
Fashion Fashion

the bella dahl brunch.


This morning was truly magical. Decor= insane. Location= heart of Venice. People= genuinely precious-hearted. And the reason for the succulent-savvy, blogger-filled sit down was to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the lovely Bella Dahl. Don't you love when you get the opportunity to meet the people behind a company you appreciate or a brand you adore, and it makes you love them even more? This describes my reaction after this beautiful brunch.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 presetIMG_2519 IMG_2501 IMG_2495 IMG_2473I first discovered this brand a few years ago in Anthropologie, and the intense softness and comfort of the fabric completely won me over. I love how these pieces shift perfectly into every occasion ranging from a travel day to a beach excursion to a nice dinner. P.S. here are some reasons to love this label: it's LA based; it's vibe is laid back and effortlessly chic; it embodies a sophisticated coastal feel + they use the finest materials and hand dye and treat each piece. xoxo

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