
Recipes Recipes

chocolate almond butter cups.

I heart chocolate, and almond butter is a pantry staple of mine. I also aim to eliminate dairy and gluten as much as possible in my diet. All this to say, I am kidnapping this recipe from this new blog I came to adore today. I can hardly wait to make these yummy gluten free, dairy free treats!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.59 PMChocolate Almond Butter Cupsmakes 4 large cups (probably 8 or so servings)Base:1 cup dates1/2 cup oats1/4 cup water2 teaspoons cinnamon1 and 1/2 teaspoon vanillaBlend together all ingredients. Shape into cup base either just by using your hands or by pressing into parchment paper lined muffin pan. Place in refrigerator to stiffen.Chocolate topping:1 cup dates1/4 cup maple syrup2 tablespoon cacao1 tablespoon coconut oilMix together all ingredients until fluffy and smooth sauce is formed.Center:1/2 – 3/4 cup almond butterRemove bases from refrigerator and fill half way full with almond butter. Top with chocolate sauce. You can add hemp seeds, chia seeds, or any other seeds to top them off if you’d like as well. Serve, enjoy!Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 7.10.00 PM

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Fitness Fitness

The Latest on Dairy Freedom + a SWEET Giveaway


After much research and personal evaluation recently, I have come to the decision to eliminate dairy from my diet. My energy levels have been off the charts and I am feeling great, but can I just say I desperately miss cheese and ice cream? Dairy Freedom eGuide to the rescue! You may remember Heather Crosby from the article 5 Recipes from a Fascinating Foodie! Well, for reminders or new readers, she's the rockstar lady behind Yum Universe, and she has concocted the ultimate interactive eGuide proving that going Dairy-Free is not about limitations, but rather it is about new infinite possibilities. But...finding those possibilities require some expert help! Agreed?A Word from Heather“I can’t live without dairy” is one of the biggest statements that I hear from people who aren’t ready for optimal health. Well, the Dairy Freedom eGuide is just the key to proving that statement to be inaccurate to say the least. This eGuide will have you baking, making yogurts, ice creams, firm cheeses, dressings, milks and more—all dairy-free and gluten-free—with a variety of ingredients that will no doubt make the dairy aisle, well, embarrassed about its lack of creativity.Check out the perks!This interactive and sustainable PDF eGuide includes beautiful, step-by-step instruction for how to create:• Non-Dairy Baking Substitutes• Nut & Seed Cheeses/Spreads (score!)• Desserts• Sauces & Condiments• Dairy-Free Milk & YogurtDairy Freedom:• A sustainable PDF guide—read it electronically, or print out selected pages and put them in a customizable YU binder with your favorite recipes and plant-based information• The only guide of its kind to offer solutions for all the dairy voids you may be experiencing• Includes clickable/interactive icons, info and links to help you effortlessly navigate the guide• Full of inspiring photography, tips and adaptation/substitution suggestions• Includes 24 YumUniverse recipesWe are so passionate about this eGuide, and we want to share the love with you awesome readers. So, riddle me this: ENTER TO WIN your very own copy of Dairy Freedom by answering this question in the comments section: "What dairy product do you think you can't live without?" and up your chances by "liking" the YumUniverse FB page and the LOLO FB page.P.S. Just for your own fun goodness, start following YumUniverse on Twitter to keep up with some totally awesome recipes, fitness Friday's, and rad health tips!

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