thank you! There is a quote from Keith Crown that says, “Color is a language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege”. I could not agree more. It’s almost like color is God’s love language to me. I have stacks of inspiration all over my studio that I shuffle through. I’ll pick an idea that begins the painting that day and the direction comes and go from there. There in no real plan or premeditation.

What do you love most about painting? What about it brings you so much joy?

Art is so exciting! I love the feeling of standing back after the day and literally seeing my creations. It is simple but completely gratifying. I am so grateful for a job that is flexible and allows me to be a present mom and wife, but also feeds my soul as a creative. 

It has been such a joy and privilege for me to be able to use my gifts to give back to organizations that I am passionate about. After the adoption of our daughter two years ago, the Lord began laying on my heart the desire to help support and be an advocate for other orphans/adoption here and abroad. It  has taught me so much and given my work an immense purpose. #artforadoption

Do you have a favorite place to create your artwork? If so, where is it and why?

We recently built a studio behind our house where I work. I share it with the paraphernalia that comes with having three children! I am so grateful for my own space to just be. It is my first real studio and I love it.

Who are some of your favorite artists? What do you love about their work?

I recently went to the Dieberkorn/Mattise exhibit at the SFMOMA and it blew my mind. I was literally standing in the presence of sheer brilliance. I love Joan Mitchall, Helen Frankenthaler, Ivon Hitchens, Gabriel Goddard, Charlotte Seifert to name a few. Each of these artists use color with ease and genius. The greats were paving a new way in their time. Gabriel Goddard has a way with landscapes that in my opinion, no one can match. Charlotte Seifert is a friend of mine and is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a professional artist. Every new piece of her work takes my breath away.

What piece of advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming an artist?

If I had any advice to give someone who aspires to be an artist I would tell them to be patient, pay your dues and be true to yourself. It takes time to come to the place of knowing which path you want to take. What medium do you feel at home with? What style of composition do you want to make your own? What genre does your art reflect? All of these questions and others will be answered with hard work, failure and time.

What is your advice on choosing art for your home? What is the importance of it?Choose art that makes you happy and evokes an emotion in your soul. Ask yourself the question, “What would I love to walk into a room and see on my walls every day?" I believe that artwork is the crowning glory of your space. Let it be the component that allows your personality to shine!Check out her artwork here, and follow her on Instagram here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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Honesty Honesty

gray malin.


As many of you know, decorating a house from start to finish takes much time and heart, but it is one of the most beautiful projects. Yes, it is a test of patience as it truly is a process, but it is the most rewarding finish! Jason and I were so thrilled to see everything in our home slowly come together, and when the main parts were all in place, it was time for the most enjoyable piece of the puzzle: the art. My first thought, Gray Malin.8Welcome to the Kennedy Compound! Before decorating, we had a few words that we focused our interior inspiration around: neutral, cozy, personal, and beach-inspired + natural light was a must as we were on the house hunt.9We added texture through fun wallpaper and rugs; our personality is exuded through the furniture pieces we picked out together as well as through our wedding snaps; we incorporated pops of color through art and fabrics and fresh flowers (a constant must in the Kennedy household!). I must add that we would have been lost in the process without our lovely and brilliant interior designer, Stephanie Jean, who is now a dear friend. She had the idea of creating a beautiful gallery wall centered around our Gray Malin with coordinating watercolor prints (by Urban Walls) surrounding it. We are obsessed!5If you are like Jason and I, you know that it is so hard to choose a favorite in the overload of beauty on Gray Malin's site.Jason and I have such a love for chill beach environments, and we both felt so drawn to this piece as it reflected just that. The colors in the print were perfect for our design vision as well, which just happened to be a bonus! 8We have this piece hanging in our entry dining room, and it has truly formed the entire layout of the color scheme throughout the house. We love relaxed and pretty environments, which paralleled with wanting to create that in our home. We also love to travel, so this print and his brand truly represent our easygoing, yet jet-setting personalities!10-1-600x8004This is where I get all my work done, and somehow breaking from my emails to gaze  at the sunrise of Prada Marfa's Dawn brings relaxation to a long to-do.P.S. I thought I would share the best news for last. It is Gray's birthday today, and to celebrate, they are are offering his Prada collection at $99 for small prints.Scroll down to see other details of our home!273

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Fashion Fashion

The Art of Julie Michel

I came across an email one day from my fabulous stylist friend introducing me to a concept that was a bit foreign to me, yet it intrigued me quite a bit. He highly suggested that I meet Julie Michel, a So Cal native yet Texas girl that decided to blend two of her talents: art and fashion.  He explained to me that she started a clothing line five years ago where she digitally prints her art onto fabric. I initially thought, "hmmm, this sounds like it could be either really good or a bit frightening," so I jumped over to her website for a sneak peak. I was pleasantly surprised, but it wasn't until I was playing in her in-home studio that I felt utterly amazed. The fabrics are sublime. The silhouettes are on-trend, sexy, and flattering, and side note: her paintings are beyond. She told me to pick a few pieces to try on, and that was a struggle. I wanted to try on the entire rack of designs! They were that good. They were that statement making. Oh and must I mention, they are completely work-worthy. Plus, they flawlessly reflect her love for color, just as her art portfolio does.juliemichelThe plus signs to her work:#1 I heart small businesses because they exude risk, hard work, and the desire to accomplish a dream.#2 Everything is manufactured in Dallas, Texas.#3 She prints natural fabrics with her own art so that you won't find it anywhere else in the world. Wait...one more thing...did I mention that she creates pillows, note cards, and phone cases (just to name a few) straight from her artwork too?? Hi, stocking stuffers or #bestgiftever.

"It is so fun to see my artwork animated by stylish wearers. My styles are simple and clean so the art can speak."

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