
Old Jeans Can Insulate New Homes


Y’all have probably seen that Jase and I recently moved into a new home that we are so excited about. The renovation has been quite a journey (updates + lots of blog posts coming soon!), but the one thing that struck me the most happened this week. #ad

We moved out of our home in February anticipating a month of living in a hotel while our renovation was in progress, so we packed a month’s worth of our clothing to prep for our time away. One month turned to eight, and this week I started tackling the clothes in the garage; doing loads of laundry (pun intended) and processing the need for another purge. My denim is in major influx and to be honest, it astounded me. It’s almost like it took living on a minimal wardrobe to realize how we definitely don’t wear all of what we have.

To get to the crux, I struggled with knowing what to do with my old jeans! Did you know that since authentic denim is made from cotton, a natural fiber, it can be recycled and used to create something new? I became aware of the Denim Stack Challenge by Cotton’s Blue Jeans Go Green™ denim recycling program and was so elated! I had no idea that I could support sustainable living through recycling my denim + I never had any idea that my old denim could create natural cotton fiber insulation to help building efforts around the country.


Want to join me? P.S. by participating, you enter to win a $150 gift card to Madewell.

• First, gather all of your unused denim, snap a pic, and share it on social tagging @DiscoverCotton with the hashtag #DenimStackChallenge.

• Tag your friends and encourage your peers to do the same.

• Drop off your old/worn denim for recycling at one of the many participating Cotton’s Blue Jeans Go Greenprogram brands or retailers, or mail it in for free by downloading a prepaid shipping label from Zappos for Good.

• Any type of denim apparel can be contributed for recycling so long as it’s at least 90% cotton so be sure to check your labels.

Happy recycling! 👖

& thank you, Cotton, for partnering with me!

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